Man pages for Compositional
Compositional Data Analysis

acoralpha-generalised correlations between two compositional...
acor.tuneTuning of the alpha-generalised correlations between two...
aeqdist.etestEnergy test of equality of distributions using the...
a.estEstimation of the value of alpha in the folded model
aitThe alpha-IT transformation
aitdistThe alpha-IT-distance
ait.testAitchison's test for two mean vectors and/or covariance...
akern.regThe alpha-kernel regression with compositional response data
akernreg.tuneCross validation for the alpha-kernel regression with...
aknn.regThe alpha-k-NN regression for compositional response data
aknnreg.tuneCross validation for the alpha-k-NN regression with...
alfaThe alpha-transformation
alfa.contourContour plot of the alpha multivariate normal in S^2
alfadistThe alpha-distance
alfainvInverse of the alpha-transformation
alfa.knn.regThe alpha-k-NN regression with compositional predictor...
alfaknnreg.tuneCross validation for the alpha-k-NN regression with...
alfa.mdsPrincipal coordinate analysis using the alpha-distance
alfa.mix.normGaussian mixture models for compositional data using the...
alfa.nbNaive Bayes classifiers for compositional data using the...
alfanb.tuneCross-validation for the naive Bayes classifiers for...
alfannThe k-nearest neighbours using the alpha-distance
alfa.pcaPrincipal component analysis using the alpha-transformation
alfa.pcrMultivariate or univariate regression with compositional data...
alfapcr.tuneTuning the number of PCs in the PCR with compositional data...
alfa.pprcompProjection pursuit regression with compositional predictor...
alfapprcomp.tuneTuning of the projection pursuit regression with...
alfa.profileEstimation of the value of alpha via the alfa profile...
alfa.rdaRegularised and flexible discriminant analysis for...
alfarda.tuneCross validation for the regularised and flexible...
alfa.regRegression with compositional data using the...
alfareg.tuneTuning the value of alpha in the alpha-regression
alfa.ridgeRidge regression with compositional data in the covariates...
alfaridge.plotRidge regression plot
alfaridge.tuneCross validation for the ridge regression with compositional...
alfa.tuneFast estimation of the value of alpha
alpha.mleMLE of the folded model for a given value of alpha
alrThe additive log-ratio transformation and its inverse
alr.allAll pairwise additive log-ratio transformations
bcThe Box-Cox transformation applied to ratios of components
beta.estMLE of distributions defined in the (0, 1) interval
beta.regBeta regression
bic.alfamixnormMixture model selection with the alpha-transformation using...
bic.mixcompnormMixture model selection via BIC
bivt.contourContour plot of the t distribution in S^2
choose.pcChoose the number of principal components via reconstruction...
colbeta.mleColumn-wise MLE of some univariate distributions
compbnBayesian network learning with compositional data
comp.denEstimating location and scatter parameters for compositional...
comp.kernMultivariate kernel density estimation for compositional data
comp.kerncontourContour plot of the kernel density estimate in S^2
comp.knnThe k-NN algorithm for compositional data
compknn.tuneTuning of the k-NN algorithm for compositional data
comp.nbNaive Bayes classifiers for compositional data
compnorm.contourContour plot of the normal distribution in S^2
Compositional-packageCompositional Data Analysis
comp.pprProjection pursuit regression for compositional data
compppr.tuneTuning of the projection pursuit regression for compositional...
comp.regMultivariate regression with compositional data
comp.testHypothesis testing for two or more compositional mean vectors
cv.compnbCross-validation for the naive Bayes classifiers for...
cv.comp.regCross validation for some compositional regression models
cv.ddaCross-validation for the Dirichlet discriminant analysis
cv.lasso.compregCross-validation for the LASSO log-ratio regression with...
cv.lasso.klcompregCross-validation for the LASSO Kullback-Leibler divergence...
cv.olscompcompCross-validation for the constrained linear least squares for...
cv.tflrCross validation for the transformation-free linear...
ddaDirichlet discriminant analysis
ddiriDensity values of a Dirichlet distribution
dfdDensity of the Flexible Dirichlet distribution
dfoldedDensity of the folded model normal distribution
dgendiriDensity values of a generalised Dirichlet distribution
diri.contourContour plot of the Dirichlet distribution in S^2
diri.estMLE of the a Dirichlet distribution
dirimean.testLog-likelihood ratio test for a Dirichlet mean vector
diri.nrMLE of the Dirichlet distribution via Newton-Rapshon
diri.regDirichlet regression
divergenceDivergence matrix of compositional data
dmix.compnormSimulation of compositional data from Gaussian mixture models
dmixdiriDensity values of a mixture of Dirichlet distributions
dptestProjections based test for distributional equality of two...
eel.test1Exponential empirical likelihood for a one sample mean vector...
eel.test2Exponential empirical likelihood hypothesis testing for two...
el.test1Empirical likelihood for a one sample mean vector hypothesis...
el.test2Empirical likelihood hypothesis testing for two mean vectors
esovThe ESOV-distance
esov.mdsPrincipal coordinate analysis using the Jensen-Shannon...
fd.contourContour plot of the Flexible Dirichlet distribution in S^2
fd.estFitting a Flexible Dirichlet distribution
folded.contourContour plot of the alpha-folded model in S^2
fpThe folded power transformation
frechetThe Frechet mean for compositional data
frechet2Helper Frechet mean for compositional data
gendiri.contourContour plot of the generalised Dirichlet distribution in S^2
glm.pcrPrincipal component generalised linear models
glmpcr.tuneTuning the principal components with GLMs
greenGreenacre's power transformation
hd.meantest2Two-sample test of high-dimensional means for compositional...
helmThe Helmert sub-matrix
hotel1T2Hotelling's multivariate version of the 1 sample t-test for...
hotel2T2Hotelling's multivariate version of the 2 sample t-test for...
ice.akernregICE plot for the alpha-kernel regression
ice.aknnregICE plot for the alpha-k-NN regression
ice.kernregICE plot for univariate kernel regression
ice.pprcompICE plot for projection pursuit regression with compositional...
jamesJames multivariate version of the t-test
kent.contourContour plot of the Kent distribution in S^2
kern.regKernel regression with a numerical response vector or matrix
kernreg.tuneCross validation for the kernel regression with Euclidean...
kl.alfapcrDivergence based regression for compositional data with...
klalfapcr.tuneTuning of the divergence based regression for compositional...
kl.compregDivergence based regression for compositional data
kl.compreg2Helper functions for the Kullback-Leibler regression
kl.diriKullback-Leibler divergence and Bhattacharyya distance...
kl.diri.normalMinimized Kullback-Leibler divergence between Dirichlet and...
lassocoef.plotPlot of the LASSO coefficients
lasso.compregLASSO log-ratio regression with compositional response
lasso.klcompregLASSO Kullback-Leibler divergence based regression
lc.glmLog-contrast logistic or Poisson regression with...
lc.glm2Log-contrast logistic or Poisson regression with with...
lcglm.aovANOVA for the log-contrast GLM versus the uncostrained GLM
lc.regLog-contrast regression with compositional predictor...
lc.reg2Log-contrast regression with multiple compositional...
lcreg.aovANOVA for the log-contrast regression versus the uncostrained...
logpcaPrincipal component analysis
makefoldsGenerate random folds for cross-validation
maovMultivariate analysis of variance
maovjamesMultivariate analysis of variance (James test)
mix.compnormGaussian mixture models for compositional data
mix.compnorm.contourContour plot of the Gaussian mixture model in S^2
mixdiri.contourContour plot of mixtures of Dirichlet distributions in S^2
mkdeMultivariate kernel density estimation
mkde.tuneTuning of the bandwidth h of the kernel using the maximum...
mlrThe multiplicative log-ratio transformation and its inverse
multivregMultivariate linear regression
multivtMLE for the multivariate t distribution
ols.compcompConstrained linear least squares for compositional responses...
ols.compregNon linear least squares regression for compositional data
ols.prop.regDistance based regression models for proportions
pccProportionality correlation coefficient matrix
perturbationPerturbation operation
pivotThe pivot coordinate transformation and its inverse
powPower operation
pprcompProjection pursuit regression with compositional predictor...
pprcomp.tuneTuning of the projection pursuit regression with...
proboutEstimation of the probability left outside the simplex when...
propregQuasi binomial regression for proportions
rbeta1Random values generation from some univariate distributions...
rcompnormMultivariate normal random values simulation on the simplex
rcompsnMultivariate skew normal random values simulation on the...
rcomptMultivariate t random values simulation on the simplex
rdaRegularised discriminant analysis for Euclidean data
rda.tuneTuning the parameters of the regularised discriminant...
rdiriDirichlet random values simulation
rfdSimulation of compositional data from the Flexible Dirichlet...
rfoldedSimulation of compositional data from the folded model normal...
rgendiriGeneralised Dirichlet random values simulation
ridge.plotRidge regression plot
ridge.regRidge regression
ridge.tuneCross validation for the ridge regression
rmixcompSimulation of compositional data from Gaussian mixture models
rmixdiriSimulation of compositional data from mixtures of Dirichlet...
skewnorm.contourContour plot of the skew skew-normal distribution in S^2
spatmed.regSpatial median regression
sym.testLog-likelihood ratio test for a symmetric Dirichlet...
ternaryTernary diagram
ternary.regTernary diagram of regression models
tflrTransformation-free linear regression for compositional...
totvarTotal variability
ulc.glmUnconstrained logistic or Poisson regression with...
ulc.glm2Unconstrained logistic or Poisson regression with multiple...
ulc.regUnconstrained linear regression with compositional predictor...
ulc.reg2Unconstrained linear regression with multiple compositional...
unitweib.regUnit-Weibull regression models for proportions
zad.estMLE of the zero adjusted Dirichlet distribution
zadrZero adjusted Dirichlet regression
zeroreplaceNon-parametric zero replacement strategies
Compositional documentation built on Oct. 23, 2023, 5:09 p.m.