Compositional-package: Compositional Data Analysis

Compositional-packageR Documentation

Compositional Data Analysis


A Collection of Functions for Compositional Data Analysis.


Package: Compositional
Type: Package
Version: 7.0
Date: 2024-08-23
License: GPL-2


Michail Tsagris <>



Michail Tsagris would like to express his acknowledgments to Professor Andy Wood and Professor Simon Preston from the university of Nottingham for being his supervisors during his PhD in compositional data analysis.

We would also like to express our acknowledgments to Profesor Kurt Hornik (and also the rest of the R core team) for his help with this package.

Manos Papadakis, undergraduate student in the department of computer science, university of Crete, is also acknowledged for his programming tips.

Ermanno Affuso from the university of South Alabama suggested that I have a default value in the function mkde.

Van Thang Hoang from Hasselt university spotted a bug in the function js.compreg.

Claudia Wehrhahn Cortes spotted a bug in the function diri.reg.

Philipp Kynast from Bruker Daltonik GmbH found a mistake in the function mkde which is now fixed.

Jasmine Heyse from the university of Ghent spotted a bug in the function kl.compreg which is now fixed.

Magne Neby suggested to add names in the covariance matrix of the divergence based regression models.

John Barry from the Centre for Environment, Fisheries, and Aquaculture Science (UK) suggested that I should add more explanation in the function diri.est. I hope it is clearer now.

Charlotte Fabri and Laura Byrne spotted a possible problem in the function zadr.

Levi Bankston found a bug in the bootstrap version of the function kl.compreg.

Sucharitha Dodamgodage suggested to add an extra case in the function dirimean.test.

Loic Mangnier found a bug in the function lc.glm which is now fixed and also became faster.

Ravi Varadhan found a bug in diri.reg and he is acknowledged for that.


Michail Tsagris, Giorgos Athineou <>, Abdulaziz Alenazi <> and Christos Adam


Aitchison J. (1986). The statistical analysis of compositional data. Chapman & Hall.

Compositional documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:37 a.m.