location_factor: Location Factor (Excl.Submarine Cables)

View source: R/location_factor.R

location_factorR Documentation

Location Factor (Excl.Submarine Cables)


This function calculates the location factor for an electric network asset based in the specific location of the asset. See section 6.4 on page 46 in CNAIM (2021). For calculating the location factor for submarine cables please see the function location_factor_sub(). Note the location factor for all other cables are always equal to 1 hence the function will return a location factor of 1 for other cables than submarine cables.


  placement = "Default",
  altitude_m = "Default",
  distance_from_coast_km = "Default",
  corrosion_category_index = "Default",
  asset_type = "6.6/11kV Transformer (GM)",
  sub_division = NULL



String. Specify if the asset is located outdoor or indoor. A setting of "Outdoor" means the asset is located in an outside environment, and a setting of "Indoor" means the asset is located in an indoor environment. A setting of "Default" will result in either an indoor or an outdoor environment setting that depends on the specification of asset_type. See page 110-113, table 26 in CNAIM (2021) for default environments.


Numeric. Specify the altitude location for the asset measured in meters from sea level.altitude_m is used to derive the altitude factor. See page 111, table 23 in CNAIM (2021). A setting of "Default" will set the altitude factor to 1 independent of asset_type.


Numeric. Specify the distance from the coast measured in kilometers. distance_from_coast_km is used to derive the distance from coast factor See page 110, table 22 in CNAIM (2021). A setting of "Default" will set the distance from coast factor to 1 independent of asset_type.


Integer. Specify the corrosion index category, 1-5. corrosion_category_index is used to derive the corrosion category factor. See page 111, table 24 in CNAIM (2021). A setting of "Default" will set the corrosion category factor to 1 independent of asset_type.


String. A sting that refers to the specific asset category. For LV UGB and non-submarine cables a location factor of 1 is assigned. See See page 17, table 1 in CNAIM (2021). Options: asset_type = c("LV Poles", "LV Circuit Breaker", "LV Pillar (ID)", "LV Pillar (OD at Substation)", "LV Pillar (OD not at a Substation)", "LV Board (WM)", "LV UGB", "LV Board (X-type Network) (WM)", "6.6/11kV Poles", "20kV Poles", "6.6/11kV CB (GM) Primary", "6.6/11kV CB (GM) Secondary", "6.6/11kV Switch (GM)", "6.6/11kV RMU", "6.6/11kV X-type RMU", "20kV CB (GM) Primary", "20kV CB (GM) Secondary", "20kV Switch (GM)", "20kV RMU", "6.6/11kV Transformer (GM)", "20kV Transformer (GM)", "33kV Pole", "66kV Pole", "33kV OHL (Tower Line) Conductor", "33kV Tower", "33kV Fittings", "66kV OHL (Tower Line) Conductor", "66kV Tower", "66kV Fittings", "33kV UG Cable (Non Pressurised)", "33kV UG Cable (Oil)", "33kV UG Cable (Gas)", "66kV UG Cable (Non Pressurised)", "66kV UG Cable (Oil)", "66kV UG Cable (Gas)", "33kV CB (Air Insulated Busbars)(ID) (GM)", "33kV CB (Air Insulated Busbars)(OD) (GM)", "33kV CB (Gas Insulated Busbars)(ID) (GM)", "33kV CB (Gas Insulated Busbars)(OD) (GM)", "33kV Switch (GM)", "33kV RMU", "66kV CB (Air Insulated Busbars)(ID) (GM)", "66kV CB (Air Insulated Busbars)(OD) (GM)", "66kV CB (Gas Insulated Busbars)(ID) (GM)", "66kV CB (Gas Insulated Busbars)(OD) (GM)", "33kV Transformer (GM)", "66kV Transformer (GM)", "132kV OHL (Tower Line) Conductor", "132kV Tower", "132kV Fittings", "132kV UG Cable (Non Pressurised)", "132kV UG Cable (Oil)", "132kV UG Cable (Gas)", "132kV CB (Air Insulated Busbars)(ID) (GM)", "132kV CB (Air Insulated Busbars)(OD) (GM)", "132kV CB (Gas Insulated Busbars)(ID) (GM)", "132kV CB (Gas Insulated Busbars)(OD) (GM)", "132kV Transformer (GM)")


String. Refers to material the sub division in the asset category


Numeric. Location factor


DNO Common Network Asset Indices Methodology (CNAIM), Health & Criticality - Version 2.1, 2021: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/sites/default/files/docs/2021/04/dno_common_network_asset_indices_methodology_v2.1_final_01-04-2021.pdf


 # Location factor for a 6.6/11 kV Transformer with default values
location_factor(placement = "Default", altitude_m = "Default",
distance_from_coast_km = "Default",
corrosion_category_index = "Default",
asset_type = "6.6/11kV Transformer (GM)")

CNAIM documentation built on Aug. 31, 2022, 9:13 a.m.