
# *------------------------------------------------------------------
# | PROGRAM NAME: help.R
# | DATE: 29/03/2018
# | CREATED BY:  David Granjon
# *----------------------------------------------------------------
# | PURPOSE:  This code provide datas to generate the help section
# |           required by rintrojs
# *-----------------------------------------------------------------
# | UPDATES: 29/03/2018 (last update)
# |
# |
# *------------------------------------------------------------------

help_text <- c(
    "This is the", "<mark><font color=\"#FF0000\"><b>", "navigation bar.",
    "</b></font></mark>", "You can control several options:", "<br>",
    "<li>", icon("info-circle fa-2x"), "is the", "<font color=\"#0000FF\"><b>",
    "about", "</b></font>", "section containing informations
        about the development staff.", "</li>",
    "<li>", icon("search fa-2x"), "is the", "<font color=\"#0000FF\"><b>",
    "glossary", "</b></font>", "section where you will find a definition",
    "of all the abbreviations in this app", "</li>",
    "<li>", icon("youtube-play fa-2x"), "contains",
    "<font color=\"#0000FF\"><b>", "videos", "</b></font>",
    "explaining key concepts related to calcium-phosphate homeostasis.", "</li>",
    "<li>", icon("home fa-2x"), "is the", "<font color=\"#FF0000\"><b>", "main window", "</b></font>",
    "containing the application.", "</li>",
    "</ul>", sep = " "),

    "The network is the", "<mark><font color=\"#FF0000\"><b>", "central part",
    "</b></font></mark>", "of the app.",
    "<li>",img(src = "rintrojs_help/arrow_help.svg", height = "20px", width = "40px"),
    "<font color=\"#0000FF\"><b>","Ca and PO4 fluxes", "</b></font>",
    "<li>",img(src = "rintrojs_help/regulation_help.svg", height = "40px", width = "40px"),
    "<font color=\"#0000FF\"><b>", "Regulatory hormones and ions.", "</b></font>",
    "<li>",img(src = "rintrojs_help/dashed_arrow_help.svg", height = "20px", width = "40px"),
    "<font color=\"#0000FF\"><b>", "Regulatory effects","<br>","(+ promotor, - inhibitor)", "</b></font>",

    "<b>To explore individual regulatory pathways</b>",
    "<li>","Go to Display Options", icon("sliders"),
    "in the", "<mark><font color=\"#FF0000\"><b>", "right sidebar",
    "</b></font></mark>", icon("gears"),"</li>",
    "<li>", "Select hormones and ions to hide/show","</li>",

    "<b>When a case study is selected</b> (", icon("map-o"), "in the",
    "<mark><font color=\"#FF0000\"><b>", "right sidebar",
    "</b></font></mark>", icon("gears"), "), animations illustrate",
    "the sequence of perturbations associated with the selected pathology:",
    "<li>",img(src = "rintrojs_help/dashed_arrow_help.svg", height = "20px", width = "40px"),
    "<b>","Regulations become","</b>",
      "<li>", "<b>","thicker","</b>","if stronger", "</li>",
      "<li>", "<b>","thinner","</b>","if weaker", "</li>",
      "<li>",img(src = "rintrojs_help/yellow_arrow_help.svg", height = "20px", width = "30px"),
      "<b>","yellow","</b>","when being discussed",
    "</ul>", "</li>","<br>",
    "<li>", img(src = "rintrojs_help/arrow_help.svg", height = "20px", width = "40px"),
    "<b>","Ca/PO4 fluxes become","</b>",
      "<li>", img(src = "rintrojs_help/green_arrow_help.svg", height = "20px", width = "30px"),
      "<b>","green","</b>","if increased", "</li>",
      "<li>", img(src = "rintrojs_help/red_arrow_help.svg", height = "20px", width = "30px"),
      "<b>","red","</b>","if decreased", "</li>",
    sep = " "

    "<b>This panel appears when a case study</b>",
    "<br>","(",icon("map-o"),"under",icon("gears"),") <b>is selected.</b>",
    "It displays changes in plasma concentrations and fluxes as a function of disease severity.",
    "The curves do not represent a dynamic evolution in time:",
    "<b>Concentrations and fluxes are given at steady-state</b>, i.e. after reaching a stable equilibrium for the given disease severity.",
    "<b>X- and y-axis values are normalized</b> by their physiological healthy value.",
    "<li>","Values > 1 : higher than normal.","</li>",
    "<li>","Values < 1 : lower than normal.","</li>",
    "<font size=\"-1\"><em>Results were obtained using the model of",
    "<a href=\"\"> Ca and PO4 homeostasis</a> developed by Granjon et al.</em></font>",
    sep = " "

    "Use this slider to move the orange bar on the plots and
    read concentrations and fluxes at the <b>corresponding disease severity</b>.",
    "<li>", "<font color=\"#0000FF\"><b>Hyper-/Hypo-parathyroidism</b></font>:",
    "<br>", "Normalized PTH synthesis",
    "<li>","< 1 : hypoparathyroidism", "</li>",
    "<li>","= 1 : normal", "</li>",
    "<li>","> 1 : hyperparathyroidism","</li>",
    "<li>", "<font color=\"#0000FF\"><b>25(OH) vitamin D3 deficiency</b></font>",
    "<br>", "Normalized 25(OH)D stocks",
    "<li>","= 1 : normal", "</li>",
    "<li>","< 1 : 25(OH)D deficiency", "</li>",
    "<li>","= 0 : 25(OH)D stocks are fully depleted", "</li>",
    "Mouse over the curves for exact values.",
    sep = " "),

  paste(icon("sliders fa-1.5x"),
        "<b> Network Display Options</b>",
        "Choose the <font color=\"#FF0000\"><b>background image</b></font> (Rat by default)."),

  paste("<font color=\"#FF0000\"><b>Enable/disable the display</b></font> of organs and
        hormonal regulations. By default, both are activated."),

  paste("<font color=\"#FF0000\"><b>Select pathways</b></font> to show in the network",
        "(by default, all regulatory pathways are enabled).",
        "Check that regulations and organs <font color=\"#FF0000\"><b>are enabled</b></font>."),

  paste("Control the <font color=\"#FF0000\"><b>size</b></font> of the network icons."),

  paste("Control the <font color=\"#FF0000\"><b>width</b></font> of the network arrows.")

  # as the remaining of the help section is part of the controlbar,
  # need to update it manually in dashboardControlbar.R


Try the CaPO4Sim package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

CaPO4Sim documentation built on March 21, 2021, 9:06 a.m.