#' @title Mosaic Plot
#' @description
#' Plots (extended) mosaic displays via \code{\link[vcd]{mosaic}}.
#' The last response variable is highlighted.
#' A high-dimensional contingency table is calculated via \code{\link[vcd]{structable}}
#' from the given dataset.
#' Flat contingency table splits predictors horizontally and optional responses vertically.
#' @template dataset
#' @template predictors
#' @template responses
#' @templateVar packagelink \code{\link[vcd]{mosaic}}
#' @template returnResults
#' @template threedots
#' @export
#' @return
#' Logical [\code{TRUE}] invisibly and outputs to Cornerstone or,
#' if \code{return.results = TRUE}, \code{\link{list}} of
#' resulting \code{\link{data.frame}} objects:
#' \item{long.contingency}{Contingency table in long format.}
#' @examples
#' # Draw mosaic plot from 'titanic' data:
#' mosaicPlot(titanic, c("Class", "Age", "Sex", "Survived"))
#' res = mosaicPlot(titanic, c("Class", "Age"), c("Sex", "Survived"), return.results = TRUE)
#' print(res)
mosaicPlot = function(dataset =
, preds =, resps =
, return.results = FALSE
, ...
) {
# sanity checks
assertCharacter(preds, min.len = 1)
assertCharacter(resps, null.ok = TRUE)
assertSetEqual(names(dataset), c(preds, resps))
# check protected names in dataset, conflicts with data.table usage are possible
assertDisjunct(names(dataset), c("pred", "preds", "resp", "group", "groups", "resps", "brush", "brushed"))
# convert to data.table
dtDataset =
# update to valid names
preds = make.names(preds)
resps = make.names(resps)
names(dtDataset) = make.names(names(dtDataset))
# create formula
frml = stats::as.formula(paste0(paste0(resps, collapse = "+"), "~", paste0(preds, collapse = "+")))
# calculate contingency table
conttable = vcd::structable(frml, data = dtDataset)
long.conttable =
# color decision
# no resps or up to two levels, blue red
# resps with more than two levels, rainbow
def.col = c("blue", "red")
if (length(resps) > 0) {
if (nlevels(dtDataset[[tail(resps, 1)]]) > 2) {
def.col = grDevices::rainbow
# plots to Cornerstone
cs.out.png("Mosaic Plot (PNG)")
vcd::mosaic(conttable, highlighting = tail(resps, 1)
, highlighting_fill = def.col
, ...
cs.out.emf("Mosaic Plot (EMF)")
vcd::mosaic(conttable, highlighting = tail(resps, 1)
, highlighting_fill = def.col
, ...
# export to Cornerstone
cs.out.dataset(long.conttable, "Contingency Table")
# return results
if (return.results) {
res = list(long.contingency = long.conttable)
} else {
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