
Defines functions naive_se

Documented in naive_se

#' Naive standard error estimates
#' Function to obtain naive standard error estimates for the parameter
#' estimates of the \code{\link{get_estimates}} function, under the GLM or AFT
#' setting for the analysis of a normally-distributed or censored time-to-event
#' primary outcome.
#' Under the GLM setting for the analysis of a normally-distributed primary
#' outcome Y, naive standard error estimates are obtained for the estimates of the
#' parameters
#' \eqn{\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_2, \alpha_3, \alpha_4, \alpha_{XY}}{\alpha0, \alpha1, \alpha2, \alpha3, \alpha4, \alphaXY}
#' in the models
#' \deqn{Y = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1 \cdot K + \alpha_2 \cdot X + \alpha_3 \cdot L + \epsilon_1, \epsilon_1 \sim N(0,\sigma_1^2)}{Y = \alpha0 + \alpha1*K + \alpha2*X + \alpha3*L + \epsilon1, \epsilon1 ~ N(0,\sigma1^2)}
#' \deqn{Y^* = Y - \overline{Y} - \alpha_1 \cdot (K-\overline{K})}{Y* = Y - mean(Y) - \alpha1*(K-mean(K))}
#' \deqn{Y^* = \alpha_0 + \alpha_{XY} \cdot X + \epsilon_2, \epsilon_2 \sim N(0,\sigma_2^2),}{Y* = \alpha0 + \alphaXY*X + \epsilon2, \epsilon2 ~ N(0,\sigma2^2),}
#' using the \code{\link[stats]{lm}} function, without accounting for the
#' additional variability due to the 2-stage approach.
#' Under the AFT setting for the analysis of a censored time-to-event primary
#' outcome, bootstrap standard error estimates are similarly obtained of the
#' parameter estimates of
#' \eqn{\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_2, \alpha_3, \alpha_4, \alpha_{XY}}{\alpha0, \alpha1, \alpha2, \alpha3, \alpha4, \alphaXY}
#' from the output of the \code{\link[survival]{survreg}} and
#' \code{\link[stats]{lm}} functions.
#' @param setting String with value \code{"GLM"} or \code{"AFT"} indicating
#'                whether standard error estimates are obtained for a
#'                normally-distributed (\code{"GLM"}) or censored time-to-event
#'                (\code{"AFT"}) primary outcome \code{Y}.
#' @param Y Numeric input vector for the primary outcome.
#' @param X Numeric input vector for the exposure variable.
#' @param K Numeric input vector for the intermediate outcome.
#' @param L Numeric input vector for the observed confounding factor.
#' @param C Numeric input vector for the censoring indicator under the AFT setting
#'          (must be coded 0 = censored, 1 = uncensored).
#' @return Returns a vector with the naive standard error estimates of the
#'         parameter estimates.
#' @examples
#' dat <- generate_data(setting = "GLM")
#' naive_se(setting = "GLM", Y = dat$Y, X = dat$X, K = dat$K, L = dat$L)
#' @export

naive_se <- function(setting = "GLM", Y = NULL, X = NULL,
                     K = NULL, L = NULL, C = NULL) {
    if (!requireNamespace("survival", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("Pkg needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
    if (is.null(setting)) {
        stop("setting has to be supplied.")
    if (is.null(Y) | is.null(X) | is.null(K) | is.null(L)) {
        stop("Data of one or more variables are not supplied.")
    if (setting == "AFT" & is.null(C)) {
        stop("C has to be supplied for the AFT setting.")
    n <- length(Y)

    if (setting == "GLM") {
        data_help <- data.frame(Y = Y, X = X, K = K, L = L)
        data_help <- data_help[stats::complete.cases(data_help), ]
        ######### Stage 1 #########
        fit_stage_1 <- stats::lm(data_help$Y ~ data_help$K + data_help$X + data_help$L)

        alpha_1_out <- summary(fit_stage_1)$coefficients[2, 1]
        alpha_0_SE_out <- summary(fit_stage_1)$coefficients[1, 2]
        alpha_1_SE_out <- summary(fit_stage_1)$coefficients[2, 2]
        alpha_2_SE_out <- summary(fit_stage_1)$coefficients[3, 2]
        alpha_3_SE_out <- summary(fit_stage_1)$coefficients[4, 2]

        ######### Stage 2 #########
        Y_tilde <- data_help$Y - mean(data_help$Y) -
                   alpha_1_out * (data_help$K - mean(data_help$K))
        fit_stage_2 <- stats::lm(Y_tilde ~ data_help$X)

        alpha_4_SE_out <- summary(fit_stage_2)$coefficients[1, 2]
        alpha_XY_SE_out <- summary(fit_stage_2)$coefficients[2, 2]
    if (setting == "AFT") {
        data_help <- data.frame(Y = Y, X = X, K = K, L = L, C = C)
        data_help <- data_help[stats::complete.cases(data_help), ]
        ######### Stage 1 #########
        fit_stage_1 <- survival::survreg(survival::Surv(data_help$Y, data_help$C) ~
                                         data_help$K + data_help$X + data_help$L,
                                         dist = "gaussian")

        alpha_1_out <- summary(fit_stage_1)$table[2, 1]
        sigma_1_out <- fit_stage_1$scale
        alpha_0_SE_out <- summary(fit_stage_1)$table[1, 2]
        alpha_1_SE_out <- summary(fit_stage_1)$table[2, 2]
        alpha_2_SE_out <- summary(fit_stage_1)$table[3, 2]
        alpha_3_SE_out <- summary(fit_stage_1)$table[4, 2]

        ######### Stage 2 #########
        mu <- fit_stage_1$linear.predictors
        Y_adj <- data_help$C * data_help$Y + (1 - data_help$C) * (mu + (sigma_1_out *
                 stats::dnorm((data_help$Y - mu)/sigma_1_out, mean = 0, sd = 1)/
                (1 - stats::pnorm((data_help$Y - mu)/sigma_1_out, mean = 0, sd = 1))))
        Y_tilde <- Y_adj - mean(Y_adj) - alpha_1_out * (data_help$K - mean(data_help$K))
        fit_stage_2 <- stats::lm(Y_tilde ~ data_help$X)

        alpha_4_SE_out <- summary(fit_stage_2)$coefficients[1, 2]
        alpha_XY_SE_out <- summary(fit_stage_2)$coefficients[2, 2]
    SE_estimates <- c(alpha_0_SE_out, alpha_1_SE_out, alpha_2_SE_out, alpha_3_SE_out,
                      NA, alpha_4_SE_out, alpha_XY_SE_out, NA)
    names(SE_estimates) <- c("alpha_0", "alpha_1", "alpha_2", "alpha_3", "sigma_1_sq",
                             "alpha_4", "alpha_XY", "sigma_2_sq")

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CIEE documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:39 a.m.