#' PaidIncurredChain
#' The Paid-incurred Chain model (Merz, Wuthrich (2010)) combines
#' claims payments and incurred losses information to get
#' a unified ultimate loss prediction.
#' The method uses some basic properties of multivariate Gaussian distributions
#' to obtain a mathematically rigorous and consistent model for the combination
#' of the two information channels.
#' @param triangleP Cumulative claims payments triangle
#' @param triangleI Incurred losses triangle.
#' @return The function returns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{Ult.Loss.Origin} Ultimate losses for different origin years.
#' \item \strong{Ult.Loss} Total ultimate loss.
#' \item \strong{Res.Origin} Claims reserves for different origin years.
#' \item \strong{Res.Tot} Total reserve.
#' \item \strong{s.e.} Square root of mean square error of prediction
#' for the total ultimate loss.
#' }
#' @details
#' We assume as usual that I=J.
#' The model assumptions for the Log-Normal PIC Model are the following:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Conditionally, given \eqn{\Theta = (\Phi_0,...,\Phi_I,
#' \Psi_0,...,\Psi_{I-1},\sigma_0,...,\sigma_{I-1},\tau_0,...,\tau_{I-1})}{\Theta = (\Phi[0],...,\Phi[I],
#' \Psi[0],...,\Psi[I-1],\sigma[0],...,\sigma[I-1],\tau[0],...,\tau[I-1])}
#' we have
#' \itemize{
#' \item the random vector \eqn{(\xi_{0,0},...,\xi_{I,I},
#' \zeta_{0,0},...,\zeta_{I,I-1})}{(\xi[0,0],...,\xi[I,I],
#' \zeta[0,0],...,\zeta[I,I-1])} has multivariate Gaussian distribution
#' with uncorrelated components given by
#' \deqn{\xi_{i,j} \sim N(\Phi_j,\sigma^2_j),}{\xi[i,j] distributed as N(\Phi[j],\sigma^2[j]),}
#' \deqn{\zeta_{k,l} \sim N(\Psi_l,\tau^2_l);}{\zeta[k,l] distributed as N(\Psi[l],\tau^2[l]);}
#' \item cumulative payments are given by the recursion
#' \deqn{P_{i,j} = P_{i,j-1} \exp(\xi_{i,j}),}{P[i,j] = P[i,j-1] * exp(\xi[i,j]),}
#' with initial value \eqn{P_{i,0} = \exp (\xi_{i,0})}{P[i,0] = * exp (\xi[i,0])};
#' \item incurred losses \eqn{I_{i,j}}{I[i,j]} are given by the backwards
#' recursion
#' \deqn{I_{i,j-1} = I_{i,j} \exp(-\zeta_{i,j-1}),}{I[i,j-1] = I[i,j] * exp(-\zeta[i,j-1]),}
#' with initial value \eqn{I_{i,I}=P_{i,I}}{I[i,I] = P[i,I]}.
#' }
#' \item The components of \eqn{\Theta}{\Theta} are independent and
#' \eqn{\sigma_j,\tau_j > 0}{\sigma[j],\tau[j] > 0} for all j.
#' }
#' Parameters \eqn{\Theta}{\Theta} in the model are in general not known and need to be
#' estimated from observations. They are estimated in a Bayesian framework.
#' In the Bayesian PIC model they assume that the previous assumptions
#' hold true with deterministic \eqn{\sigma_0,...,\sigma_J}{\sigma[0],...,\sigma[J]} and
#' \eqn{\tau_0,...,\tau_{J-1}}{\tau[0],...,\tau[J-1]} and
#' \deqn{\Phi_m \sim N(\phi_m,s^2_m),}{\Phi[m] distributed as N(\phi[m],s^2[m]),}
#' \deqn{\Psi_n \sim N(\psi_n,t^2_n).}{\Psi[n] distributed as N(\psi[n],t^2[n]).}
#' This is not a full Bayesian approach but has the advantage to give
#' analytical expressions for the posterior distributions and the prediction
#' uncertainty.
#' @note The model is implemented in the special case of non-informative priors.
#' @author Fabio Concina, \email{}
#' @seealso \code{\link{MackChainLadder}},\code{\link{MunichChainLadder}}
#' @references Merz, M., Wuthrich, M. (2010). Paid-incurred chain claims reserving method.
#' Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 46(3), 568-579.
#' @examples
#' PaidIncurredChain(USAApaid, USAAincurred)
#' @export
PaidIncurredChain <- function(triangleP,triangleI) {
# To do list:
# Consider a better function name, change the name in the NAMESPACE file as well
# Consider a better output format, e.g. full triangle, s.e. for all origin periods
# How does the user know if this model is applicable to the data at hand?
# Can the 'for' loops be replaced with apply statments / matrix algebra?
# How do we know the function works? Consider tests,
# e.g. published examples that you can be reproduced
if(dim(triangleP)[1] != dim(triangleP)[2] || dim(triangleI)[1] != dim(triangleI)[2]) {
stop("Origin and development years should be equal.")
if(dim(triangleP)[1] != dim(triangleI)[1]) {
stop("Triangles must have same dimensions.")
J <- ncol(triangleP)
diagP <- diag(triangleP[J:1, 1:J])[(J-1):1]
# log(P_{i,j}/P_{i,j-1}) triangle
fP <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=J, ncol=J)
for (i in 1:J) {
fP[i, 1] <- log(triangleP[i, 1])
if (i == J) {
for (j in 1:(J-i)) {
fP[i, j+1] <- log(triangleP[i, j+1] / triangleP[i, j])
fP <- as.triangle(fP)
# log(I_{i,j} / I_{i,j+1}) triangle
fI <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=J, ncol=J)
for (i in 1:(J-1)) {
for (j in 1:(J-i)) {
fI[i, j] <- log(triangleI[i, j] / triangleI[i, j+1])
fI <- as.triangle(fI)
# sigma_j estimates, j=1,...,J-1
sigma2.hat <- rep(NA,J)
for (j in 1:(J-1)) {
sigma2.hat[j] <- var(fP[,j], na.rm=T)
# sigma_J estimated through log-linear regression
n <- length(sigma2.hat)
dev <- 1:n <- dev[! & sigma2.hat > 0]
my.model <- lm(log(sigma2.hat[]) ~
sigma2.hat[] <- exp(predict(my.model, newdata=data.frame([])))
# tau_j estimates, j=1,...,J-2
tau2.hat <- rep(NA,J-1)
for (j in 1:(J-2)) {
tau2.hat[j] <- var(fI[,j], na.rm=T)
# sigma_{J-1} estimated through log-linear regression
n <- length(tau2.hat)
dev <- 1:n <- dev[! & tau2.hat > 0]
my.model <- lm(log(tau2.hat[]) ~
tau2.hat[] <- exp(predict(my.model, newdata=data.frame([])))
# v2_j estimates, j=1,...,J
v2 <- rep(NA,J)
for (i in 1:(J-1)) {
v2[i] <- sum(sigma2.hat) + sum(tau2.hat[i:J-1])
v2[J] <- sum(sigma2.hat)
# w2_j estimates, j=1,...,J
w2 <- rep(NA,J)
for (i in 1:J) {
w2[i] <- sum(sigma2.hat[1:i])
# (c_1,...,c_J,b_1,...,b_{J-1}) parameters
c <- c()
for (j in 1:J) {
if (j==1) {
c[j] <- (1/sigma2.hat[j]) * sum(fP[1:J,j])
else if (j==2) {
c[j] <- (1/sigma2.hat[j]) * sum(fP[1:(J+1-j),j]) +
sum( 1/(v2[1:(j-1)]-w2[1:(j-1)]) *
} else {
diag2 <- diag(triangleI[J:(J-j+2),1:(j-1)])
diag <- diag(triangleP[J:(J-j+2),1:(j-1)])
c[j] <- (1/sigma2.hat[j]) * sum(fP[1:(J+1-j),j]) +
sum( 1/(v2[1:(j-1)]-w2[1:(j-1)]) *
b <- c()
for (j in 1:(J-1)) {
if (j==1) {
b[j] <- -(1/tau2.hat[j]) * sum(fI[1:(J-j),j]) -
sum( 1/(v2[1:j]-w2[1:j]) *
} else {
diag2 <- diag(triangleI[J:(J-j+1),1:j])
diag <- diag(triangleP[J:(J-j+1),1:j])
b[j] <- -(1/tau2.hat[j]) * sum(fI[1:(J-j),j]) -
sum( 1/(v2[1:j]-w2[1:j]) *
# inverse covariance matrix
A <- matrix(NA, nrow=(J + J - 1), ncol=(J + J - 1))
for (n in 0:(J-1)) {
for (m in 0:(J-1)) {
if(n==m) {
if (n==0) {
A[n+1,m+1] <- (J - n)/sigma2.hat[n+1]
} else {
A[n+1,m+1] <- ((J - 1) - n + 1)/sigma2.hat[n+1] +
sum(1/(v2[1:(min(n-1,m-1)+1)] -
} else {
if (n==0 | m==0) {
A[n+1,m+1] <- 0
} else {
A[n+1,m+1] <- sum(1/(v2[1:(min(n-1,m-1)+1)] -
for (n in 0:(J-2)) {
for (m in 0:(J-2)) {
if(n==m) {
A[J+n+1,J+m+1] <- (J-n-1)/tau2.hat[n+1] +
sum(1/(v2[1:min(n+1,m+1)] -
} else {
A[J+n+1,J+m+1] <- sum(1/(v2[1:min(n+1,m+1)] - w2[1:min(n+1,m+1)]))
for (n in 0:(J-1)) {
for (m in 0:(J-2)) {
if (n==0 | m==0) {
A[n+1,J+m+1] <- 0
} else {
A[n+1,J+m+1] <- -sum(1/(v2[1:(min(n-1,m)+1)] -
for (n in 0:(J-2)) {
for (m in 0:(J-1)) {
if (n==0 | m==0) {
A[J+n+1,m+1] <- 0
} else {
A[J+n+1,m+1] <- -sum(1/(v2[1:(min(n,m-1)+1)] -
# the inverse of the inverse is the posterior covariance matrix
Ainv <- solve(A)
# posterior parameters
cb <- c(c,b) <- Ainv %*% cb
# beta and parameters
beta <- c()
for (i in 1:(J-1)) {
beta[i] <- (v2[J] - w2[i])/(v2[i] - w2[i])
} <- c()
E <- matrix(NA,nrow=(J-1),ncol=(2*J-1))
for (i in 2:J) {
e <- rep(0,J+1-i)
e <- c(e,rep(1 - beta[J+1-i],i-1))
e <- c(e,rep(0,J-i))
e <- c(e,rep(beta[J+1-i],i-1))
E[i-1,] <- e[i-1] <- e %*% Ainv %*% e
# ultimate loss vector
PIC.Ult <- c()
for (i in 2:J) {
PIC.Ult[i-1] <- triangleP[i,J+1-i]^(1 - beta[J+1-i]) *
triangleI[i,J+1-i]^(beta[J+1-i]) * exp((1 - beta[J+1-i]) *
sum([(J-i+2):J]) + beta[J+1-i] *
sum([(2*J-i+1):(2*J-1)])) * exp((1 - beta[J+1-i]) *
(v2[J] - w2[J-i+1])/2 +[i-1]/2)
PIC.UltTot <- sum(PIC.Ult)
# claims reserves
PIC.Ris <- PIC.Ult - diagP
PIC.RisTot <- sum(PIC.Ris)
# prediction uncertainty
msep <- 0
for (i in 2:J) {
for (k in 2:J) {
if (i==k) {
msep <- msep + (exp((1-beta[J+1-i]) * (v2[J] - w2[J+1-i]) +
E[i-1, ]%*% Ainv %*% E[k-1, ]) - 1) * PIC.Ult[i-1] * PIC.Ult[k-1]
} else {
msep <- msep + (exp(E[i-1, ] %*% Ainv %*% E[k-1, ]) - 1) *
PIC.Ult[i-1] * PIC.Ult[k-1]
} <- sqrt(msep)
output <- list()
output[["Ult.Loss.Origin"]] <- as.matrix(PIC.Ult)
output[["Ult.Loss"]] <- as.numeric(PIC.UltTot)
output[["Res.Origin"]] <- as.matrix(PIC.Ris)
output[["Res.Tot"]] <- as.numeric(PIC.RisTot)
output[["s.e."]] <- as.numeric(
# Bayesian model code from Mario Wuthrich
# #############################################################
# ####### functions for parameter initialization
# #############################################################
# param.empirical <- function(xi, I0, J0) {
# param <- array(0, c(J0, 2))
# for (j in 1:J0){
# param[j,1] <- mean(xi[(1:(I0-j+1)),j])
# if (j<I0) {param[j,2] <- sd(xi[(1:(I0-j+1)),j])
# } else {
# param[j,2]= min(param[(j-1),2], param[(j-2),2], param[(j-1),2]^2/param[(j-2),2])
# }}
# param
# }
# Sigma.matrix <- function(sigma, I0, J0){
# Sigma <- array(0, c(I0*J0, I0*J0))
# for (i1 in 1:I0){
# for (j1 in 1:J0){
# Sigma[(i1-1)*J0+j1,(i1-1)*J0+j1] <- sigma[j1]^2
# }}
# Sigma
# }
# T_matrix <- function(vco, theta, I0, J0){
# T1 <- array(0, c(I0+J0, I0+J0))
# for (i1 in 1:(I0+J0)){
# T1[i1,i1] <- theta[i1]^2 * vco^2
# }
# T1
# }
# #############################################################
# ####### matrices and projections
# #############################################################
# A_matrix_cross_classified <- function(I0, J0){
# A <- array(0, c(I0*J0, I0+J0))
# for (i in 1:I0){
# for (j in 1:J0){
# A[(i-1)*J0+j,i] <- 1
# A[(i-1)*J0+j,I0+j] <- 1
# }}
# A
# }
# A_matrix_CL <- function(I0, J0){
# A <- array(0, c(I0*J0, I0+J0))
# for (i in 1:I0){
# for (j in 1:J0){
# if (j==1){A[(i-1)*J0+j,i] <- 1}
# A[(i-1)*J0+j,I0+j] <- 1
# }}
# A
# }
# P_1 <- function(I0, J0){
# P_1 <- array(0, c(I0*J0, I0*J0))
# n1 <- 0
# for (i in 1:I0) {
# for (j in 1:(min(I0-i+1, J0))){
# n1 <- n1 + 1
# P_1[n1, (i-1)*J0 + j] <- 1
# }}
# P_1[1:n1,]
# }
# P_2 <- function(I0, J0){
# P_2 <- array(0, c(I0*J0, I0*J0))
# n2 <- 0
# for (i in 1:I0) {
# if ((I0-i+1)< J0){
# for (j in (I0-i+2): J0){
# n2 <- n2 + 1
# P_2[n2, (i-1)*J0 + j] <- 1
# }}}
# P_2[1:n2,]
# }
# #############################################################
# ####### load data cross-classified log-normal case
# #############################################################
# data.x <- read.table("data_increments.csv", header=FALSE, sep=";")
# I0 <- nrow(data.x)
# J0 <- ncol(data.x)
# data.prior <- read.table("data_prior.csv", header=FALSE, sep=";")
# xi <- array(0, c(I0*J0,1))
# theta <- array(0, c(I0+J0,1))
# for (i in 1:I0) {
# theta[i,1] <- log(data.prior[i, 1])
# for (j in 1:(min(I0-i+1, J0))){
# xi[(i-1)*J0+j,1] <- log(data.x[i,j])
# }}
# #############################################################
# ####### calculate parameters
# #############################################################
# param <- array(0, c(J0, 2))
# param <- param.empirical(log(data.x), I0, J0)
# sigma <- array(0, c(J0,1))
# sigma <- param[,2]
# normalization <- array(0, dim=c(J0, 1))
# for (j in 1:J0){normalization[j,1]<- exp(param[j,1]+param[j,2]^2/2)}
# theta[(I0+1):(I0+J0),1] <- param[,1] - log(sum(normalization[,1]))
# A <- array(0, c(I0*J0, I0+J0))
# A <- A_matrix_cross_classified(I0, J0)
# mu <- A %*% theta
# Sigma <- array(0, c(I0*J0, I0*J0))
# Sigma <- Sigma.matrix(sigma, I0, J0)
# T1 <- array(0, c(I0+J0, I0+J0))
# vco <- 1
# T1 <- T_matrix(vco, theta, I0, J0)
# S <- array(0, c(I0*J0, I0*J0))
# S <- Sigma + A %*% T1 %*% t(A)
# P1 <- P_1(I0,J0)
# P2 <- P_2(I0,J0)
# S11 <- P1 %*% S %*% t(P1)
# S11_inv <- solve(S11)
# S22 <- P2 %*% S %*% t(P2)
# S12 <- P1 %*% S %*% t(P2)
# N2 <- nrow(P2)
# #############################################################
# ####### calculate posterior parameters
# #############################################################
# mu2_post <- array(0, c(N2,1))
# S22_post <- array(0, c(N2,N2))
# mu2_post <- P2 %*% mu + t(S12) %*% S11_inv %*% (P1 %*% xi - P1 %*% mu)
# S22_post <- S22 - t(S12) %*% S11_inv %*% S12
# #############################################################
# ####### calculate reserves
# #############################################################
# result <- array(0, c(2,1))
# for (j1 in (1:N2)){
# result[1,1] <- result[1,1] + exp(mu2_post[j1,1]+S22_post[j1,j1]/2)
# for (j2 in (1:N2)){
# result[2,1] <- result[2,1] + exp(mu2_post[j1,1]+S22_post[j1,j1]/2)*exp(mu2_post[j2,1]+S22_post[j2,j2]/2)*(exp(S22_post[j1,j2])-1)
# }}
# result[2,1] <- sqrt(result[2,1])
# round(result,0)
# #############################################################
# ####### load data multiplicative CL case
# #############################################################
# data.x <- read.table("data_cumulative.csv", header=FALSE, sep=";")
# I0 <- nrow(data.x)
# J0 <- ncol(data.x)
# data.prior <- read.table("data_prior.csv", header=FALSE, sep=";")
# xi <- array(0, c(I0*J0,1))
# xi_ij <- array(0, c(I0,J0))
# C_ij <- array(0, c(I0,J0))
# theta <- array(0, c(I0+J0,1))
# for (i in 1:I0) {
# theta[i,1] <- log(data.prior[i, 1])
# for (j in 1:(min(I0-i+1, J0))){
# if (j==1){xi[(i-1)*J0+j,1] <- log(data.x[i,j])
# } else {
# xi[(i-1)*J0+j,1] <- log(data.x[i,j]/data.x[i,j-1])
# }
# C_ij[i,j] <- data.x[i,j]
# xi_ij[i,j] <- xi[(i-1)*J0+j,1]
# }}
# #############################################################
# ####### calculate parameters
# #############################################################
# param <- array(0, c(J0, 2))
# param <- param.empirical(xi_ij, I0, J0)
# sigma <- array(0, c(J0,1))
# sigma <- param[,2]
# theta[(I0+1):(I0+J0),1] <- param[,1] - param[,2]^2/2
# theta[I0+1,1] <- theta[I0+1,1] - mean(theta[1:I0,1])
# A <- array(0, c(I0*J0, I0+J0))
# A <- A_matrix_CL(I0, J0)
# mu <- A %*% theta
# Sigma <- array(0, c(I0*J0, I0*J0))
# Sigma <- Sigma.matrix(sigma, I0, J0)
# T1 <- array(0, c(I0+J0, I0+J0))
# vco <- 1
# T1 <- T_matrix(vco, theta, I0, J0)
# S <- array(0, c(I0*J0, I0*J0))
# S <- Sigma + A %*% T1 %*% t(A)
# P1 <- P_1(I0,J0)
# P2 <- P_2(I0,J0)
# S11 <- P1 %*% S %*% t(P1)
# S11_inv <- solve(S11)
# S22 <- P2 %*% S %*% t(P2)
# S12 <- P1 %*% S %*% t(P2)
# N2 <- nrow(P2)
# #############################################################
# ####### calculate posterior parameters
# #############################################################
# mu2_post <- array(0, c(N2,1))
# S22_post <- array(0, c(N2,N2))
# mu2_post <- P2 %*% mu + t(S12) %*% S11_inv %*% (P1 %*% xi - P1 %*% mu)
# S22_post <- S22 - t(S12) %*% S11_inv %*% S12
# #############################################################
# ####### calculate reserves
# #############################################################
# e_i <- array(0, c(I0, I0*J0))
# e_it <- array(0, c(I0, N2))
# for (i in (1:I0)){
# for (j in (1:J0)){
# e_i[i,(i-1)*J0+j ] <- 1
# }
# e_it[i,] <- P2 %*% e_i[i,]
# }
# results <- array(0, c(2,1))
# for (i1 in ((I0-J0+1):I0)){
# results[1,1] <- results[1,1] + C_ij[i1,I0-i1+1]*(exp( t(e_it[i1, ])%*% mu2_post[,1]+(t(e_it[i1, ])%*% S22_post %*% e_it[i1, ])/2)-1)
# for (i2 in (I0-J0+1):I0){
# x <- C_ij[i1,I0-i1+1]*exp( t(e_it[i1, ])%*% mu2_post[,1]+(t(e_it[i1, ])%*% S22_post %*% e_it[i1, ])/2)
# x <- x * C_ij[i2,I0-i2+1]*exp( t(e_it[i2, ])%*% mu2_post[,1]+(t(e_it[i2, ])%*% S22_post %*% e_it[i2, ])/2)
# x <- x * (exp( t(e_it[i1, ])%*% S22_post %*% e_it[i2, ])-1)
# results[2,1] <- results[2,1] + x
# }}
# results[2,1] <- sqrt(results[2,1])
# round(results,0)
# result[2,1]/result[1,1]
# results[2,1]/results[1,1]
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