
Defines functions density_estimation

Documented in density_estimation

#' BIC of estimated  marginal gaussian mixture densities
#' @description Estimates the density of each covariates with gaussian mixture models and then gives the associated BIC.
#' @param X the dataset (matrix)
#' @param nbclustmax max number of clusters in the gaussian mixtures
#' @param nbclustmin min number of clusters in the gaussian mixtures
#' @param verbose verbose or not
#' @param detailed boolean to give the details of the mixtures found
#' @param matshape boolean to give the detail in matricial shape
#' @param max boolean. Use an heuristic to shrink nbclustmax according to the number of individuals in the dataset
#' @param package package to use ("Rmixmod", "mclust")
#' @param nbini number of initial points for Rmixmod
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return a list that contains:
#' \item{BIC_vect}{vector of the BIC (one per variable)}
#' \item{BIC}{global value of the BIC (\code{=sum(BIC_vect)})}
#' \item{nbclust}{vector of the numbers of components}
#' \item{details}{list of matrices that describe each Gaussian Mixture (proportions, means and variances)}
#' @examples
#' # dataset generation
#' base = mixture_generator(n = 150, p = 10, valid = 0, ratio = 0.4, tp1 = 1, tp2 = 1, tp3 = 1, 
#'                          positive = 0.5, R2Y = 0.8, R2 = 0.9, scale = TRUE, max_compl = 3, 
#'                          lambda = 1)
#' X_appr = base$X_appr # learning sample
#' density = density_estimation(X = X_appr, detailed = TRUE) # estimation of the marginal densities
#' density$BIC_vect # vector of the BIC (one per variable)
#' density$BIC # global value of the BIC (sum of the BICs)
#' density$nbclust # vector of the numbers of components.
#' density$details # matrices that describe each Gaussian Mixture (proportions, means and variances)
#' @export
density_estimation <- function(X = X, nbclustmax = 10, nbclustmin = 1, verbose = FALSE, detailed = FALSE, max = TRUE, package = c("mclust", "Rmixmod"), nbini = 20, matshape = FALSE, ...) {
  # X est la matrice sans constante
  X = 1 * as.matrix(X)
  n = nrow(X)
  package = match.arg(package)
  if (max) {
    nbclustmax = round(min(nbclustmax, 1 + n^(0.3)))
    nbclustmin = round(min(nbclustmin, 1 + n^(0.3)))
  if (package == "rtkpp") {
    package = "Rmixmod"
  p = ncol(X)
  nbclust = c()
  BIC_vect = c()
  if (detailed) {
    detailsmat = list()
  if (package == "Rmixmod") { # si on veut utiliser mixmod
    for (i in 1:p) {
      vect = X[!is.na(X[, i]), i] # donnees observees seulement
      nbclustmaxloc = nbclustmax
      combien = length(unique(vect))
      if (combien <= nbclustmaxloc) {nbclustmaxloc = max(1, round(combien / 2))}
      res = Rmixmod::mixmodCluster(data = vect, criterion = "BIC", nbCluster = c(nbclustmin:nbclustmaxloc), strategy = Rmixmod::mixmodStrategy(nbTryInInit = nbini))["bestResult"]
      if (verbose) {print(res)}
      nbclust[i] = res[1]
      BIC_vect[i] = res[3]
      if (detailed) {
        prop = res[6][1] # proportions
        meansvect = c(res[6][2]) # means
        varvect = unlist(res[6][3]) # variances
        if (matshape) {
          detailsmat = rbind(detailsmat, cbind(prop, meansvect, varvect, i))
        } else {
          detailsmat[[i]] = cbind(prop, meansvect, varvect, i)
          detailsmat[[i]] = detailsmat[[i]][order(detailsmat[[i]][, 1]), ]
  } else { # if(package=="mclust"){#on utilise mclust
    # requireNamespace(mclust)
    options(warn = -1)
    for (i in 1:p) {
      vect = X[!is.na(X[, i]), i] # donnees observees seulement
      nbclustmaxloc = nbclustmax
      combien = length(unique(vect))
      if (combien <= nbclustmaxloc) {
        nbclustmaxloc = max(1, round(combien / 2))
      res = mclust::Mclust(vect, G = c(nbclustmin:nbclustmaxloc), modelNames = "V")[c("bic", "parameters")]
      if (is.na(res$bic)) {
        res = Rmixmod::mixmodCluster(data = vect, criterion = "BIC", nbCluster = c(nbclustmin:nbclustmaxloc), strategy = Rmixmod::mixmodStrategy(nbTryInInit = nbini))["bestResult"]
        if (verbose) {print(res)}
        nbclust[i] = res[1]
        BIC_vect[i] = res[3]
        if (detailed) {
          prop = res[6][1] # proportions
          meansvect = c(res[6][2]) # means
          varvect = unlist(res[6][3]) # variances
          if (matshape) {
            detailsmat = rbind(detailsmat, cbind(prop, meansvect, varvect, i))
          } else {
            detailsmat[[i]] = cbind(prop, meansvect, varvect, i)
      } else {
        nbclust[i] = res$parameters$variance$G
        BIC_vect[i] = -res$bic
        if (detailed) {
          prop = res$parameters$pro # proportions
          meansvect = res$parameters$mean # means
          varvect = res$parameters$variance$sigmasq # variances
          if (matshape) {
            detailsmat = rbind(detailsmat, cbind(prop, meansvect, varvect, i))
          } else {
            detailsmat[[i]] = cbind(prop, meansvect, varvect, i)
    options(warn = 1)
  } # else{
  #      #on utilise rtkpp
  #      requireNamespace("rtkpp")
  #      require(rtkpp)
  #      for (i in 1:p){
  #         vect=X[!is.na(X[,i]),i]#donnees observees seulement
  #         nbclustmaxloc=nbclustmax
  #         combien=length(unique(vect))
  #         if(combien<=nbclustmaxloc){nbclustmaxloc=max(1,round(combien/2))}
  #         res=rtkpp::clusterDiagGaussian(data = vect,nbCluster = c(nbclustmin:nbclustmaxloc),criterion = "BIC",modelNames ="gaussian_pk_sjk",... )
  #         if(verbose){print(res)}
  #         nbclust[i]=res@nbCluster
  #         BIC_vect[i]=res@criterion
  #         if(detailed){
  #            prop=res@pk#proportions
  #            meansvect=res@mean#means
  #            varvect=res@sigma^2#variances
  #            if(matshape){
  #               detailsmat=rbind(detailsmat,cbind(prop,meansvect,varvect,i))
  #            }else{
  #               detailsmat[[i]]=cbind(prop,meansvect,varvect,i)
  #               detailsmat[[i]]=detailsmat[[i]][order(detailsmat[[i]][,1]),]
  #            }
  #         }
  #      }
  # }
  if (detailed) { # boucle a la main pour sortie utilisable
    return(list(BIC_vect = BIC_vect, nbclust = nbclust, BIC = sum(BIC_vect), details = detailsmat))
  } else {
    return(list(BIC_vect = BIC_vect, nbclust = nbclust, BIC = sum(BIC_vect)))

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