
Defines functions getCV whichBestCV getSize getPosterior getDetection getPar getCluster whichBest getBestModel print.ContaminatedMixt.IC getIC .ICnames

Documented in getBestModel getCluster getCV getDetection getIC getPar getPosterior getSize print.ContaminatedMixt.IC whichBest whichBestCV

.ICnames <- function(x){
.ModelNames <- function (model){
  type <- switch(EXPR = as.character(model), E = "univariate, equal variance", 
                 V = "univariate, unequal variance", EII = "spherical, equal volume", 
                 VII = "spherical, varying volume", EEI = "diagonal, equal volume and shape", 
                 VEI = "diagonal, equal shape", EVI = "diagonal, equal volume, varying shape", 
                 VVI = "diagonal, varying volume and shape", EEE = "ellipsoidal, equal volume, shape and orientation", 
                 VEE = "ellipsoidal, equal shape and orientation", EVE = "ellipsoidal, equal volume and orientation", 
                 VVE = "ellipsoidal, equal orientation", EEV = "ellipsoidal, equal volume and shape", 
                 VEV = "ellipsoidal, equal shape", EVV = "ellipsoidal, equal volume", 
                 VVV = "ellipsoidal, varying volume, shape, and orientation", 
                 X = "univariate normal", XII = "spherical multivariate normal", 
                 XXI = "diagonal multivariate normal", XXX = "ellipsoidal multivariate normal", 
                 warning("invalid model"))
  return(list(model = model, type = type))
getIC <- function(object,criteria){
  if (!is.null(object$models)){
  if(missing(criteria)) criteria <- .ICnames(object$models[[1]])
  else criteria <- match.arg(criteria, .ICnames(object$models[[1]]),several.ok =TRUE) 
  lc <- length(criteria)
  lm <- length(object$models)
  res <- matrix(NA,lm,lc,dimnames=list(1:length(object$models),criteria))
  df <- data.frame(G=1:lm)
  for(i in 1:lm){
    obj <- object$models[[i]]
    if (!is.null(obj$IC)) res[i,] <- sapply(1:lc, FUN=function(j) obj$IC[[criteria[j]]])
    df$contamination[i] = obj$contamination
    df$G[i] <- obj$G
    if(!is.null(obj$model)) df$model[i] <- as.character(obj$model)
  attributes(res) <- c(attributes(res),df)
  class(res) <- "ContaminatedMixt.IC"
print.ContaminatedMixt.IC <- function(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 2L),...){
  class(x) <-"matrix"
  d <- data.frame(x)
  d <- data.frame(model= attributes(x)$model,contam.=attributes(x)$contamination,G = attributes(x)$G,d)
getBestModel <- function(object,criterion="BIC",G=NULL,model=NULL,contamination=NULL){
  #if(!class(object)=="ContaminatedMixt") stop("object is not a class ContaminatedMixt object")
  criterion <- match.arg(criterion,.ICnames(object$models[[1]]))
  n <- whichBest(object=object,criteria=criterion,G=G,model=model,contamination=contamination)
  if (length(n)>1) stop("More than one model matches the conditions specified.")
  foo <- object$models[[n]]
  object$models <- NULL
  object$models[[1]] <- foo

whichBest <- function(object, criteria=NULL, G=NULL, model=NULL, contamination=NULL){
  #returns the best model(s) according to one or more information criteria.
  if(is.null(criteria)) criteria <- .ICnames(object$models[[1]])
  else criteria <- match.arg(criteria, .ICnames(object$models[[1]]),several.ok =TRUE)
  a <- getIC(object,criteria)
  w <- TRUE
  if(!is.null(G))  w <- w & attr(a,"G") %in% G
  if(!is.null(model))  w <- w & attr(a,"model") %in% model
  if(!is.null(contamination))  w <- w & attr(a,"contamination") %in% contamination
  a <-a[w,,drop=FALSE]
  if (!any(w)) stop("No model matches the conditions specified.")
  best <- strtoi(rownames(a)[sapply(1:length(criteria), function (i) which.max(t(a[,i])))])
  names(best) <- criteria
getCluster <- function(object, ...){
  best <- getBestModel(object,...)
getPar <- function(object, ...){
  best <- getBestModel(object,...)
  list(prior=best$models[[1]]$prior,mu=best$models[[1]]$mu, Sigma=best$models[[1]]$Sigma,alpha=best$models[[1]]$alpha,eta=best$models[[1]]$eta)
getDetection <- function(object, ...){
  best <- getBestModel(object,...)
getPosterior<- function(object, ...){
  best <- getBestModel(object,...)
getSize<- function(object, ...){
  best <- getBestModel(object,...)

whichBestCV<- function(object, G=NULL, model=NULL, contamination=NULL){
  a <- getCV(object)
  w <- TRUE
  if(!is.null(G))  w <- w & attr(a,"G") %in% G
  if(!is.null(model))  w <- w & attr(a,"model") %in% model
  if(!is.null(contamination))  w <- w & attr(a,"contamination") %in% contamination
  a <-a[w,,drop=FALSE]
  if (!any(w)) stop("No model matches the conditions specified.")
  best <- which(t(a[,1])==min(a[,1], na.rm =TRUE))
getCV <- function(object){
  if (!is.null(object$models)){
    lm <- length(object$models)
    res <- matrix(NA,lm,1,dimnames=list(1:length(object$models),"CV"))
    df <- data.frame(G=1:lm)
    for(i in 1:lm){
      obj <- object$models[[i]]
      df$contamination[i] = obj$contamination
      res[i,] <- obj$mean_error
      df$G[i] <- obj$G
      if(!is.null(obj$model)) df$model[i] <- as.character(obj$model)
    attributes(res) <- c(attributes(res),df)
    class(res) <- "ContaminatedMixt.IC"

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ContaminatedMixt documentation built on May 31, 2023, 6:44 p.m.