
Defines functions decode.exact decode.chain decode.tree decode.conditional decode.cutset decode.junction decode.sample decode.marginal decode.lbp decode.rbp decode.trbp decode.greedy decode.icm decode.block decode.ilp

Documented in decode.block decode.chain decode.conditional decode.cutset decode.exact decode.greedy decode.icm decode.ilp decode.junction decode.lbp decode.marginal decode.rbp decode.sample decode.trbp decode.tree

#' Decoding method for small graphs
#' Computing the most likely configuration for CRF
#' Exact decoding for small graphs with brute-force search 
#' @param crf The CRF
#' @return This function will return the most likely configuration, which is a vector of length \code{crf$n.nodes}.
#' @examples
#' library(CRF)
#' data(Small)
#' d <- decode.exact(Small$crf)
#' @export 
decode.exact <- function(crf)
	.Call(Decode_Exact, crf)

#' Decoding method for chain-structured graphs
#' Computing the most likely configuration for CRF
#' Exact decoding for chain-structured graphs with the Viterbi algorithm.
#' @param crf The CRF
#' @return This function will return the most likely configuration, which is a vector of length \code{crf$n.nodes}.
#' @examples
#' library(CRF)
#' data(Small)
#' d <- decode.chain(Small$crf)
#' @export 
decode.chain <- function(crf)
	.Call(Decode_Chain, crf)

#' Decoding method for tree- and forest-structured graphs
#' Computing the most likely configuration for CRF
#' Exact decoding for tree- and forest-structured graphs with max-product belief propagation 
#' @param crf The CRF
#' @return This function will return the most likely configuration, which is a vector of length \code{crf$n.nodes}.
#' @examples
#' library(CRF)
#' data(Small)
#' d <- decode.tree(Small$crf)
#' @export 
decode.tree <- function(crf)
	.Call(Decode_Tree, crf)

#' Conditional decoding method
#' Computing the most likely configuration for CRF
#' Conditional decoding (takes another decoding method as input) 
#' @param crf The CRF
#' @param clamped The vector of fixed values for clamped nodes, 0 for unfixed nodes
#' @param decode.method The decoding method to solve clamped CRF
#' @param ... The parameters for \code{decode.method}
#' @return This function will return the most likely configuration, which is a vector of length \code{crf$n.nodes}.
#' @examples
#' library(CRF)
#' data(Small)
#' d <- decode.conditional(Small$crf, c(0,1,0,0), decode.exact)
#' @export 
decode.conditional <- function(crf, clamped, decode.method, ...)
	newcrf <- clamp.crf(crf, clamped)
	decode <- clamped
	decode[newcrf$node.id] <- decode.method(newcrf, ...)

#' Decoding method for graphs with a small cutset
#' Computing the most likely configuration for CRF
#' Exact decoding for graphs with a small cutset using cutset conditioning 
#' @param crf The CRF
#' @param cutset A vector of nodes in the cutset
#' @param engine The underlying engine for cutset decoding, possible values are "default", "none", "exact", "chain", and "tree".
#' @param start An initial configuration, a good start will significantly reduce the seraching time
#' @return This function will return the most likely configuration, which is a vector of length \code{crf$n.nodes}.
#' @examples
#' library(CRF)
#' data(Small)
#' d <- decode.cutset(Small$crf, c(2))
#' @export 
decode.cutset <- function(crf, cutset, engine = "default", start = apply(crf$node.pot, 1, which.max))
	engine.id <- c("default"=-1, "none"=0, "exact"=1, "chain"=2, "tree"=3);
	clamped <- rep(0, crf$n.nodes)
	clamped[cutset] <- 1
	newcrf <- clamp.crf(crf, clamped)
	.Call(Decode_Cutset, newcrf, engine.id[engine], start)

#' Decoding method for low-treewidth graphs
#' Computing the most likely configuration for CRF
#' Exact decoding for low-treewidth graphs using junction trees 
#' @param crf The CRF
#' @return This function will return the most likely configuration, which is a vector of length \code{crf$n.nodes}.
#' @examples
#' library(CRF)
#' data(Small)
#' d <- decode.junction(Small$crf)
#' @export 
decode.junction <- function(crf)
	.Call(Decode_Junction, crf);

#' Decoding method using sampling
#' Computing the most likely configuration for CRF
#' Approximate decoding using sampling (takes a sampling method as input) 
#' @param crf The CRF
#' @param sample.method The sampling method
#' @param ... The parameters for \code{sample.method}
#' @return This function will return the most likely configuration, which is a vector of length \code{crf$n.nodes}.
#' @examples
#' library(CRF)
#' data(Small)
#' d <- decode.sample(Small$crf, sample.exact, 10000)
#' @export 
decode.sample <- function(crf, sample.method, ...)
	.Call(Decode_Sample, crf, sample.method(crf, ...))

#' Decoding method using inference
#' Computing the most likely configuration for CRF
#' Approximate decoding using inference (takes an inference method as input) 
#' @param crf The CRF
#' @param infer.method The inference method
#' @param ... The parameters for \code{infer.method}
#' @return This function will return the most likely configuration, which is a vector of length \code{crf$n.nodes}.
#' @examples
#' library(CRF)
#' data(Small)
#' d <- decode.marginal(Small$crf, infer.exact)
#' @export 
decode.marginal <- function(crf, infer.method, ...)
	apply(infer.method(crf, ...)$node.bel, 1, which.max)

#' Decoding method using loopy belief propagation
#' Computing the most likely configuration for CRF
#' Approximate decoding using max-product loopy belief propagation 
#' @param crf The CRF
#' @param max.iter The maximum allowed iterations of termination criteria
#' @param cutoff The convergence cutoff of termination criteria
#' @param verbose Non-negative integer to control the tracing informtion in algorithm
#' @return This function will return the most likely configuration, which is a vector of length \code{crf$n.nodes}.
#' @examples
#' library(CRF)
#' data(Small)
#' d <- decode.lbp(Small$crf)
#' @export 
decode.lbp <- function(crf, max.iter = 10000, cutoff = 1e-4, verbose = 0)
  .Call(Decode_LBP, crf, max.iter, cutoff, verbose)

#' Decoding method using residual belief propagation
#' Computing the most likely configuration for CRF
#' Approximate decoding using max-product residual belief propagation 
#' @param crf The CRF
#' @param max.iter The maximum allowed iterations of termination criteria
#' @param cutoff The convergence cutoff of termination criteria
#' @param verbose Non-negative integer to control the tracing informtion in algorithm
#' @return This function will return the most likely configuration, which is a vector of length \code{crf$n.nodes}.
#' @examples
#' library(CRF)
#' data(Small)
#' d <- decode.rbp(Small$crf)
#' @export 
decode.rbp <- function(crf, max.iter = 10000, cutoff = 1e-4, verbose = 0)
  .Call(Decode_RBP, crf, max.iter, cutoff, verbose)

#' Decoding method using tree-reweighted belief propagation
#' Computing the most likely configuration for CRF
#' Approximate decoding using max-product tree-reweighted belief propagtion 
#' @param crf The CRF
#' @param max.iter The maximum allowed iterations of termination criteria
#' @param cutoff The convergence cutoff of termination criteria
#' @param verbose Non-negative integer to control the tracing informtion in algorithm
#' @return This function will return the most likely configuration, which is a vector of length \code{crf$n.nodes}.
#' @examples
#' library(CRF)
#' data(Small)
#' d <- decode.trbp(Small$crf)
#' @export 
decode.trbp <- function(crf, max.iter = 10000, cutoff = 1e-4, verbose = 0)
	.Call(Decode_TRBP, crf, max.iter, cutoff, verbose)

#' Decoding method using greedy algorithm
#' Computing the most likely configuration for CRF
#' Approximate decoding with greedy algorithm 
#' @param crf The CRF
#' @param restart Non-negative integer to control how many restart iterations are repeated
#' @param start An initial configuration, a good start will significantly reduce the seraching time
#' @return This function will return the most likely configuration, which is a vector of length \code{crf$n.nodes}.
#' @examples
#' library(CRF)
#' data(Small)
#' d <- decode.greedy(Small$crf)
#' @export 
decode.greedy <- function(crf, restart = 0, start = apply(crf$node.pot, 1, which.max))
	.Call(Decode_Greedy, crf, restart, start)

#' Decoding method using iterated conditional modes algorithm
#' Computing the most likely configuration for CRF
#' Approximate decoding with the iterated conditional modes algorithm 
#' @param crf The CRF
#' @param restart Non-negative integer to control how many restart iterations are repeated
#' @param start An initial configuration, a good start will significantly reduce the seraching time
#' @return This function will return the most likely configuration, which is a vector of length \code{crf$n.nodes}.
#' @examples
#' library(CRF)
#' data(Small)
#' d <- decode.icm(Small$crf)
#' @export 
decode.icm <- function(crf, restart = 0, start = apply(crf$node.pot, 1, which.max))
	.Call(Decode_ICM, crf, restart, start)

#' Decoding method using block iterated conditional modes algorithm
#' Computing the most likely configuration for CRF
#' Approximate decoding with the block iterated conditional modes algorithm 
#' @param crf The CRF
#' @param blocks A list of vectors, each vector containing the nodes in a block
#' @param decode.method The decoding method to solve the clamped CRF
#' @param restart Non-negative integer to control how many restart iterations are repeated
#' @param start An initial configuration, a good start will significantly reduce the seraching time
#' @param ... The parameters for \code{decode.method}
#' @return This function will return the most likely configuration, which is a vector of length \code{crf$n.nodes}.
#' @examples
#' library(CRF)
#' data(Small)
#' d <- decode.block(Small$crf, list(c(1,3), c(2,4)))
#' @export 
decode.block <- function(crf, blocks, decode.method = decode.tree, restart = 0, start = apply(crf$node.pot, 1, which.max), ...)
	y <- integer(crf$n.nodes)
	y[] <- start

	newcrf <- list()
	for (i in 1:length(blocks))
		blocks[[i]] <- sort(blocks[[i]])
		clamped <- y
		clamped[blocks[[i]]] <- 0
		newcrf[[i]] <- clamp.crf(crf, clamped)

	maxPot <- -1
	decode <- y
	restart <- max(0, restart)
	for (iter in 0:restart)
		done = F
			done = T
			for (i in 1:length(blocks))
				clamped <- y
				clamped[blocks[[i]]] <- 0
				newcrf[[i]] <- clamp.reset(newcrf[[i]], clamped)
				temp <- decode.method(newcrf[[i]], ...)
				if (any(temp != y[blocks[[i]]]))
					y[blocks[[i]]] <- temp
					done = F

		pot <- get.potential(crf, y)
		if (pot > maxPot)
			maxPot <- pot
			decode <- y

		if (iter < restart)
			y <- ceiling(stats::runif(crf$n.nodes) * crf$n.states)

#' Decoding method using integer linear programming
#' Computing the most likely configuration for CRF
#' Exact decoding with an integer linear programming formulation and approximate using LP relaxation
#' @param crf The CRF
#' @param lp.rounding Boolean variable to indicate whether LP rounding is need.
#' @return This function will return the most likely configuration, which is a vector of length \code{crf$n.nodes}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(CRF)
#' data(Small)
#' d <- decode.ilp(Small$crf)
#' }
#' @export 
decode.ilp <- function(crf, lp.rounding = FALSE)
  if (!requireNamespace("Rglpk", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"Rglpk\" needed for the function decode.ilp to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)

	vmap.nodes <- matrix(nrow=crf$n.nodes, ncol=2)
	vmap.edges <- matrix(nrow=crf$n.edges, ncol=2)
	n <- 0
	for (i in 1:crf$n.nodes)
		vmap.nodes[i, 1] <- n + 1
		n <- n + crf$n.states[i]
		vmap.nodes[i, 2] <- n
	vnum.nodes <- n
	for (i in 1:crf$n.edges)
		vmap.edges[i, 1] <- n + 1
		n <- n + crf$n.states[crf$edges[i,1]] * crf$n.states[crf$edges[i,2]]
		vmap.edges[i, 2] <- n
	vnum.edges <- n - vnum.nodes
	vnum.total <- n

	obj <- rep(0, vnum.total)
	for (i in 1:crf$n.nodes)
		obj[vmap.nodes[i,1]:vmap.nodes[i,2]] <- -log(crf$node.pot[i,1:crf$n.states[i]])
	for (i in 1:crf$n.edges)
		obj[vmap.edges[i,1]:vmap.edges[i,2]] <- -log(crf$edge.pot[[i]])
	obj[is.infinite(obj)] <- 1000

	cnum.nodes <- crf$n.nodes
	cnum.edges <- sum(crf$n.states[crf$edges])
	cnum.total <- cnum.nodes + cnum.edges
	mat <- matrix(0, nrow=cnum.total, ncol=vnum.total)
	for (i in 1:crf$n.nodes)
		mat[i, vmap.nodes[i,1]:vmap.nodes[i,2]] <- 1
	n <- cnum.nodes
	for (i in 1:crf$n.edges)
		n1 <- crf$edges[i,1]
		n2 <- crf$edges[i,2]
		for (j in 1:crf$n.states[n1])
			n <- n + 1
			mat[n, vmap.nodes[n1,1]-1+j] <- -1
			mat[n, seq.int(vmap.edges[i,1]-1+j, vmap.edges[i,2], by=crf$n.states[n1])] <- 1
		for (j in 1:crf$n.states[n2])
			n <- n + 1
			mat[n, vmap.nodes[n2,1]-1+j] <- -1
			mat[n, (vmap.edges[i,1]+(j-1)*crf$n.states[n1]):(vmap.edges[i,1]-1+j*crf$n.states[n1])] <- 1

	dir <- rep("==", cnum.total)
	rhs <- rep(0, cnum.total)
	rhs[1:cnum.nodes] <- 1

	if (lp.rounding)
		types <- rep("C", vnum.total)
		bounds <- list(upper = list(ind = 1:vnum.total, val = rep(1, vnum.total)))
		types <- rep("B", vnum.total)
		bounds <- NULL

	result <- Rglpk::Rglpk_solve_LP(obj, mat, dir, rhs, types = types, bounds = bounds)

	if (result$status != 0)
		warning("LP solution is not optimal.")

	node.bel <- matrix(0, nrow=crf$n.nodes, ncol=crf$max.state)
	for (i in 1:crf$n.nodes)
		node.bel[i, 1:crf$n.states[i]] <- result$solution[vmap.nodes[i,1]:vmap.nodes[i,2]]
	apply(node.bel, 1, which.max)

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CRF documentation built on Dec. 2, 2019, 1:11 a.m.