rice_yields: Data on the rice yields in the Vietnamese provinces

rice_yieldsR Documentation

Data on the rice yields in the Vietnamese provinces


The data is presented in Trinh et al. (2023) for studying the impact of climate change on rice production in Vietnam.
It contains the following information:

  • PROVINCE: a factor for the 63 provinces of Vietnam

  • REGION: a factor with the 6 main regions

  • YEAR: a numeric corresponding to the year

  • YIELD: a numeric for the rice production in tons per hectare

  • PRECIPITATION: a numeric for the annual precipitation in liters

  • TEMPERATURES: a compositional variable represented as a matrix
    whose columns correspond to the proportion of days in a year where the maximal temperature (in Celsius degrees) falls into one of the three categories: "LOW" (from -6, to 25.1), "MEDIUM" (from 25.1 to 35.4) and "HIGH" (from 35.4 to 45).




An object of class data.frame with 1890 rows and 6 columns.


Lukas Dargel, Christine Thomas-Agnan


Thi-Huong Trinh, Michel Simioni, and Christine Thomas-Agnan, “Discrete and Smooth Scalar-on-Density Compositional Regression for Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Rice Yield in Vietnam”, TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1410, February 2023.

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