
Defines functions hypTestScores

Documented in hypTestScores

#' Conduct MANOVA using PCA Scores and Factors in a Spectra Object
#' This function provides a convenient interface for carrying out manova using
#' the scores from PCA and the factors (groups) stored in a
#' \code{\link{Spectra}} object.  The function will do anova as well, if you
#' only provide one vector of scores, though this is probably of limited use.
#' A \code{\link{Spectra}} object contains group information stored in its
#' \code{spectra$groups} element, but you can also use
#' \code{\link{splitSpectraGroups}} to generate additional groups/factors that
#' might be more useful than the original.
#' This function is an extraordinarily thin wrapper which helps the user to
#' avoid writing a very tedious \code{formula} specification.
#' @param spectra `r .writeDoc_Spectra1()`
#' @param pca An object of class \code{\link{prcomp}}.
#' @param pcs An integer vector giving the PCA scores to use as the response in
#' the manova analysis.
#' @param fac A character vector giving the factors to be used in the manova.
#' They will be searched for within the \code{\link{Spectra}} object.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments to be passed downstream, in this case to
#' \code{aov}.  Untested.
#' @return The results of the analysis print to the console unless assigned.
#' If assigned, the object class is one of several described in
#' \code{\link{aov}} depending upon the data passed to it.
#' @author `r .writeDoc_Authors("BH")`
#' @seealso \code{\link{splitSpectraGroups}} which can be used to create
#' additional factor elements in the \code{\link{Spectra}} object, which can then be
#' used with this function.  Additional documentation at
#' \url{https://bryanhanson.github.io/ChemoSpec/}
#' @keywords multivariate htest
#' @examples
#' data(metMUD2)
#' # Original factor encoding:
#' levels(metMUD2$groups)
#' # Split those original levels into 2 new ones (re-code them)
#' new.grps <- list(geneBb = c("B", "b"), geneCc = c("C", "c"))
#' mM3 <- splitSpectraGroups(metMUD2, new.grps)
#' # Now do the PCA and anova, with 3 ways to see the results
#' pca <- c_pcaSpectra(mM3)
#' res <- hypTestScores(mM3, pca, fac = c("geneBb", "geneCc"))
#' res
#' summary(res)
#' summary.aov(res)
#' # You can also call this function on the existing groups:
#' res <- hypTestScores(metMUD2, pca, fac = "groups")
#' @export hypTestScores
#' @importFrom stats aov manova
hypTestScores <- function(spectra, pca, pcs = 1:3, fac = NULL, ...) {

  # This conducts a very simple hypothesis test, no contrasts or projections
  # Fancier processing might be possible by using ... to pass along lm options

  .chkArgs(mode = 12L)
  if (is.null(fac)) stop("No factors specified")

  scores <- pca$x[, pcs] # response vector

  # create formula
  tmp <- paste(fac, collapse = "*")
  form <- with(spectra, as.formula(paste("scores", "~", paste(fac, collapse = "*"))))

  # Do the hyp test; R knows if scores is multivariate or not,
  # but the summary format differs between aov and manova

  if (length(pcs) > 1) out <- manova(formula = form, ...)
  if (length(pcs) == 1) out <- aov(formula = form, ...)


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ChemoSpec documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:57 a.m.