
Defines functions testStat_bT2c_boot2st testStat_bT2c_boot1st testStat_bT2c bCond.simpA.param

Documented in bCond.simpA.param

#' Test of the assumption that a conditional copulas does not vary
#' through a list of discrete conditioning events
#' @param X1 vector of \code{n} observations of the first conditioned variable.
#' @param X2 vector of \code{n} observations of the second conditioned variable.
#' @param partition matrix of size \code{n * p},
#' where \code{p} is the number of conditioning events that are considered.
#' partition[i,j] should be the indicator of whether the \code{i}-th observation
#' belongs or not to the \code{j}-th conditioning event.
#' @param family family of parametric copulas used
#' @param testStat test statistic used. Possible choices are
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{T2c_par} \eqn{\sum_{box} (\theta_0 - \theta(box))^2}
#'   \item \code{T2c_tau} Same as above, except that the copula family is now parametrized
#'   by its Kendall's tau instead of its natural parameter.
#' }
#' @param typeBoot type of bootstrap used
#' @param nBootstrap number of bootstrap replications
#' @return a list containing
#' \itemize{
#'     \item \code{true_stat}:
#'     the value of the test statistic computed on the whole sample
#'     \item \code{vect_statB}:
#'     a vector of length \code{nBootstrap} containing the bootstrapped
#'     test statistics.
#'     \item \code{p_val}: the p-value of the test.
#' }
#' @references
#' Derumigny, A., & Fermanian, J. D. (2017).
#' About tests of the “simplifying” assumption for conditional copulas.
#' Dependence Modeling, 5(1), 154-197.
#' \doi{10.1515/demo-2017-0011}
#' Derumigny, A., & Fermanian, J. D. (2022)
#' Conditional empirical copula processes and generalized dependence measures
#' Electronic Journal of Statistics, 16(2), 5692-5719.
#' \doi{10.1214/22-EJS2075}
#' @seealso \code{\link{bCond.estParamCopula}} for the estimation
#' of a (conditional) parametric copula model in this framework.
#' \code{\link{bCond.simpA.CKT}} for a test of the simplifying assumption
#' that all these conditional copulas are equal,
#' based on the equality of conditional Kendall's tau
#' (i.e. without any parametric assumption).
#' Tests of the simplifying assumption for conditional copulas with a continuous
#' conditioning variable:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{\link{simpA.NP}} in a nonparametric setting
#'   \item \code{\link{simpA.param}} in a (semi)parametric setting,
#'   where the conditional copula belongs to a parametric family,
#'   but the conditional margins are estimated arbitrarily through
#'   kernel smoothing
#'   \item \code{\link{simpA.kendallReg}}: test based on the constancy of
#'   conditional Kendall's tau
#' }
#' @examples
#' n = 800
#' Z = stats::runif(n = n)
#' CKT = 0.2 * as.numeric(Z <= 0.3) +
#'   0.5 * as.numeric(Z > 0.3 & Z <= 0.5) +
#'   + 0.3 * as.numeric(Z > 0.5)
#' family = 3
#' simCopula = VineCopula::BiCopSim(N = n,
#'   par = VineCopula::BiCopTau2Par(CKT, family = family), family = family)
#' X1 = simCopula[,1]
#' X2 = simCopula[,2]
#' partition = cbind(Z <= 0.3, Z > 0.3 & Z <= 0.5, Z > 0.5)
#' result = bCond.simpA.param(X1 = X1, X2 = X2, testStat = "T2c_tau",
#'   partition = partition, family = family, typeBoot = "boot.paramInd")
#' print(result$p_val)
#' n = 800
#' Z = stats::runif(n = n)
#' CKT = 0.1
#' family = 3
#' simCopula = VineCopula::BiCopSim(N = n,
#'   par = VineCopula::BiCopTau2Par(CKT, family = family), family = family)
#' X1 = simCopula[,1]
#' X2 = simCopula[,2]
#' partition = cbind(Z <= 0.3, Z > 0.3 & Z <= 0.5, Z > 0.5)
#' result = bCond.simpA.param(X1 = X1, X2 = X2,
#'   partition = partition, family = family, typeBoot = "boot.NP")
#' print(result$p_val)
#' @export
bCond.simpA.param <- function(
  X1, X2, partition, family, testStat = "T2c_tau", typeBoot = "boot.NP",
  nBootstrap = 100)
  if (NROW(X1) != NROW(X2) || NROW(X1) != NROW(partition)){
      message = paste0("X1 and X2 should be of the same length, ",
                       "(the number of observations in the dataset). ",
                       "This should be equal to the number of rows in 'partition'. ",
                       "Here they are respectively: ",
                       NROW(X1), ", ", NROW(X2), ", ", NROW(partition)),
      class = "DifferentLengthsError") )

  .checkUnivX1X2(X1, X2)

  n <- length(X1)

  if (family == 2){
    method = "itau"; family_est <- 1
  } else {
    method = "mle"; family_est <- family


    "boot.NP" = {
      FUN_boot <- boot.NP.bCond
      nStar <- 1

    "boot.paramInd" = {
      FUN_boot <- boot.paramInd.bCond
      nStar <- 2

    "boot.paramCond" = {
      FUN_boot <- boot.paramCond.bCond
      nStar <- 1

    stop("Unknown bootstrap method name.")


    "T2c_tau" = {

      parametrization = "tau"
      FUN_trueStat <- testStat_bT2c
      if (nStar == 1){
        FUN_stat_st <- testStat_bT2c_boot1st
      } else if (nStar == 2){
        FUN_stat_st <- testStat_bT2c_boot2st

    "T2c_par" = {

      parametrization = "par"
      FUN_trueStat <- testStat_bT2c
      if (nStar == 1){
        FUN_stat_st <- testStat_bT2c_boot1st
      } else if (nStar == 2){
        FUN_stat_st <- testStat_bT2c_boot2st

    stop("Unknown test statistic name. Possible choice are: ",
         "'T2c_tau', 'T2c_par'.")

  env <- environment()
  FUN_boot(env = env, FUN_trueStat = FUN_trueStat, FUN_stat_st = FUN_stat_st)

  return ( list(true_stat = env$true_stat ,
                vect_statB = env$vect_statB ,
                p_val = env$p_val) )

testStat_bT2c <- function(env){
  condPobs <- bCond.pobs(X = cbind(env$X1, env$X2),
                         partition = env$partition)

  # Estimation of the simplified (conditional) parameter
  env$cop_0 = VineCopula::BiCopEst(u1 = condPobs[,1], u2 = condPobs[,2],
                                   family = env$family_est , method = env$method)

  env$cop_boxes = bCond.estParamCopula(U1 = condPobs[,1], U2 = condPobs[,2],
                                       family = env$family_est,
                                       partition = env$partition)

  if (env$parametrization == "par"){
    env$theta_0 = env$cop_0$par
    env$theta_boxes = unlist(lapply(env$cop_boxes, function(x){x$par}))
    env$true_stat = sum((env$theta_0 - env$theta_boxes)^2)
  } else if (env$parametrization == "tau"){
    env$tau_0 = env$cop_0$tau
    env$tau_boxes = unlist(lapply(env$cop_boxes, function(x){x$tau}))
    env$true_stat = sum(( env$tau_0 - env$tau_boxes )^2)
  } else {
    stop("Unknown parametrization. Possible parametrizations are 'tau' and 'par'.")


testStat_bT2c_boot1st <- function(env){
  condPobs_st <- bCond.pobs(X = cbind(env$X1_st, env$X2_st),
                            partition = env$partition_st)

  # Estimation of the simplified (conditional) parameter
  env$cop_0_st = VineCopula::BiCopEst(u1 = condPobs_st[,1], u2 = condPobs_st[,2],
                                      family = env$family_est, method = env$method)

  env$cop_boxes_st = bCond.estParamCopula(U1 = condPobs_st[,1], U2 = condPobs_st[,2],
                                          family = env$family_est,
                                          partition = env$partition_st)

  if (env$parametrization == "par"){
    env$theta_0_st = env$cop_0_st$par
    env$theta_boxes_st = unlist(lapply(env$cop_boxes_st, function(x){x$par}))

    env$stat_st = sum((env$theta_boxes_st - env$theta_boxes +
                         env$theta_0 - env$theta_0_st)^2)
  } else if (env$parametrization == "tau"){
    env$tau_0_st = env$cop_0_st$tau
    env$tau_boxes_st = unlist(lapply(env$cop_boxes_st, function(x){x$tau}))

    env$stat_st = sum(( env$tau_boxes_st - env$tau_boxes +
                          env$tau_0 - env$tau_0_st )^2)
  } else {
    stop("Unknown parametrization. Possible parametrizations are 'tau' and 'par'.")


testStat_bT2c_boot2st <- function(env){
  condPobs_st <- bCond.pobs(X = cbind(env$X1_st, env$X2_st),
                            partition = env$partition_st)

  # Estimation of the simplified (conditional) parameter
  env$cop_0_st = VineCopula::BiCopEst(u1 = condPobs_st[,1], u2 = condPobs_st[,2],
                                      family = env$family_est , method = env$method)

  env$cop_boxes_st = bCond.estParamCopula(U1 = condPobs_st[,1], U2 = condPobs_st[,2],
                                          family = env$family_est,
                                          partition = env$partition_st)

  if (env$parametrization == "par"){
    env$theta_0_st = env$cop_0_st$par
    env$theta_boxes_st = unlist(lapply(env$cop_boxes_st, function(x){x$par}))
    env$stat_st = sum( (env$theta_boxes_st - env$theta_0_st)^2 )

  } else if (env$parametrization == "tau"){
    env$tau_0_st = env$cop_0_st$tau
    env$tau_boxes_st = unlist(lapply(env$cop_boxes_st, function(x){x$tau}))
    env$stat_st = sum( ( env$tau_boxes_st - env$tau_0_st )^2)

  } else {
    stop("Unknown parametrization. Possible parametrizations are 'tau' and 'par'.")


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