
Defines functions B2M CpGFilterICC

Documented in CpGFilterICC

B2M <-
		function(x) {
	x[x==0] <- min(x[x!=0])
	x[x==1] <- max(x[x!=1])
	log(x / (1-x))

CpGFilterICC <- function(dat, rep.design, REML = FALSE, logit.transform = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
	# Computes the ICC for each probe based on fast LMM
	# Args:
	#   dat: a matrix of CpG beta-values, row - CpG, column - sample
	#   rep.design: a vector indicating the replicate desgin, it could be factor, character or numeric vectors
	#      Example - c(1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5) OR c('S1', 'S2', 'S2', 'S2', 'S1')
	#   logit.transform: If TRUE, beta-value will be converted into M-value;  Default is TRUE.
	#   verbose: If TRUE, print run information
	# Returns:
	#   The ICCs for all probes
	ptm <- proc.time()
	if (verbose == TRUE) 	cat("Fast LMM for calculating ICC based on replicates\n")
	if (nrow(dat) < ncol(dat)) {
		warning("Less rows than columns. Rows should be CpGs! \n")
	if (ncol(dat) != length(rep.design)) {
		stop("Number of columns in 'dat' is not equal to the length of 'rep.design'!\n")
	if (sum(is.na(dat)) != 0) {
		warning("NAs detected in your data! NAs will be replaced by row means!\n")
		dat[is.na(dat)] <- rowMeans(dat, na.rm=T)[which(is.na(dat), arr.ind=T)[, 1]]
	if (logit.transform == TRUE) {
		dat.range <- range(dat)
		if (dat.range[1] < 0 | dat.range[2] > 1) {
			warning("Data value range is not between 0 and 1! Logit transform will not be performed!\n")
		} else {
			dat <- B2M(dat)
	rep.design <- as.numeric(factor(rep.design))
	m <- length(unique(rep.design))
	n <- length(rep.design)
	if (verbose == TRUE) 	cat("The data has ", nrow(dat), " CpGs, ",  m, " unique samples and ", n-m, "replicates.\n")
	if (m < 40 | (n-m) < 10) {
		warning("Recommended sample size and replicate number are 40 and 8 at least!\n")
	# order the samples
	dat <- dat[, order(rep.design), drop=F]
	rep.design <- sort(rep.design)
	# replicate number
	rep.no <- table(rep.design)
	rep.no <- rep.no[paste(1:m)]
	# replicates list
	rep.id.list <- lapply(1:m, function(i) which(rep.design == i))
	# Estimate sd and mean using all biological replicates
	indep.id <- sapply(rep.id.list, function(x) x[1])
	cpg.sd <- rowSds(dat[, indep.id, drop = F])
	cpg.m <- rowMeans(dat[, indep.id, drop = F])
	# retain samples with replicates
	dat <- dat[, unlist(rep.id.list[rep.no != 1]), drop = F]
	rep.design <- rep.design[unlist(rep.id.list[rep.no != 1])]
	rep.no <- rep.no[rep.no != 1]
	rep.id.list <- lapply(unique(rep.design), function(i) which(rep.design == i))
	m2 <- length(rep.no)
	# center the data
	dat <- (dat - cpg.m) / cpg.sd
	# create vectors for computation
	rep.no.cum <- c(0, cumsum(rep.no))
	exp.row <- unlist(lapply(1:m2, function(i) 
						expand.grid(1:rep.no[i], 1:rep.no[i])[, 1] + rep.no.cum[i]))
	exp.col <- unlist(lapply(1:m2, function(i) 
						expand.grid(1:rep.no[i], 1:rep.no[i])[, 2] + rep.no.cum[i]))
	exp.ind <- rep(1:m2, rep.no^2)
	temp <- c(0, cumsum(rep.no^2))
	ind <- unlist(lapply(1:m2, function(i) (1:rep.no[i]-1) * rep.no[i] + 1:rep.no[i] + temp[i]))
	mask.c0 <- rep(FALSE, length(exp.ind))
	mask.c0[ind] <- TRUE
	mask.c1 <- !(mask.c0)
	# Score function - vectorization to speed up computation
	# MLE 
	f1.mle <- function(rho, y) {
		b0 <- (1 + (rep.no-2)*rho) / (1 - rho) / (1 + (rep.no-1) * rho)
		b1 <- -rho / (1 - rho) / (1 + (rep.no-1) * rho)
		c0 <- (rep.no - 1) * (rep.no - 2) * b1^2 + 2 * (rep.no - 1) * b0 * b1
		c1 <- ((rep.no - 1) * (rep.no - 2) + 1) * b1^2 + 2 * (rep.no - 2) * b0 * b1 + b0^2
		sum(rep.no * (rep.no - 1) * b1) / 2 -
				sum(y[exp.row] * (c0[exp.ind] * mask.c0 + c1[exp.ind] * mask.c1) * y[exp.col]) / 2
	f1.reml <- function(rho, y) {
		b0 <- (1 + (rep.no-2) * rho) / (1 - rho) / (1 + (rep.no-1) * rho)
		b1 <- -rho / (1 - rho) / (1 + (rep.no-1)*rho)
		c0 <- (rep.no - 1) * (rep.no - 2) * b1^2 + 2 * (rep.no - 1) * b0 * b1
		c1 <- ((rep.no - 1) * (rep.no - 2) + 1) * b1^2 + 2 * (rep.no - 2) * b0 * b1 + b0^2
		d <- sum(rep.no * (b0 - b1) + rep.no * rep.no * b1)
		sum(rep.no * (rep.no - 1) * b1) / 2 -  sum(rep.no * (c0 + (rep.no - 1) * c1)) / 2 / d -
				sum(y[exp.row] * (c0[exp.ind] * mask.c0 + c1[exp.ind] * mask.c1) * y[exp.col]) / 2
	f2 <- function(y, REML=FALSE) {
		if (REML == FALSE) {
			f1 <- f1.mle
		} else {
			f1 <- f1.reml
		i <<- i + 1
		if (i %% 5000 == 0 & verbose == TRUE) 	cat(i, "\n")
		a1 <- f1(0, y)
		if (a1 >= 0) {
			rho <- 0
		} else {
			# Root finding
			if (class(try(rho <- uniroot(f1, c(0, 0.9999), y, tol=1e-4)$root, silent=TRUE)) == 'try-error')
				rho <- NA	
	if (verbose == TRUE) 	cat("Start to fit fast LMM using ")
	if (REML == TRUE) {
		cat("REML ...\n")
	} else {
		cat("MLE ...\n")
	i <- 0
	res <- apply(dat, 1, f2, REML)
	if (verbose == TRUE) 	cat("Complete. ", (proc.time() - ptm)[3], "seconds used.\n")

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CpGFilter documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:03 p.m.