
Defines functions Interpretor

# 'another way to interprete the structure
Interpretor <- function(Z = Z, names = NULL, X = NULL, R2 = TRUE, R2_vect = NULL, adj = TRUE)
  if (R2) {
    if (is.null(R2_vect)) {
      R2_vect = R2Z(Z = Z, X = X, adj = adj, crit = "R2")
    ordre = order(R2_vect)
    X = X[, ordre]
    Z = Z[ordre, ordre]
    names = names[ordre]

  if (is.null(names)) {
    if (!is.null(X)) {
      names = names(X)
    } else {
      message("no names")
      # break

  groups = list()
  quiI2 = which(colSums(Z) != 0)
  compt = 1
  for (j in quiI2) {
    groups[[compt]] = c(names[j], names[which(Z[, j] != 0)])
    compt = compt + 1
  if (R2) {
    R2_vect = R2_vect[ordre]
    names(groups) = paste(1:length(groups), R2_vect[R2_vect != 0])


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CorReg documentation built on Feb. 20, 2020, 5:07 p.m.