
Defines functions Cairo.snapshot Cairo.capture Cairo.onSave Cairo.serial CairoWin CairoPS CairoSVG CairoPDF CairoJPEG CairoTIFF CairoPNG CairoX11 CairoFonts CairoFontMatch Cairo.capabilities Cairo

Documented in Cairo Cairo.capabilities Cairo.capture CairoFontMatch CairoFonts CairoJPEG Cairo.onSave CairoPDF CairoPNG CairoPS Cairo.serial Cairo.snapshot CairoSVG CairoTIFF CairoWin CairoX11

### Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Simon Urbanek
### License: GPL v2

### mapping of supported type names to canonical type names
### as of 1.3-2 png/png24/png32 are the same (we don't support png8 anyway)
.supported.types <- c(png="png",png24="png",png32="png",jpeg="jpeg",jpg="jpeg",tiff="tiff",tif="tiff",

Cairo <- function(width=640, height=480, file="", type="png", pointsize=12, bg="transparent", canvas="white", units="px", dpi="auto", ...) {
	ctype <- tolower(type)
	if (!ctype %in% names(.supported.types))
		stop("Unknown output type `",type,"'.")
	ctype <- .supported.types[ctype==names(.supported.types)]
	if (is.null(file) || !nchar(file))
		file <- if (ctype != 'x11') paste("plot.",ctype,sep='') else Sys.getenv("DISPLAY")

	if (is.character(file) && length(file) != 1)
		stop("file must be a character vector of length 1 or a connection")
	else if (inherits(file,"connection") && (summary(file)$opened != "opened" || summary(file)$"can write" != "yes"))
		stop("connection must be open and writeable")
        if (is.character(file)) file <- path.expand(file)
	if (length(units)!=1 || ! units %in% c("px","pt","in","cm","mm"))
		stop("invalid unit (supported are px, pt, in, cm and mm)")
        ## res is used in bitmap wrappers to set dpi
        ## the default is NA so we only honor it if it's set to a non-default value
        res <- list(...)$res
        if (!is.null(res) && all(!is.na(res))) dpi <- res
	if (any(dpi=="auto" || dpi=="")) dpi <- 0
	if (length(dpi)!=1 || !is.numeric(dpi) || dpi<0)
		stop("invalid dpi specification (must be 'auto' or a positive number)")
	dpi <- as.double(dpi)
	## unit multiplier: >0 mpl to get inches, <0 mpl to get device pixels
	umpl <- as.double(c(-1, 1/72, 1, 1/2.54, 1/25.4)[units==c("px","pt","in","cm","mm")])
	gdn<-.External("cairo_create_new_device", as.character(ctype), file, width, height, pointsize, bg, canvas, umpl, dpi, ..., PACKAGE="Cairo")

Cairo.capabilities <- function() {
    ust <- c(unique(.supported.types), "freetype", "harfbuzz")
    cap <- !is.na(match(ust, .Call("Rcairo_supported_types", PACKAGE="Cairo")))
    names(cap) <- ust

###-------------- supporting functions -----------------

CairoFontMatch <- function(fontpattern="Helvetica",sort=FALSE,verbose=FALSE) {
	if (typeof(fontpattern) != "character")
		stop("fontname must be a character vector of length 1")

	if (typeof(sort) != "logical")
		stop("sort option must be a logical")

	if (typeof(verbose) != "logical")
		stop("verbose option must be a logical")


CairoFonts <- function(
	   bolditalic="Helvetica:style=Bold Italic,BoldItalic",
	   symbol="Symbol", usePUA=TRUE) {
	if (!is.null(regular) && typeof(regular) != "character")
		stop("regular option must be a character vector of length 1")
	if (!is.null(bold) && typeof(bold) != "character")
		stop("bold option must be a character vector of length 1")
	if (!is.null(italic) && typeof(italic) != "character")
		stop("italic option must be a character vector of length 1")
	if (!is.null(bolditalic) && typeof(bolditalic) != "character")
		stop("bolditalic option must be a character vector of length 1")
	if (!is.null(symbol) && typeof(symbol) != "character")
		stop("symbol option must be a character vector of length 1")
	invisible(.External("cairo_font_set", regular, bold, italic, bolditalic,
		symbol, usePUA, PACKAGE="Cairo"))

###-------------- convenience wrapper functions -----------------

CairoX11 <- function(display=Sys.getenv("DISPLAY"), width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12,
					 gamma = getOption("gamma"), bg = "transparent", canvas = "white",
					 xpos = NA, ypos = NA, ...) {
	Cairo(width, height, file=display, type='x11', pointsize=pointsize, bg=bg, units="in", ...)

CairoPNG <- function(filename = "Rplot%03d.png", width = 480, height = 480,
					 pointsize = 12, bg = "white",  res = NA, ...) {
	Cairo(width, height, type='png', file=filename, pointsize=pointsize, bg=bg, res=res, ...)

CairoTIFF <- function(filename = "Rplot%03d.tiff", width = 480, height = 480,
					  pointsize = 12, bg = "white",  res = NA, ...) {
	Cairo(width, height, type='tiff', file=filename, pointsize=pointsize, bg=bg, res=res, ...)

CairoJPEG <- function(filename = "Rplot%03d.jpeg", width = 480, height = 480,
					  pointsize = 12, quality = 75, bg = "white", res = NA, ...) {
	Cairo(width, height, type='jpeg', file=filename, pointsize=pointsize, bg=bg, quality=quality, res=res, ...)

CairoPDF <- function(file = ifelse(onefile, "Rplots.pdf", "Rplot%03d.pdf"),
					 width = 6, height = 6, onefile = TRUE, family = "Helvetica",
					 title = "R Graphics Output", fonts = NULL,
					 paper = "special", encoding, bg, fg, pointsize, pagecentre, ...) {
	if (!onefile) stop("Sorry, PDF backend of Cairo supports onefile=TRUE only")
    if (missing(pointsize)) pointsize <- 12
    if (missing(bg)) bg <- "white"
	Cairo(width, height, file, "pdf", pointsize=pointsize, bg=bg, units="in", title = title, ...)

CairoSVG <- function(file = ifelse(onefile, "Rplots.svg", "Rplot%03d.svg"),
                     width = 6, height = 6, onefile = TRUE, bg = "transparent",
                     pointsize = 12, ...) {
    if (!onefile) stop("Sorry, SVG backend of Cairo supports onefile=TRUE only")
    Cairo(width, height, type='svg', file=file, pointsize=pointsize, bg=bg, units='in', ...)

CairoPS <- function(file = ifelse(onefile, "Rplots.ps", "Rplot%03d.ps"),
                    onefile = TRUE, family,
                    title = "R Graphics Output", fonts = NULL,
                    encoding, bg, fg,
                    width, height, horizontal, pointsize,
                    paper, pagecentre, print.it, command, colormodel) {
	if (!onefile) stop("Sorry, PostScript backend of Cairo supports onefile=TRUE only")
    if (missing(pointsize)) pointsize <- 12
    if (missing(bg)) bg <- "white"
    # the following are different from R's postscript defaults!
    # the PS device uses page dimensions, we don't
    if (missing(width)) width <- 8
    if (missing(height)) height <- 6
    Cairo(width, height, file, "ps", pointsize=pointsize, bg=bg, units="in")

CairoWin <- function(width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12,
					 record = getOption("graphics.record"),
					 rescale = c("R", "fit", "fixed"), xpinch, ypinch,
					 bg = "transparent", canvas = "white",
					 gamma = getOption("gamma"), xpos = NA, ypos = NA,
					 buffered = getOption("windowsBuffered"),
					 restoreConsole = FALSE, ...) {
	Cairo(width, height, '', 'win', pointsize=pointsize, bg=bg, units="in", ...)

Cairo.serial <- function(device = dev.cur()) .Call("Cairo_get_serial", device, PACKAGE="Cairo")

Cairo.onSave <- function(device = dev.cur(), onSave) .Call("Cairo_set_onSave", device, onSave, PACKAGE="Cairo")

Cairo.capture <- function(device = dev.cur()) .Call("Rcairo_capture", device, PACKAGE="Cairo")

Cairo.snapshot <- function(device = dev.cur(), last=FALSE) {
    res <- if (is.na(last)) {
        res <- .Call("Rcairo_snapshot", device, FALSE, PACKAGE="Cairo")
        if (is.null(res[[1]])) .Call("Rcairo_snapshot", device, TRUE, PACKAGE="Cairo") else res
    } else .Call("Rcairo_snapshot", device, last, PACKAGE="Cairo")
    attr(res, "pid") <- Sys.getpid()
    class(res) <- "recordedplot"

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Cairo documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:59 a.m.