
Defines functions calculate.CPE

calculate.CPE <-
function(point, formula, cat.var, data.f, range, min.p.cat ) {
	var.names <- c(all.vars(formula), cat.var)
	X <- data.f[,cat.var]
	if (all(sapply(point, function(X, range){ res <- if(X> range[1] & X<range[2]){TRUE} else {FALSE}}, range = range))) {
		cutoffs <- sort(unique(c(max(X), min(X), point)))
		x.cut <- cut(X, cutoffs, include.lowest=TRUE,right=TRUE)
		if(length(levels(x.cut)) > 1 & all(table(x.cut)>min.p.cat)) {
			data.f[,"x.cut_"] <- x.cut
			formula.n <- update(formula, as.formula("~ . + x.cut_"))
			fit <- try(cph(formula.n, data = data.f))     
			#if(class(fit) == "try-error"){
			if("try-error" %in% class(fit)) {
				cpe <- NA
			} else {
				cpe <- coxcpe(fit, data.f)
				#phcpe(fit, CPE.SE=FALSE, out.ties=FALSE)$CPE      
				#phcpe2(coef = fit$coefficients, coef.var = fit$var, design = model.matrix(fit, data = data.f))$CPE 
		} else {
			cpe <- NA
	} else {
		cpe <- NA

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CatPredi documentation built on Jan. 10, 2022, 5:07 p.m.