Man pages for CoopGame
Important Concepts of Cooperative Game Theory

absolutePublicGoodValueCompute absolute Public Good value
absolutePublicHelpChiValueCompute absolute Public Help value Chi
absolutePublicHelpValueCompute absolute Public Help value Theta
apexGameConstruct an apex game
apexGameValueCompute value of a coalition for an apex game
apexGameVectorCompute game vector for an apex game
bankruptcyGameConstruct a bankruptcy game
bankruptcyGameValueCompute value of a coalition for a bankruptcy game
bankruptcyGameVectorCompute game vector for a bankruptcy game
banzhafValueCompute Banzhaf value
baruaChakravartySarkarIndexCompute Barua Chakravarty Sarkar index
belongsToCoreCheck if point is core element
belongsToCoreCoverCheck if point is core cover element
belongsToImputationsetCheck if point is imputation
belongsToReasonableSetCheck if point is element of reasonable set
belongsToWebersetCheck if point is element of Weber Set
cardinalityGameConstruct a cardinality game
cardinalityGameValueCompute value of a coalition for a cardinality game
cardinalityGameVectorCompute game vector for a cardinality game
centroidCoreCompute centroid of core
centroidCoreCoverCompute centroid of the core cover
centroidImputationSetCompute centroid of the imputation set
centroidReasonableSetCompute centroid of reasonable set
centroidWeberSetCompute centroid of Weber set
colemanCollectivityPowerIndexCompute Coleman Power index of a Collectivity to Act
colemanInitiativePowerIndexCompute Coleman Initiative Power index
colemanPreventivePowerIndexCompute Coleman Preventive Power index
coreCoverVerticesCompute core cover vertices
coreVerticesCompute core vertices
costSharingGameConstruct a cost sharing game
costSharingGameValueCompute value of a coalition for a cost game
costSharingGameVectorCompute game vector for a cost sharing game
createBitMatrixcreate bit matrix
deeganPackelIndexCompute Deegan-Packel index
dictatorGameConstruct a dictator game
dictatorGameValueCompute value of a coalition for a dictator game
dictatorGameVectorCompute game vector for a dictator game
disruptionNucleolusCompute disruption nucleolus
divideTheDollarGameConstruct a divide-the-dollar game
divideTheDollarGameValueCompute value of a coalition for a divide-the-dollar game
divideTheDollarGameVectorCompute game vector for a divide-the-dollar game
drawCentroidCoredraw centroid of the core for 3 or 4 players
drawCentroidCoreCoverdraw centroid of core cover for 3 or 4 players
drawCentroidImputationSetdraw centroid of imputation set for 3 or 4 players
drawCentroidReasonableSetdraw centroid of reasonable set for 3 or 4 players
drawCentroidWeberSetdraw centroid of Weber set for 3 or 4 players
drawCoreDraw core for 3 or 4 players
drawCoreCoverDraw core cover for 3 or 4 players
drawDeeganPackelIndexdraw Deegan-Packel index for 3 or 4 players
drawDisruptionNucleolusdraw disruption nucleolus for 3 or 4 players
drawGatelyValuedraw Gately point for 3 or 4 players
drawImputationsetDraw imputation set for 3 or 4 players
drawJohnstonIndexDraw Johnston index for 3 or 4 players
drawModiclusDraw modiclus for 3 or 4 players
drawNormalizedBanzhafIndexdraw normalized Banzhaf Index for 3 or 4 players
drawNormalizedBanzhafValuedraw normalized Banzhaf value for 3 or 4 players
drawNucleolusDraw nucleolus for 3 or 4 players
drawPerCapitaNucleolusDraw per capita nucleolus for 3 or 4 players
drawPrenucleolusDraw prenucleolus for 3 or 4 players
drawProportionalNucleolusDraw proportional nucleolus for 3 or 4 players
drawPublicGoodIndexDraw Public Good index for 3 or 4 players
drawPublicGoodValueDraw Public Good value for 3 or 4 players
drawPublicHelpChiIndexDraw Public Help index Chi for 3 or 4 players
drawPublicHelpChiValueDraw Public Help value Chi for 3 or 4 players
drawPublicHelpIndexDraw Public Help index Theta for 3 or 4 players
drawPublicHelpValueDraw Public Help value Theta for 3 or 4 players
drawReasonableSetDraw reasonable set for 3 or 4 players
drawShapleyShubikIndexDraw Shapley-Shubik index for 3 or 4 players
drawShapleyValueDraw Shapley value for 3 or 4 players
drawSimplifiedModiclusDraw simplified modiclus for 3 or 4 players
drawTauValueDraw tau-value for 3 or 4 players
drawWebersetDraw Weber Set for 3 or 4 players
equalPropensityToDisruptCompute equal propensity to disrupt
gatelyValueCompute Gately point
getCriticalCoalitionsOfPlayerCompute critical coalitions of a player for simple games
getDualGameVectorCompute dual game vector
getEmptyParamCheckResultgetEmptyParamCheckResult for generating stucture according to...
getExcessCoefficientsCompute excess coefficients
getGainingCoalitionsCompute gaining coalitions of a TU game
getGapFunctionCoefficientsCompute gap function coefficients
getkCoverCompute k-cover of game
getMarginalContributionsCompute marginal contributions
getMinimalRightsCompute minimal rights vector
getMinimumWinningCoalitionsCompute minimal winning coalitions in a simple game
getNumberOfPlayersGet number of players
getPerCapitaExcessCoefficientsCompute per capita excess coefficients
getPlayersFromBitVectorExtract players from bit vector
getPlayersFromBMRowExtract players from bit matrix row
getRealGainingCoalitionsCompute real gaining coalitions of game
getUnanimityCoefficientsCompute unanimity coefficients of game
getUtopiaPayoffCompute utopia payoff vector of game
getVectorOfPropensitiesToDisruptCompute vector of propensities to disrupt
getWinningCoalitionsCompute winning coalitions in a simple game
getZeroNormalizedGameVectorCompute 0-normalized game vector
getZeroOneNormalizedGameVectorCompute 0-1-normalized game vector
gloveGameConstruct a glove game
gloveGameValueCompute value of a coalition for a glove game
gloveGameVectorCompute game vector for glove game
imputationsetVerticesCompute vertices of imputation set
is1ConvexGameCheck if game is 1-Convex
isAdditiveGameCheck if game is additive
isBalancedGameCheck if game is balanced
isConstantSumGameCheck if game is constant-sum
isConvexGameCheck if game is convex
isDegenerateGameCheck if game is degenerate
isEssentialGameCheck if game is essential
iskConvexGameCheck if game is k-Convex
isMonotonicGameCheck if game is monotonic
isNonnegativeGameCheck if game is nonnegative
isQuasiBalancedGameCheck if game is quasi-balanced
isSemiConvexGameCheck if game is semiconvex
isSimpleGameCheck if game is simple
isSuperadditiveGameCheck if game is superadditive
isSymmetricGameCheck if game is symmetric
isWeaklyConstantSumGameCheck if game is weakly constant-sum
isWeaklySuperadditiveGameCheck if game is weakly superadditive
johnstonIndexCompute Johnston index
koenigBraeuningerIndexCompute Koenig-Braeuninger index
majoritySingleVetoGameConstruct a weighted majority game with a single veto player
majoritySingleVetoGameValueCompute value of a coalition for a weighted majority game...
majoritySingleVetoGameVectorCompute game vector for a weighted majority game with a...
modiclusCompute modiclus
nevisonIndexCompute Nevison index
nonNormalizedBanzhafIndexCompute non-normalized Banzhaf index
normalizedBanzhafIndexCompute normalized Banzhaf index
normalizedBanzhafValueCompute normalized Banzhaf value
nucleolusCompute nucleolus
perCapitaNucleolusCompute per capita nucleolus
PrenucleolusCompute prenucleolus
propensityToDisruptCompute propensity to disrupt
proportionalNucleolusCompute proportional nucleolus
publicGoodIndexCompute Public Good index
publicGoodValueCompute (normalized) Public Good value
publicHelpChiIndexCompute Public Help index Chi
publicHelpChiValueCompute (normalized) Public Help value Chi
publicHelpIndexCompute Public Help index Theta
publicHelpValueCompute Public Help value Theta
raeIndexCompute Rae index
rawBanzhafIndexCompute raw Banzhaf Index
rawBanzhafValueCompute raw Banzhaf Value
reasonableSetVerticesCompute vertices of reasonable set
shapleyShubikIndexCompute Shapley-Shubik index
shapleyValueCompute Shapley value
simplifiedModiclusCompute simplified modiclus
stopOnInconsistentEstateAndClaimsVectorParameter Function stopOnInconsistentEstateAndClaimsVector
stopOnInvalidAllocationParameter Function stopOnInvalidAllocation
stopOnInvalidBooleanParameter Function stopOnInvalidBoolean
stopOnInvalidClaimsVectorParameter Function stopOnInvalidClaimsVector
stopOnInvalidCoalitionSParameter Function stopOnInvalidCoalitionS
stopOnInvalidDictatorParameter Function stopOnInvalidDictator
stopOnInvalidEstateParameter Function stopOnInvalidEstate
stopOnInvalidGameVectorParameter Function stopOnInvalidGameVector
stopOnInvalidGrandCoalitionNParameter Function stopOnInvalidGrandCoalitionN
stopOnInvalidIndexParameter Function stopOnInvalidIndex
stopOnInvalidLeftRightGloveGameParameter Function stopOnInvalidLeftRightGloveGame
stopOnInvalidNChooseBParameter Function stopOnInvalidNChooseB
stopOnInvalidNumberParameter Function stopOnInvalidNumber
stopOnInvalidNumberOfPlayersParameter Function stopOnInvalidNumberOfPlayers
stopOnInvalidQuotaParameter Function stopOnInvalidQuota
stopOnInvalidVetoPlayerParameter Function stopOnInvalidVetoPlayer
stopOnInvalidWeightVectorParameter Function stopOnInvalidWeightVector
stopOnParamCheckErrorstopOnParamCheckError - stop and create error message on...
tauValueCompute tau-value
unanimityGameConstruct a unanimity game
unanimityGameValueCompute value of a coalition for a unanimity game
unanimityGameVectorCompute game vector for a unanimity game
webersetVerticesCompute vertices of Weber Set
weightedVotingGameConstruct a weighted voting game
weightedVotingGameValueCompute value of a coalition for a weighted voting game
weightedVotingGameVectorCompute game vector for a weighted voting game (aka quota...
CoopGame documentation built on Aug. 24, 2021, 1:07 a.m.