
Defines functions plot_chronophylomorphospace

Documented in plot_chronophylomorphospace

#' Chronophylomorphospace Plot
#' @description
#' Plots a three-dimensional chronophylomorphospace.
#' @param pcoa_input Principal coordinate data in the format output by  \link{ordinate_cladistic_matrix} that includes a tree and ancestral states.
#' @param x_axis Which ordination axis to plot as the x-axis.
#' @param y_axis Which ordination axis to plot as the y-axis.
#' @param taxon_groups An object of class \code{taxonGroups}.
#' @param plot_tips Whether or not to plot the tip nodes (defaults to TRUE).
#' @param plot_nodes Whether or not to plot the internal nodes (defaults to TRUE).
#' @param plot_taxon_names Whether or not to show the taxon nodes (defaults to TRUE).
#' @param plot_edges Whether or not to plot the branches (defaults to TRUE).
#' @param shadow Whether or not to plot a shadow (2D plot) on the bottom face of the 3D plot (defaults to TRUE).
#' @param plot_group_legend Whether or not to add a legend to identify the groups. Only relevant if using \code{"taxon_groups"}.
#' @param group_legend_position Position to plot the group legend. Must be one of \code{bottom_left}, \code{bottom_right}, \code{top_left}, or \code{top_right} (the default).
#' @param palette The palette to use for plotting each element of taxon_groups. See \link[grDevices]{palette}.
#' @details
#' Creates a manually repositionable three-dimensional (two ordination axes plus time) plot of a phylomorphospace.
#' This function aims to mimic the data visualisation of Sakamoto and Ruta (2012; their Video S1).
#' @author Emma Sherratt \email{emma.sherratt@@gmail.com} and Graeme T. Lloyd \email{graemetlloyd@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso
#' \link{assign_taxa_to_bins}, \link{plot_morphospace_stack}, \link{plot_morphospace}, \link{plot_multi_morphospace}, \link{ordinate_cladistic_matrix}
#' @references
#' Sakamoto, M. and Ruta, M. 2012. Convergence and divergence in the evolution of cat skulls: temporal and spatial patterns of morphological diversity. \emph{PLoS ONE}, \bold{7}, e39752.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Require rgl library to use:
#' require(rgl)
#' # Make time-scaled first MPT for Day 2016 data set:
#' time_tree <- ape::read.tree(text = paste0("(Biarmosuchus_tener:0.5,",
#'   "(((Hipposaurus_boonstrai:3.5,(Bullacephalus_jacksoni:0.75,",
#'   "Pachydectes_elsi:0.75):0.75):0.75,(Lemurosaurus_pricei:7.166666667,",
#'   "(Lobalopex_mordax:4.333333333,((Lophorhinus_willodenensis:3.666666667,",
#'   "(Proburnetia_viatkensis:0.8333333333,(Lende_chiweta:2,",
#'   "(Paraburnetia_sneeubergensis:1,Burnetia_mirabilis:2):1):1.833333333)",
#'   ":0.8333333333):0.8333333333,(BP_1_7098:2.25,Niuksenitia_sukhonensis:",
#'   "1.25):1.25):0.8333333333):0.8333333333):3.083333333):1.95,",
#'   "(Ictidorhinus_martinsi:15.9,(RC_20:11.6,(Herpetoskylax_hopsoni:11.3,",
#'   "Lycaenodon_longiceps:0.3):0.3):0.3):0.3):0.3);"))
#' # Add root age to tree:
#' time_tree$root.time <- 269.5
#' # Prune incomplete taxa from tree:
#' time_tree <- ape::drop.tip(phy = time_tree, tip = c("Lycaenodon_longiceps",
#'   "Niuksenitia_sukhonensis"))
#' # Prune incomplete taxa from cladistic matrix:
#' cladistic_matrix <- prune_cladistic_matrix(cladistic_matrix = day_2016,
#'   taxa2prune = c("Lycaenodon_longiceps", "Niuksenitia_sukhonensis"))
#' # Perform a phylogenetic Principal Coordinates Analysis:
#' pcoa_input <- ordinate_cladistic_matrix(
#'   cladistic_matrix = cladistic_matrix,
#'   time_tree = time_tree
#' )
#' # Define some simple taxon groups for the data as a named list:
#' taxon_groups <- list(nonBurnetiamorpha = c("Biarmosuchus_tener",
#'   "Hipposaurus_boonstrai", "Bullacephalus_jacksoni", "Pachydectes_elsi",
#'   "Niuksenitia_sukhonensis", "Ictidorhinus_martinsi", "RC_20",
#'   "Herpetoskylax_hopsoni"),
#'   Burnetiamorpha = c("Lemurosaurus_pricei", "Lobalopex_mordax",
#'   "Lophorhinus_willodenensis", "Proburnetia_viatkensis", "Lende_chiweta",
#'   "Paraburnetia_sneeubergensis", "Burnetia_mirabilis", "BP_1_7098"))
#' # Set class as taxonGroups:
#' class(taxon_groups) <- "taxonGroups"
#' # Plot a chronophylomorphospace:
#' plot_chronophylomorphospace(
#'   pcoa_input = pcoa_input,
#'   taxon_groups = taxon_groups,
#' )
#' }
#' @export plot_chronophylomorphospace
plot_chronophylomorphospace <- function(pcoa_input, x_axis = 1, y_axis = 2, taxon_groups = NULL, plot_tips = TRUE, plot_nodes = TRUE, plot_taxon_names = TRUE, plot_edges = TRUE, shadow = TRUE, plot_group_legend = TRUE, group_legend_position = "top_right", palette = "viridis") {

  # Add top level conditionals to check for a tree etc.

  # Check user has rgl and stop and warn if not:
  if (!requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) {
      "To plot three-dimensional chronophylomorphospaces, please install package rgl",
      "\n install.packages('lattice')"
  # If using taxon_groups:
  if (methods::hasArg(name = "taxon_groups")) {
    # If not a valid taxonGroups object then stop and provide feedback to user on what is wrong:
    if (!is.taxonGroups(x = taxon_groups)) stop(check_taxonGroups(taxon_groups = taxon_groups)[1])
    # Find any taxa duplicated across taxon_group:
    duplicated_taxa <- sort(x = unique(x = unname(obj = unlist(x = taxon_groups))[duplicated(x = unname(obj = unlist(x = taxon_groups)))]))
    # If these exist stop and warn user:
    if (length(x = duplicated_taxa) > 0) paste0("The following taxa are duplicted in taxon_groups: ", paste(duplicated_taxa, collapse = ", "), ". Taxa can only be in one group.")
  # Check group_legend_position is a valid value and stop and warn user if not:
  if (!group_legend_position %in% c("bottom_left", "bottom_right", "top_left", "top_right")) stop("group_legend_position must be one of \"bottom_left\", \"bottom_right\", \"top_left\", or \"top_right\".")
  # Set default solid colour for each taxon to black:
  solid_colours <- rep(x = "black", length.out = nrow(x = pcoa_input$vectors))
  names(solid_colours) <- rownames(x = pcoa_input$vectors)
  # If using taxon groups (need different colours for each one):
  if (methods::hasArg(name = "taxon_groups")) {
    # Build new solid colours with different colours for each group:
    solid_colours <- unlist(x = lapply(X = as.list(1:length(x = taxon_groups)), function(x) {
      # Build vector of group colour:
      group_solid_colours <- rep(x = grDevices::hcl.colors(n = length(x = taxon_groups), palette = palette, alpha = 1)[x], length.out = length(x = taxon_groups[[x]]))
      # Add taxon names to colours:
      names(group_solid_colours) <- taxon_groups[[x]]
      # Return new group colours vector:

  # Default plotting parameters for a 2D morphospace. Need to change node colour for 3D using rgl
  plotting_parameters <- list(tip_colour = solid_colours, tip_symbol = 21, tip_size = 2, node_colour = "grey", node_symbol = 21, node_size = 1.5, branch_colour = grDevices::rgb(red = 0, blue = 0, green = 0, alpha = 1), branch_width = 1, tiplabel_adjustment = c(-.1, -.1), tiplabel_colour = "black", tiplabel_size = 1)

  # Isolate Tree:
  time_tree <- pcoa_input$time_tree

  # Record number of tips:
  n_tips <- ape::Ntip(phy = time_tree)

  # Isolate pcoa axes:
  pcoa_input <- pcoa_input$vectors

  # Little function to set limits for plotting (to make it cube-like):
  set_plot_limits <- function(x, scale_factor) {

    # Get range of x:
    x_range <- range(x)

    # Scale range values (i.e., place zero at centre):
    rescaled_x_range <- scale(x_range, scale = FALSE)

    # Return plot limits:
    mean(x = x_range) + scale_factor * rescaled_x_range

  # Get node ages for z-axis in plotting:
  z_axis <- date_nodes(time_tree = time_tree)

  # Make x label for plot:
  xlab <- paste("PC", x_axis, sep = "")

  # Make y label for plot:
  ylab <- paste("PC", y_axis, sep = "")

  # Make empty plot:
    x = pcoa_input[, x_axis],
    y = pcoa_input[, y_axis],
    z = z_axis,
    type = "n",
    xlim = set_plot_limits(x = pcoa_input[, x_axis], scale_factor = 1.5),
    ylim = set_plot_limits(x = pcoa_input[, y_axis], scale_factor = 1.5),
    zlim = rev(set_plot_limits(x = z_axis, scale_factor = 1.5)),
    #zlim = rev(x = range(z_axis)),
    asp = c(1, 1, 1),
    xlab = xlab,
    ylab = ylab,
    zlab = "Time (Ma)",
    rgl::view3d(phi = 90, fov = 30)

  # If requested plots tips
  if (plot_tips) {
      x = pcoa_input[1:n_tips, x_axis],
      y = pcoa_input[1:n_tips, y_axis],
      z = z_axis[1:n_tips],
      col = plotting_parameters$tip_colour[rownames(pcoa_input)],
      size = plotting_parameters$tip_size * 4

  # If requested plot nodes
  if (plot_nodes) {
      x = pcoa_input[(n_tips + 1):nrow(x = pcoa_input), x_axis],
      y = pcoa_input[(n_tips + 1):nrow(x = pcoa_input), y_axis],
      z = z_axis[(n_tips + 1):nrow(x = pcoa_input)],
      col = plotting_parameters$node_colour,
      size = plotting_parameters$node_size * 4

  # If requested plot branches
  if (plot_edges) {
    for (i in 1:nrow(x = time_tree$edge)) {
        x = pcoa_input[(time_tree$edge[i, ]), 1],
        y = pcoa_input[(time_tree$edge[i, ]), 2],
        z = z_axis[(time_tree$edge[i, ])],
        lwd = plotting_parameters$branch_width,
        col = plotting_parameters$branch_colour

  # If requested plot taxa labels
  if (plot_taxon_names) {
      x = pcoa_input[time_tree$tip.label, x_axis],
      y = pcoa_input[time_tree$tip.label, y_axis],
      z = z_axis,
      texts = time_tree$tip.label,
      col = plotting_parameters$tiplabel_colour,
      cex = plotting_parameters$tiplabel_size,
      adj = plotting_parameters$tiplabel_adjustment

  # If plotting the shadow of x and y axes at the base of the plot:
  if (shadow) {

    # Plot branches:
    for (i in 1:nrow(x = time_tree$edge)) {
        x = pcoa_input[(time_tree$edge[i, ]), x_axis],
        y = pcoa_input[(time_tree$edge[i, ]), y_axis],
        z = time_tree$root.time,
        lwd = 1,
        col = grDevices::rgb(red = 0.5, blue = 0.5, green = 0.5, alpha = 0.5)

    # Plot internal nodes:
      x = pcoa_input[(n_tips + 1):nrow(x = pcoa_input), x_axis],
      y = pcoa_input[(n_tips + 1):nrow(x = pcoa_input), y_axis],
      z = time_tree$root.time,
      size = plotting_parameters$node_size,
      col = grDevices::rgb(red = 0.5, blue = 0.5, green = 0.5, alpha = 0.5)

    # Plot tips:
      x = pcoa_input[1:n_tips, x_axis],
      y = pcoa_input[1:n_tips, y_axis],
      z = time_tree$root.time,
      size = plotting_parameters$tip_size,
      col = grDevices::rgb(red = 0.5, blue = 0.5, green = 0.5, alpha = 0.5)
  # If plotting a group legend:
  if(methods::hasArg(name = "taxon_groups") && plot_group_legend) {
    # Add groups legend to plot in requested position:
    if(group_legend_position == "bottom_left") rgl::legend3d("bottomleft", legend = names(taxon_groups), fill = grDevices::hcl.colors(n = length(x = taxon_groups), palette = palette, alpha = 1), bg = "white")
    if(group_legend_position == "bottom_right") rgl::legend3d("bottommright", legend = names(taxon_groups), fill = grDevices::hcl.colors(n = length(x = taxon_groups), palette = palette, alpha = 1), bg = "white")
    if(group_legend_position == "top_left") rgl::legend3d("topleft", legend = names(taxon_groups), fill = grDevices::hcl.colors(n = length(x = taxon_groups), palette = palette, alpha = 1), bg = "white")
    if(group_legend_position == "top_right") rgl::legend3d("topright", legend = names(taxon_groups), fill = grDevices::hcl.colors(n = length(x = taxon_groups), palette = palette, alpha = 1), bg = "white")

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Claddis documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:18 p.m.