
Defines functions lbsSearchDocuments lbsSearchAuthors

Documented in lbsSearchAuthors lbsSearchDocuments

## This file is part of the CITAN package for R
## Copyright 2011-2015 Marek Gagolewski
## CITAN is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## CITAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
## along with CITAN. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' Finds authors by name.
#' \code{names.like} is a set of search patterns in an SQL \code{LIKE} format,
#' i.e. an underscore \code{_} matches a single character and a percent sign
#' \code{\%} matches any set of characters. The search is case-insensitive.
#' @title Find authors that satisfy given criteria
#' @param conn connection object, see \code{\link{lbsConnect}}.
#' @param names.like character vector of SQL-LIKE patterns to match authors' names.
#' @param group character vector of author group identifiers.
#' @return
#' Integer vector of authors' identifiers which match at least one of given
#' SQL-LIKE patterns.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' conn <- dbBiblioConnect("Bibliometrics.db");
#' ## ...
#' id <- lbsSearchAuthors(conn, c("Smith\%", "Knuth D.E.", "V_n \%"));
#' lbsGetInfoAuthors(conn, id);
#' ## ...}
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{lbsGetInfoAuthors}},
#' \code{\link{lbsSearchDocuments}},
#' \code{\link{lbsGetInfoDocuments}}
lbsSearchAuthors <- function(conn, names.like=NULL, group=NULL)
   .lbsCheckConnection(conn); # will stop on invalid/dead connection

   if (!is.null(names.like) && class(names.like) != "character")
      stop("'names.like' must be a character vector.");

   if (!is.null(group) && class(group) != "character")
      stop("'group' must be a character vector.");

   query <- "SELECT IdAuthor FROM Biblio_Authors WHERE 1";

   if (!is.null(names.like))
      query <- paste(query, " AND (0");
      for (i in 1:length(names.like))
         query <- paste(query, sprintf("(Name LIKE '%s')", sqlEscapeTrim(names.like[i])), sep=" OR ");
      query <- paste(query, ")");

   if (!is.null(group))
      query <- paste(query, " AND (0");
      for (i in 1:length(group))
         query <- paste(query, sprintf("(AuthorGroup='%s')", sqlEscapeTrim(group[i])), sep=" OR ");
      query <- paste(query, ")");

   return(dbGetQuery(conn, query)[,1]);

#' Searches for documents meeting given criteria (e.g. document titles,
#' documents' authors identifiers, number of citations, number of pages, publication years
#' or document types).
#' \code{titles.like} is a set of search patterns in an SQL \code{LIKE} format,
#' i.e. an underscore \code{_} matches a single character and a percent sign
#' \code{\%} matches any set of characters. The search is case-insensitive.
#' The expressions passed as
#' parameters \code{citations.expr}, \code{pages.expr}, \code{year.expr}
#' must be acceptable by SQL WHERE clause in the form
#' \code{WHERE field <expression>}, see Examples below.
#' @title Find documents that satisfy given criteria
#' @param conn connection object, see \code{\link{lbsConnect}}.
#' @param titles.like character vector of SQL-LIKE patterns to match documents' titles or \code{NULL}.
#' @param idAuthors numeric or integer vector with author identifiers (see column \code{IdAuthor} in the table \code{Biblio_Authors}) or \code{NULL}.
#' @param citations.expr expression determining the desired number of citations or \code{NULL}, see Examples below.
#' @param pages.expr expression determining the desired number of pages or \code{NULL}, see Examples below.
#' @param year.expr expression determining the desired publication year or \code{NULL}, see Examples below.
#' @param documentTypes character vector or \code{NULL}; specifies document types to restrict to;
#'    a combination of \code{Article}, \code{Article in Press}, \code{Book}, \code{Conference Paper},
#'    \code{Editorial}, \code{Erratum}, \code{Letter}, \code{Note}, \code{Report}, \code{Review},
#'    \code{Short Survey}. \code{NULL} means no such restriction.
#' @param surveyDescription single character string or \code{NULL}; survey description to restrict to or \code{NULL}.
#' @param alternativeId character vector of documents' AlternativeIds.
#' @export
#' @return
#' Integer vector of documents' identifiers matching given criteria.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' conn <- dbBiblioConnect("Bibliometrics.db");
#' ## ...
#' idd <- lbsSearchDocuments(conn, pages.expr=">= 400",
#'    year.expr="BETWEEN 1970 AND 1972");
#' lbsGetInfoDocuments(conn, idd);
#' ## ...}
#' @seealso \code{\link{lbsGetInfoAuthors}},
#' \code{\link{lbsSearchAuthors}},
#' \code{\link{lbsGetInfoDocuments}}
lbsSearchDocuments <- function(conn, titles.like=NULL, idAuthors=NULL,
   .lbsCheckConnection(conn); # will stop on invalid/dead connection

   surveyDescription  <- .lbs_PrepareRestriction_SurveyDescription(conn, surveyDescription);
   documentTypesShort <- .lbs_PrepareRestriction_DocumentTypes(conn, documentTypes);

   if (!is.null(titles.like) && class(titles.like) != "character")
      stop("'titles.like' must be a character vector.");

   if (!is.null(idAuthors) && class(idAuthors) != "numeric" && class(idAuthors) != "integer")
      stop("'idAuthors' must be a numeric vector.");

   if (!is.null(citations.expr) && (class(citations.expr) != "character" || length(citations.expr)!=1))
      stop("'citations.expr' must be a character string.");

   if (!is.null(pages.expr) && (class(pages.expr) != "character" || length(pages.expr)!=1))
      stop("'pages.expr' must be a character string.");

   if (!is.null(year.expr) && (class(year.expr) != "character" || length(year.expr)!=1))
      stop("'year.expr' must be a character string.");

   if (!is.null(alternativeId) && class(alternativeId) != "character")
      stop("'alternativeId' must be a character vector.");

   if (is.null(titles.like) && is.null(documentTypes) && is.null(idAuthors) && is.null(citations.expr) && is.null(pages.expr) && is.null(year.expr) && is.null(alternativeId))
      stop("at least one of: 'titles.like', 'documentTypes', 'idAuthors', 'citations.expr', 'pages.expr', 'year.expr', 'alternativeId' must not be NULL");

   # Get subQueryWhere
   if (length(documentTypesShort)>0)
      subquery0 <- sprintf("(%s)",
         paste("Type", documentTypesShort, sep="=", collapse=" OR "));
   } else subquery0 <- "1";

   if (!is.null(surveyDescription))
      subquery0 <- paste(c(subquery0, sprintf(" Description='%s'", surveyDescription)), collapse=" AND ");

   if (is.null(titles.like)) {
      subquery1 <- "1";
   } else {
      subquery1 <- "0";
      for (i in 1:length(titles.like))
         subquery1 <- paste(subquery1, sprintf("(Title LIKE '%s')", sqlEscapeTrim(titles.like[i])), sep=" OR ");

   if (is.null(idAuthors)) {
      subquery2 <- "1";
   } else {
      subquery2 <- "0";
      for (i in 1:length(idAuthors))
         subquery2 <- paste(subquery2, sprintf("(IdAuthor=%g)", idAuthors[i]), sep=" OR ");

   if (is.null(citations.expr)) {
      subquery3 <- "1";
   } else {
       # might be dangerous, but the user surely knows what is she doing :-)
      subquery3 <- sprintf("Citations %s", sqlTrim(citations.expr));

   if (is.null(year.expr)) {
      subquery4 <- "1";
   } else {
       # might be dangerous, but the user surely knows what is she doing :-)
      subquery4 <- sprintf("Year %s", sqlTrim(year.expr));

   if (is.null(pages.expr)) {
      subquery5 <- "1";
   } else {
       # might be dangerous, but the user surely knows what is she doing :-)
      subquery5 <- sprintf("Pages %s", sqlTrim(pages.expr));

   if (is.null(alternativeId)) {
      subquery6 <- "1";
   } else {
      subquery6 <- "0";
      for (i in 1:length(alternativeId))
         subquery6 <- paste(subquery6, sprintf("(AlternativeId='%s')", sqlEscapeTrim(alternativeId[i])), sep=" OR ");

   query <- sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT Biblio_Documents.IdDocument
      FROM Biblio_Documents
      JOIN Biblio_AuthorsDocuments ON Biblio_Documents.IdDocument=Biblio_AuthorsDocuments.IdDocument
      JOIN ViewBiblio_DocumentsSurveys ON Biblio_Documents.IdDocument=ViewBiblio_DocumentsSurveys.IdDocument
      WHERE (%s) AND (%s) AND (%s) AND (%s) AND (%s) AND (%s) AND (%s)",
      subquery0, subquery1, subquery2, subquery3, subquery4, subquery5, subquery6);

   return(dbGetQuery(conn, query)[,1]);

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CITAN documentation built on March 22, 2022, 1:06 a.m.