
Defines functions .makeArray2 .makeArray

#' Make an Array/Data Cube from a Spectra2D Object
#' @export
#' @noRd

.makeArray <- function(spectra) {
  nF1 <- length(spectra$F1)
  nF2 <- length(spectra$F2)
  nS <- length(spectra$names)
  A <- array(NA_real_,
    dim = c(nF1, nF2, nS),
    dimnames = list(rep("I", nF1), rep("J", nF2), rep("K", nS))
  ) # rows x cols x samples
  for (k in 1:nS) A[, , k] <- spectra$data[[k]]

#' Make an Array/Data Cube from a Spectra2D Object
#' Stack slabs horizontally (on top of each other) with *selected* spectra$data entries
#' Relative to our standard data cube diagram, rotate the cube around the horizontal (x)
#' axis upward, so that the front slab is on top.  1st spectrum on top.
#' @export
#' @noRd

.makeArray2 <- function(spectra, which = 1:3) {
  nF1 <- length(spectra$F1)
  nF2 <- length(spectra$F2)
  nS <- length(which)
  A <- array(NA_real_,
    dim = c(nS, nF1, nF2),
    dimnames = list(rep("K", nS), rep("I", nF1), rep("J", nF2))
  ) # samples x cols x rows
  for (k in 1:nS) A[k, , ] <- spectra$data[[which[k]]]

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ChemoSpec2D documentation built on Oct. 11, 2021, 9:06 a.m.