
Defines functions .remGrpSam

Documented in .remGrpSam

#' Remove Groups or Samples from a Spectra or Spectra2D Object
#' *Internal function*.
#' @param spectra `r .writeDoc_Spectra3()`
#' @param kill A vector of character strings giving a regex pattern to be applied to the sample
#'        or group names.  If `group = FALSE` can also be an integer vector giving the samples
#'        to be removed.
#' @param group Logical. `TRUE` means we are removing groups.  `FALSE` means we are removing samples.
#' @return `r .writeDoc_Spectra3()`
#' @author `r .writeDoc_Authors("BH")`
#' @export
#' @keywords internal

.remGrpSam <- function(spectra, kill, group = TRUE) {

  # This function can remove group(s) or sample(s)

  # Get indices to drop if a regex is passed
  # If integer is passed, no need to do anything

  .chkArgs(mode = 0L)

  if (is.character(kill)) {
    drop <- NA_integer_
    for (n in 1:length(kill)) {
      if (group) more <- grep(kill[n], spectra$groups)
      if (!group) more <- grep(kill[n], spectra$names)
      drop <- c(drop, more)
    kill <- drop[-1]

  if ((length(kill) == 0L) & (group)) stop("No matching groups found to remove")
  if ((length(kill) == 0L) & (!group)) stop("No matching samples found to remove")

  # Modify the original objects

  if (inherits(spectra, "Spectra")) { # Spectra objects only
    spectra$data <- spectra$data[-kill, ]
    spectra$sym <- spectra$sym[-kill]
    spectra$alt.sym <- spectra$alt.sym[-kill]

  if (inherits(spectra, "Spectra2D")) spectra$data <- spectra$data[-kill, drop = FALSE]

  # Both classes
  spectra$names <- spectra$names[-kill]
  spectra$groups <- spectra$groups[-kill, drop = TRUE]
  spectra$colors <- spectra$colors[-kill]

  # Wrap up

  if (length(spectra$names) == 0) warning("You have removed all your samples!")
  jnk <- .extraData(spectra)

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ChemoSpecUtils documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:12 a.m.