#' @title Propensity Matching
#' @description `propensity_matching` uses either stratification or standardization to model an outcome
#' conditional on the propensity scores. In stratification, the model will break the propensity scores
#' into groups and output a \code{\link[multcomp:glht]{glht}} model based off a contrast matrix which
#' estimates the change in average causal effect within groups of propensity scores. In standardization,
#' the model will output a \code{\link[=standardization]{standardization}} model that conditions on the
#' propensity strata rather than the covariates. The model can also predict the expected outcome.
#' @param data a data frame containing the variables in the model.
#' This should be the same data used in \code{\link[=init_params]{init_params}}.
#' @param f (optional) an object of class "formula" that overrides the default parameter
#' @param simple a boolean indicator to build default formula with interactions.
#' If true, interactions will be excluded. If false, interactions will be included. By
#' default, simple is set to false.
#' @param p.scores (optional) use calculated propensity scores for matching. Otherwise, propensity scores
#' will be automatically modeled.
#' @param p.simple a boolean indicator to build default formula with interactions for the propensity models.
#' If true, interactions will be excluded. If false, interactions will be included. By
#' default, simple is set to false.
#' @param type a string representing the type of propensity model to be used. By default, the function will stratify. Standardization with
#' propensity scores may also be used. The value given for \code{type} must be in \code{c("strata", "stdm")}.
#' @param grp.width a decimal value to specify the range to stratify the propensity scores. If option \code{quant} is set to true,
#' this will represent the spread of percentiles. If false, it will represent the spread of raw values of propensity
#' scores. Must be a decimal between 0 and 1. By default, this is set to 0.1. This option is ignored for standardization.
#' @param quant a boolean indicator to specify the type of stratification. If true (default), the model will stratify by
#' percentiles. If false, the scores will be grouped by a range of their raw values. This option is ignored for standardization.
#' @param ... additional arguments that may be passed to the underlying \code{\link[=propensity_scores]{propensity_scores}} function.
#' @returns \code{propensity_matching} returns an object of \code{\link[base:class]{class} "propensity_matching"}
#' The functions \code{print}, \code{summary}, and \code{predict} can be used to interact with the underlying \code{glht} or
#' \code{standardization} model.
#' An object of class \code{"propensity_matching"} is a list containing the following:
#' \item{call}{the matched call.}
#' \item{formula}{the formula used in the model.}
#' \item{model}{either the underlying \code{glht} or \code{standardization} model.}
#' \item{p.scores}{the estimated propensity scores}
#' \item{ATE}{a data frame containing the ATE, SE, and 95\% CI of the ATE. }
#' \item{ATE.summary}{either a data frame containing the \code{glht} or \code{standardization} summary. }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(causaldata)
#' library(multcomp)
#' data(nhefs)
#' nhefs.nmv <- nhefs[which(!$wt82)), ]
#' nhefs.nmv$qsmk <- as.factor(nhefs.nmv$qsmk)
#' confounders <- c(
#' "sex", "race", "age", "education", "smokeintensity",
#' "smokeyrs", "exercise", "active", "wt71"
#' )
#' init_params(wt82_71, qsmk,
#' covariates = confounders,
#' data = nhefs.nmv
#' )
#' pm.model <- propensity_matching(nhefs.nmv)
#' pm.model$ATE.summary
#' summary(pm.model)
#' head(data.frame(preds = predict(pm.model)))
propensity_matching <- function(data, f = NA, simple = pkg.env$simple, p.scores = NA, p.simple = pkg.env$simple,
type = "strata", grp.width = 0.1, quant = TRUE, ...) {
# grab function parameters
params <- as.list([-1])
# check valid model type
if (!type %in% c("strata", "stdm")) {
stop("Invalid model type! Must be on of the following values: 'strata', 'std', or 'std.boot'")
if (grp.width <= 0 || grp.width >= 1) {
stop("Invalid parameter! You must set 0 < grp.width < 1")
# if no given propensity scores
if (anyNA(p.scores)) {
# if no formula provided
if ([1]) {
# override simple
if (p.simple != pkg.env$simple) {
f <- build_formula(
out = pkg.env$treatment, cov = pkg.env$covariates,
data = data, simple = p.simple
# use default
else {
f <- formula(pkg.env$f_tr)
p.scores <- propensity_scores(f = f, data = data, ...)$p.scores
# initialize output objects
model <- NA
call <- NA
ATE.summary <- NA
# using stratification
if (type == "strata") {
p.grp <- list()
lookup <- NA
if (quant) { # use percentiles
# group by propensity percentiles w/ width = grp.width
quants <- c(quantile(p.scores, probs = seq(0, 1, grp.width)))
p.grp <- cut(p.scores, breaks = quants, include.lowest = TRUE)
# create lookup table for groups
lookup <- data.frame("n" = table(p.grp), names(quants)[-1])
colnames(lookup) <- c("breaks", "n", "percentile")
lookup$ <- paste("p.grp", seq(1:(length(quants) - 1)), sep = "")
levels(p.grp) <- 1:nrow(lookup) # rename levels
lookup <- lookup[c("", "breaks", "n", "percentile")]
} else { # use raw groupings
# group by propensity breaks w/ width = grp.width
quants <- seq(0, 1, grp.width)
p.grp <- cut(p.scores, breaks = quants, include.lowest = T)
# create lookup table for groups
lookup <- data.frame("n" = table(p.grp))
colnames(lookup) <- c("breaks", "n")
lookup$ <- paste("p.grp", seq(1:(length(quants) - 1)), sep = "")
levels(p.grp) <- 1:nrow(lookup) # rename levels
lookup <- lookup[c("", "breaks", "n")]
# build linear model to make estimates in the contrast matrix
model.f <- as.formula(paste(pkg.env$outcome, "~", pkg.env$treatment, "* p.grp"))
model <- glm(model.f, data = data)
model$call$formula <- model.f
# build contrast matrix of all propensity groups
cont_mat <- contrast_matrix(
model, nrow(lookup),
c(paste("Effect of", pkg.env$treatment, "for p.score in", lookup$breaks))
# set all treatment values to 1
cont_mat[1:nrow(lookup), names(model$coefficients)[2]] <- 1
# try to fill the diag of the matrix with 1s
for (i in 2:nrow(lookup)) {
cont_mat[i, paste(names(model$coefficients)[2], ":", lookup$[[i]], sep = "")] <- 1
# if this fails, there are likely one or more groups with <= 1 samples
error = function(e) {
stop("Unable to stratify propensity scores. This is likely due to a lack of positivity in the groups.
Try setting 'grp.width' to a larger value.")
# build model for contrast matrix
model <- glht(model, cont_mat)
call <- model$model$call
# summarize model
sum_model <- summary(model)$test
results <- data.frame(
"Estimate" = sum_model$coefficients,
"Std. Error" = sum_model$sigma,
conf_int(sum_model$coefficients, sum_model$sigma),
check.names = FALSE
ATE.summary <- cbind(lookup, results)
ATE <- results
# using standardization
else if (type == "stdm") {
model.f <- build_formula(
out = pkg.env$outcome, tr = pkg.env$treatment,
cov = c("p.scores"), simple = simple, data = cbind(data, p.scores)
model <- standardization(f = model.f, data = cbind(data, p.scores))
call <- model$call
call$formula <- model.f
ATE <- model$ATE
ATE.summary <- model$ATE.summary
output <- list(
"call" = call, "formula" = call$formula, "model" = model, "p.scores" = p.scores,
"ATE" = ATE, "ATE.summary" = ATE.summary, "type" = type
class(output) <- "propensity_matching"
#' @export
print.propensity_matching <- function(x, ...) {
if (x$type == "strata") {
cat("Average treatment effect of ", pkg.env$treatment, ":", "\r\n", sep = "")
} else if (x$type == "stdm") {
print(x$model, ...)
#' @export
summary.propensity_matching <- function(object, ...) {
if (object$type == "strata" || object$type == "stdm") {
summary(object$model, ...)
#' @export
predict.propensity_matching <- function(object, ...) {
if (object$type == "strata") {
return(predict(object$model$model, ...))
} else if (object$type == "stdm") {
return(predict(object$model, ...))
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