
Defines functions calcLvls

Documented in calcLvls

#' Calculate Levels for Contour and Image Type Plots
#' Given a matrix or vector input, this function will assist in selecting levels for preparing
#' contour and image type plots.  For instance, levels can be spaced evenly,
#' logrithmically, exponentially or using a cumulative distribution function.
#' \code{NA} values are ignored.
#' @param M A numeric matrix or vector.
#' @param n An integer giving the number of levels desired:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item For \code{mode = "even"} \code{n} evenly spaced levels are returned.
#'   \item For \code{mode = "ecdf"}, \code{n} should be one or more values in the interval [0...1].
#'         For instance, a value of 0.6 corresponds to a single level in which 60 percent
#'         of the matrix values are below, and 40 percent above.
#'  \item For all other values of \code{mode}, \code{n} is used internally as \code{floor(n/2)}
#'        and the result eventually doubled in order to give a symmetric set of levels. In addition,
#'        only the positive or negative levels may be selected, leaving you with
#'        \code{floor(n/2)/2} levels.
#' }
#' @param mode Character.  One of \code{"even"}, \code{"log"}, \code{"exp"},
#' \code{"ecdf"}, \code{"posexp"}, \code{"negexp"}, \code{"poslog"}, \code{"neglog"}
#' or \code{NMR}. \code{"even"} will create evenly
#' spaced levels.  \code{"log"} will create levels which are more closely
#' spaced at the high values, while \code{"exp"} does the opposite.  The pos- or
#' neg- versions select just the positive or negative values.  \code{"ecdf"}
#' computes levels at the requested quantiles of the matrix. \code{NMR} uses
#' \code{exp}, \code{lambda = 2.0} and \code{n = 32}.  It also removes the four
#' values closest to zero, where the data may be primarily noise.
#' @param lambda Numeric.  A non-zero exponent used with \code{method = "exp"}
#' and relatives.  Higher values push the levels toward zero.
#' @param base Integer.  The base used with \code{method = "log"} and
#' relatives.
#' @param showHist Logical.  Shall a histogram be drawn showing the location of
#' the chosen levels?
#' @param \dots Arguments to be passed downstream.
#' @return A numeric vector giving the levels.
#' @author Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University. \email{hanson@@depauw.edu}
#' @importFrom graphics hist par layout plot
#' @importFrom grDevices rainbow
#' @importFrom stats ecdf
#' @export
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' set.seed(9)
#' MM <- matrix(runif(100, -1, 1), nrow = 10) # test data
#' tsts <- c("even", "log", "poslog", "exp", "posexp", "ecdf", "NMR")
#' for (i in 1:length(tsts)) {
#'   nl <- 20
#'   if (tsts[i] == "ecdf") nl <- seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1)
#'   levels <- calcLvls(
#'     M = MM, n = nl, mode = tsts[i],
#'     showHist = TRUE, main = tsts[i]
#'   )
#' }
calcLvls <- function(M, n = 10, mode = "even",
                     lambda = 1.5, base = 2,
                     showHist = FALSE, ...) {
  if (mode == "even") {
    n <- as.integer(n)
    lvs <- seq(min(M), max(M), length.out = n)
    if (length(lvs) == 0) stop("Levels calculation returned no levels")
    if (showHist) .sH(M, lvs, ...)

  if (mode == "exp") {
    if (lambda == 0.0) stop("lambda cannot be zero")

    # Compute levels based on the most extreme value
    n <- as.integer(n)
    ref <- .findExtreme(M)
    lower <- min(abs(M[M != 0.0])) # must avoid zero, handle only pos, only neg values
    lvs <- seq(lower, ref, length.out = floor(n / 2)) # equally spaced values
    lvs <- exp(lvs * lambda) # exponentially spaced values, but new scale

    # Now scale back into the range of the data
    lvs <- .rescale(lvs, lower, ref)
    lvs <- sort(c(-1 * lvs, lvs)) # Reflect through zero
    if (showHist) .sH(M, lvs, ...)

  if (mode == "log") {
    if (base <= 0L) stop("base must be > 0")

    # Compute levels based on the most extreme value
    n <- as.integer(n)
    ref <- .findExtreme(M)
    lower <- min(abs(M[M != 0.0])) # must avoid zero, handle only pos, only neg values
    lvs <- seq(lower, ref, length.out = floor(n / 2))
    lvs <- log(lvs, base)

    # Now scale back into the range of the data
    lvs <- .rescale(lvs, lower, ref)
    lvs <- sort(c(-1 * lvs, lvs))
    if (showHist) .sH(M, lvs, ...)

  if (mode == "ecdf") {
    if ((any(n > 1)) | (any(n < 0))) stop("For ecdf mode, n must be a vector of values on [0...1]")
    Fn <- ecdf(sort(M))
    P <- Fn(sort(M))
    lv <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(n)) {
      tmp <- max(grep(n[i], P))
      lv <- c(lv, tmp)
    lvs <- sort(M)[lv]
    if (showHist) .sH(M, lvs, ...)

  if (mode == "posexp") { # For use when you just want (+)-ive
    lvs <- calcLvls(M = M, n = n, mode = "exp", lambda = lambda, base = base, ...)
    lvs <- lvs[lvs > 0]
    if (length(lvs) == 0) stop("Levels calculation returned no levels")
    if (showHist) .sH(M, lvs, ...)

  if (mode == "negexp") { # For use when you just want (-)-ive
    lvs <- calcLvls(M = M, n = n, mode = "exp", lambda = lambda, base = base, ...)
    lvs <- lvs[lvs < 0]
    if (length(lvs) == 0) stop("Levels calculation returned no levels")
    if (showHist) .sH(M, lvs, ...)

  if (mode == "poslog") { # For use when you just want (+)-ive
    lvs <- calcLvls(M = M, n = n, mode = "log", lambda = lambda, base = base, ...)
    lvs <- lvs[lvs > 0]
    if (length(lvs) == 0) stop("Levels calculation returned no levels")
    if (showHist) .sH(M, lvs, ...)

  if (mode == "neglog") { # For use when you just want (-)-ive
    lvs <- calcLvls(M = M, n = n, mode = "log", lambda = lambda, base = base, ...)
    lvs <- lvs[lvs < 0]
    if (length(lvs) == 0) stop("Levels calculation returned no levels")
    if (showHist) .sH(M, lvs, ...)

  if (mode == "NMR") {
    lvs <- calcLvls(M = M, n = 32, mode = "exp", lambda = 2.0, base = base, ...)
    lvs <- lvs[-c(15, 16, 17, 18)] # remove 4 lowest levels
    if (showHist) .sH(M, lvs, ...)
} # end of calcLvls

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ChemoSpec2D documentation built on Oct. 11, 2021, 9:06 a.m.