
onewayPlot <-
function (obj, trtnam = "trt", axisht = 4.5, xlim = NULL, xlab = NULL, 
    lsdht = 1.5, hsdht = 0.5, textht = axisht - 2.5, oma = rep(1, 
        4), angle = 80, alpha = 0.05) 
    if (prod(par()$mfrow) == 1) {
        opar <- par(mar = rep(0, 4), oma = oma, xpd = TRUE)
        on.exit(par(mar = opar$mar, oma = opar$oma, xpd = FALSE))
    else {
        par(xpd = TRUE)
        on.exit(par(xpd = FALSE))
    term.labels <- attr(obj$terms,'term.labels')
    if (is.null(trtnam)) 
        trtnam <- term.labels[1]
    blist <- summary.lm(obj)$coef
    nam <- rownames(blist)
    introw <- match("(Intercept)", nam, nomatch = 0)
    if (introw > 0) 
        const <- blist[introw, 1]
    else const <- 0
    nch <- nchar(trtnam)
    facrows <- substring(nam, 1, nch) %in% trtnam
    est <- c(0, blist[facrows, 1]) + const
    sedB <- blist[facrows, 2]
    sed.min <- min(sedB)
    sed.max <- max(sedB)
    sed.rms <- sqrt(mean(c(sed.min, sed.max)^2))
    if (sed.max - sed.min > 0.1 * sed.rms) {
        show.sed <- FALSE
        cat("\nDesign is unbalanced.  SEDs depend on the treatments compared.\n")
    df <- obj$df
    talpha <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
    lsd <- talpha * sed.rms
    tukey <- qtukey(1 - alpha, nmeans = length(est), df)/sqrt(2)
    hsd <- tukey * sed.rms
    est.min <- min(est)
    est.max <- max(est)
    xtratex <- 1 + 1.3 * strwidth("Tukey HSD", "figure")
    if (is.null(xlim)) {
        xlim <- range(est)
        xlim <- xlim + c(-0.05, 0.05) * diff(xlim)
    if (est[1] + hsd <= est.max) {
        hsdlim <- c(est[1], est[1] + hsd)
        lsdlim <- c(est[1], est[1] + lsd)
    else if (est[1] - hsd >= est.min) {
        hsdlim <- c(est[1] - hsd, est[1])
        lsdlim <- c(est[1] - lsd, est[1])
        adjtxt <- 1
    else if (xtratex * hsd < diff(xlim)) {
        hsdlim <- c(est.min, est.min + hsd)
        lsdlim <- c(est.min, est.min + lsd)
        adjtxt <- 1
    else {
        xlim[2] <- xlim[1] + xtratex * hsd
        hsdlim <- c(est.min, est.min + hsd)
        lsdlim <- c(est.min, est.min + lsd)
        adjtxt <- 1
    plot(xlim[1], 0, xlim = xlim, ylim = c(0, 1), type = "n", 
        axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", mgp = c(2, 0.5, 0))
    axisht <- axisht - round(par()$mar[1])
    textht <- textht - round(par()$mar[1])
    lsdht <- lsdht - round(par()$mar[1])
    hsdht <- hsdht - round(par()$mar[1])
    chh <- par()$cxy[2] * par()$cex
    chw <- par()$cxy[1] * par()$cex
    lines(xlim, rep(axisht * chh, 2))
    axis(1, tck = 0.02, pos = axisht * chh, at = est, labels = FALSE)
    axis(1, pos = axisht * chh)
    if (!is.null(xlab)) 
        text(mean(par()$usr[1:2]), textht * chh, labels = xlab)
    trtlev <- obj$xlevels[[trtnam]]
    xpos <- DAAG::bounce(est, d = chw)
    text(xpos, rep(axisht * chh, length(xpos)) + 0.85 * chh, 
        trtlev, srt = angle, adj = 0)
    adjtxt <- 0
    if (!is.null(lsdht)) {
        lines(lsdlim, rep(lsdht * chh, 2))
        text(lsdlim[2 - adjtxt] + (0.5 - adjtxt) * chw, lsdht * 
            chh, "LSD", adj = adjtxt)
    if (!is.null(hsdht)) {
        lines(hsdlim, rep(hsdht * chh, 2))
        text(hsdlim[2 - adjtxt] + (0.5 - adjtxt) * chw, hsdht * 
            chh, "Tukey HSD", adj = adjtxt)

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DAAG documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:13 a.m.