
Covid19 Wastewater Analysis Package

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This is an R package of utilities to perform wastewater data analysis for pathogenic surveillance and monitoring.

This project is a collaboration between the University of Wisconsin-Madison Data Science Institute (DSI), the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), and the State Lab of Hygiene (SLH).

Getting started

View our getting started guide to learn more about this R package, or follow the steps below to install, view examples, and get help inside your favorite R interpreter.


Install from CRAN using this command


Otherwise, we have comprehensive instructions here.

After installation, view our vignettes

vignette(package = "Covid19Wastewater")

or get help.

help(package = "Covid19Wastewater")


We've included a set of instructional examples to make this package easy to learn and understand.


vignette(package = "Covid19Wastewater")
help(package = "Covid19Wastewater")

Package Application

We applied this package to Covid-19 data from Wisconsin in our analysis repository here.


Distributed under the MIT License. See the license for more information.


Email: - Marlin Lee - (

Repos: - Package Link:

Try the Covid19Wastewater package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

Covid19Wastewater documentation built on Aug. 25, 2023, 1:07 a.m.