Man pages for Covid19Wastewater
Prepare, Analyze, and Visualize Covid-19 Wastewater Data

Aux_info_dataAuxiliary data
baggingBootstrap aggregating of dataset gen a list of dataframes...
buildCaseAnalysisDFPrep case data into right format
buildRegressionEstimateTableRun DHS analysis at a top level
buildWasteAnalysisDFConvert wastewater_data data to workset4 shape
Case_dataCase data
classifyCaseRegressionCreate Case Flags based on regression slope
classifyQuantileFlagRegressionClassify FlagRegression with rolling Quantile info
computeJumpscompute first difference Jumps for N1 and N2
countFlagsCreate counts of flag data
Covariants_dataCovariants data
Covid19WastewaterCovid19Wastewater: A package for running Covid19 wastewater...
createCaseFlagCreate Case flags
createWasteFlagsCreate waste flags
Data_DescriptionData Description This package contains a lot of data with...
date_distance_clampremove distances above threshold
date_distance_removeremove distances above threshold
Example_dataExample data
expand_formulaExpand formula for increased info takes a formula with shape...
expSmoothModexpSmoothMod Add a column of the smoothed values using...
factorVecByNumPointsconvert column to factor based on amount of entries
factorVecByVecGet ordering for ploting based on factoring vector
Flag_From_TrendFlag values as outliers based on error from estimated trend...
flagOutliersCreate column with Boolean based on a threshold
gen_INCMSEget increased mean square error for each column
gen_OOB_predget OOB predictions of the training dataset returns the...
heatmapcorfuncOutputs a heatmap where the color is the r squared of...
HFGCase_dataHigh frequency case data
HFGWaste_dataHigh frequency Waste data
InterceptorCase_dataMadison interceptor case data
loessSmoothModloessSmoothMod Add a column of the smoothed values using...
makeQuantileColumnsAdd many combo of rolling quantile columns to dataframe have...
nGuessnGuess for sgolaySmoothMod number of points per polynomial
OffsetDFMakerReturns a dataframe with the multiple ways to analyze how...
OffsetDF_PlotGiven output from OffsetDFMaker returns a 2x3 grid of all the...
OffsetHeatmapOutputs a heatmap of the offset for variant / time windows...
OOB_MSE_num_treesget OOB MSE vs number of forest in trees
parameterGuessGet a fitting parameter for the model
Pop_dataSewer shed population data
predict-random_linear_forest-methodpredict new data from random_linear_forest models
random_linear_forestFitting linear random forest
random_linear_forest-classrandom_linear_forest model class using a random forest of...
removeOutliersAdd column with NA values where the data was flagged
sgolaySmoothModsgolaySmoothMod Add a column of the smoothed values using...
show-random_linear_forest-methoddisplay form for random_linear_forest class
summary-random_linear_forest-methodsummary method for linear forest class
uniqueValFind all unique values in the column selected
VariantPlotShows each variant in proportion to the others in 2 week time...
WasteWater_dataWastewater data set
windowingQuantFunccreate rolling quantile column based on date
Covid19Wastewater documentation built on Aug. 25, 2023, 1:07 a.m.