
Defines functions print.summary.CytOpt summary.CytOpt

Documented in print.summary.CytOpt summary.CytOpt

#'CytOpt summary
#'summary S3 method for CytOpt object
#'@param object	an object of class \code{CytOpt} to summarized.
#'@param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods. Not implemented.
#'@return a \code{list} object
#'@method summary CytOpt
#'res <- CytOpT(X_s = HIPC_Stanford_1228_1A, X_t = HIPC_Stanford_1369_1A, 
#'              Lab_source = HIPC_Stanford_1228_1A_labels,
#'              eps = 0.0001, lbd = 0.0001, n_iter = 10000, n_stoc=10,
#'              step_grad = 10, step = 5, power = 0.99, 
#'              method='minmax', monitoring=TRUE)

summary.CytOpt <- function(object, ...){
  s <- list()
  s[["proportions"]] <- object$proportions

    s[["KLdiv"]] <- lapply(object$monitoring, function(x){x[length(x)]})
    s[["n_iter"]] <- lapply(object$monitoring, function(x){length(x)})
    s[["KLdiv"]] <- NULL
  class(s) <- "summary.CytOpt"

#'CytOpt print summary
#'print S3 method for summary.CytOpt object
#'@param x	an object of class \code{summary.CytOpt} to print.
#'@param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods. Not implemented.
#'@return NULL
#'@method print summary.CytOpt

print.summary.CytOpt <- function(x, ...){
  method <- gsub("MinMax", "MinMax swapping", 
                 gsub("Descent_ascent", "Descent-Ascent", colnames(x$proportions)
  if(method[1] == "Gold_standard"){
    method <- method[-1]
  cat("Estimation of cell proportions with", paste0(method, collapse = " and "), "from CytOpt:\n")
    KLdivs <- unlist(x$KLdiv)
    names(KLdivs) <- gsub("MinMax", "MinMax swapping", 
                          gsub("Descent_ascent", "Descent-Ascent", names(KLdivs)
    cat("\nFinal Kullback-Leibler divergences:\n")
    niter <- unlist(x$n_iter)
    names(niter) <- gsub("MinMax", "MinMax swapping", 
                          gsub("Descent_ascent", "Descent-Ascent", names(niter)
    cat("Number of iterations:\n")

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CytOpT documentation built on Feb. 10, 2022, 1:07 a.m.