Man pages for CNOGpro
Copy Numbers of Genes in prokaryotes

carsonellaCNV experiment of C. Carsonella ruddy (artificial data)
CNOGproSet up a new CNOGpro experiment
CNOGpro-internalInternal CNOGpro Functions
CNOGpro-packageCNOGpro - Copy Numbers of Genes in Prokaryotes
normalizeGCNormalization of read count data by GC content
plotCNOGproPlots the results of a 'CNOGpro' experiment
printCNOGproPrints the results of a 'CNOGpro' experiment
runBootstrapGene copy numbers with confidence intervals through...
runHMMCopy number variation inference through a Hidden Markov Model
storeStore the results of a 'CNOGpro' copy number experiment
summaryCNOGproSummarize the 'CNOGpro' experiment
CNOGpro documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:57 a.m.