
Defines functions ctmaSaveFile

Documented in ctmaSaveFile

#' ctmaSaveFile
#' @description Internal fcuntion to save files
#' @param activateRPB set TRUE to receive push messages with 'CoTiMA' notifications on your phone
#' @param activeDirectory directory name
#' @param SaveObject object to save
#' @param FileName filename
#' @param Directory directory to save file in
#' @param silentOverwrite override old files without asking
#' @importFrom RPushbullet pbPost
#' @importFrom crayon red blue
#' @return No return value. Just saves files
ctmaSaveFile <- function(activateRPB,
  x1 <- paste0(activeDirectory, "/", Directory); x1
  if (!(dir.exists(x1))) {dir.create(x1);print("Directory added!")}
  wdFileList <- list.files(x1)
  if (FileName %in% wdFileList) {
    if (silentOverwrite==FALSE) {
      if (activateRPB==TRUE) {RPushbullet::pbPost("note", paste0("CoTiMA (",Sys.time(),")" ), paste0(Sys.info()[[4]], "\n","Data processing stopped.\nYour attention is required."))}
      cat(crayon::red$bold(paste("The filename", FileName, "does already exist.", "\n")))
      cat(crayon::blue("Do you wish to override the existing file?", "\n"))
      cat(crayon::blue("Press 'y' to OVERRIDE the existing file or 'n' to continue WITHOUT SAVING.", "\n"))
      cat(crayon::blue("If you wish to CHANGE the filename please press 'c' or press 'q' to QUIT", "\n"))
      cat(crayon::blue("Press ENTER afterwards to confirm your choice."))
      char <- readline(" ")
      while (!(char == 'y') & !(char == 'Y') & !(char == 'n') & !(char == 'N') & !(char == 'c') & !(char == 'C')
             & !(char == 'q') & !(char == 'Q')) {
        cat(crayon::blue("Please press 'y' to override, or 'n' to continue without saving. Press 'c' to change the filename or 'q to quit. Confirm your choice by pressing ENTER afterwards.", "\n"))
        char <- readline(" ")
      if (char == 'y' | char == 'Y') {
        FileName <- paste0(x1, FileName) ######
        saveRDS(SaveObject, file=FileName)
      } else if (char == 'n' | char == 'N'){char
      } else if (char == 'c' | char == 'C'){
        cat(crayon::blue("Please enter new filename. Press ENTER afterwards to confirm your choice.", "\n"))
        chars <- readline(" ")
        FileName <- paste0(chars, ".rds"); FileName
        FileName <- paste0(x1, FileName)
        saveRDS(SaveObject, file=FileName)
      } else if (char == 'q' | char == 'Q') {stop("Good luck for the next try!")}
    } else {
      FileName <- paste0(x1, FileName)
      saveRDS(SaveObject, file=FileName)
  } else {
    FileName <- paste0(x1, FileName)
    saveRDS(SaveObject, file=FileName)

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CoTiMA documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:39 a.m.