
Defines functions calibrate.at1p

Documented in calibrate.at1p

#' @title AT1P model calibration to market CDS data
#' @description
#' Compares CDS rates quoted on the market with theoric CDS rates calculeted by the function
#' \code{cds} and looks for the parameters to be used into \code{at1p}
#' for returning the default intensities corresponding to real market CDS rates performing the
#' minimization of the objective function.
#' @param V0 firm value at time \code{t = 0}.
#' @param cdsrate CDS rates from market.
#' @param r a vector of risk-free rate.
#' @param t a vector of debt maturity structure.
#' @param ... additional parameters used in \code{cds} function.
#' @return
#' \code{calibrate.at1p} returns an object of class \code{data.frame} with calculated parameters of
#' the \code{at1p} model and the error occurred in the minimization procedure.
#' @details
#' Inside \code{calibrate.at1p}, the function \code{objfn} takes the input a
#' vector of parameters and returns the mean error occurred estimating CDS rates with
#' \code{cds} function. The inputs used in \code{cds} are the default intensities calculated by
#' the \code{at1p} function with the calibrated parameters. In particular the error is
#' calculated as:
#' \deqn{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n (c^{ds}-c^{ds}_{mkt})^2.} This quantity is a function of
#' the default intensities and it is the objective function to be minimized in order to take
#' optimal solutions for intensities.
#' @references
#' Damiano Brigo, Massimo Morini, Andrea Pallavicini (2013)
#' Counterparty Credit Risk, Collateral and Funding.
#' With Pricing Cases for All Asset Classes
#' @examples
#' calibrate.at1p(V0 = 1, cdsrate = cdsdata$Par.spread, r = cdsdata$ED.Zero.Curve,
#' t = cdsdata$Maturity)
#' @export
calibrate.at1p <- function(V0, cdsrate, r, t, ...){

  if(!is.numeric(V0)) stop("V0 must be a number")
  if(length(V0) != 1) stop("V0 must be a number and not a vector")
  if(!is.numeric(r)) stop("r must be a number")
  if(!is.numeric(cdsrate)) stop("cdsrate must be a numeric vector")
  if(!is.numeric(t)) stop("Time t must be a numeric vector")
  if(length(cdsrate) != length(t)) stop("cdsrate and t must have the same length")

	objfn <- function(par, cdsrate, r, t){

		  H0 <- par[1]
		  B <- par[2]
    	sigma <- par[3 : length(par)]

    	intensity <- at1p(V0 = V0, H0 = H0, B = B, sigma = sigma, r = r, t = t)$Default.Intensity
    	rate <- cds(t = t, int = intensity, r = r, ...)$Rate

  		err <- mean((rate - cdsrate)^2)

	par <- c(0.4, 0.02, rep(0.2, length(t)))
	out <- stats::optim(par = par, fn = objfn, cdsrate = cdsrate, t = t, r = r, method = 'L-BFGS-B', lower = 0 * t, control = list(maxit = 5000))

	out <- list(V0, out$par[1], out$par[2], out$par[3 : length(out$par)], out$value)
	names(out) <- c('V0', 'H0', 'B', 'Sigma', 'Error')


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