
Defines functions dce_toolbox

Documented in dce_toolbox


# Generate the Optimal or Bayesian efficient design.
# dce_toolbox1 <- function(attributes, csets, alts, nochoice, priors, alg){
#   #checks
#   if (nochoice == TRUE){
#     nc <- 1
#   } else {
#     nc <- 0
#   }
#   if ((sum(attributes)-length(attributes)+nc) != length(priors) & alg == "fedorov"){
#     stop("The number of priors does not correspond to the number of parameters in the model.")
#   }
#   if (sum(attributes-1)>csets){
#     stop("The number of sets is not enough.", " Try with ", sum(attributes-1), " sets or more.")
#   }
#   # Create all alternatives
#   toexp <- list()
#   for (i in attributes){
#     te <- seq(1,i)
#     toexp[[length(toexp) + 1]] <- te
#   }
#   profiles <- expand.grid(toexp)
#   # Create the full factorial design
#   expcs <- list()
#   for (j in 1:alts){
#     expcs[[length(expcs) + 1]] <- seq(1,nrow(profiles))
#   }
#   sets <- expand.grid(expcs)
#   sets <- sets[sets$Var1 > sets$Var2,]
#   allsets <- data.frame()
#   for (row in 1:nrow(sets)){
#     for (alt in 1:alts){
#       pr <- as.numeric(sets[row,][alt])
#       p <- profiles[pr,]
#       p <- cbind(row, p)
#       allsets <- rbind(allsets, p)
#     }
#     if (nochoice == TRUE){
#       n <- rep(1, (length(p))-1)
#       n <- unlist(append(p[1], n))
#       allsets <- rbind(allsets, n)
#     }
#   }
#   # Select a random design with the number of sets inputed
#   random.sets <- sample.int(max(allsets$row),csets)
#   randomdce <- allsets[allsets$row %in% random.sets,]
#   # Dummify function
#   dummify <- function(randomdce, alts){
#     temp_mat <- data.frame(NA)
#     for (col in 1:(ncol(randomdce[,2:ncol(randomdce)]))){
#       temp_dum <- fastDummies::dummy_cols(randomdce[,col+1])
#       temp_dum <- temp_dum[,2:ncol(temp_dum)]
#       temp_dum <- as.data.frame(temp_dum)
#       for (x in 1:ncol(temp_dum)){
#         colnames(temp_dum)[x] <- paste0("Var",col,x)
#       }
#       temp_mat <- cbind(temp_mat, temp_dum)
#     }
#     temp_mat[1] <- randomdce[1]
#     colnames(temp_mat)[1] <- "task"
#     temp_mat <- tibble::add_column(temp_mat, rep(1:alts, length.out = nrow(temp_mat)) ,.after = "task")
#     colnames(temp_mat)[2] <- "alt"
#     temp_mat <- temp_mat[, -which(stringi::stri_sub(colnames(temp_mat),-1) == 1)]
#     temp_mat[,1] <- rep(1:(nrow(temp_mat)/2), each = alts)[1:nrow(temp_mat)]
#     return(temp_mat)
#   }
#   # Dp-error function for the "optimal" DCE. The DBerr function from 'idefix' will be used for bayesian designs.
#   D.error <- function(des, priors){
#     #compute exp(Vi)
#     des <- cbind(des, "expv" = t(exp(priors %*% t(des[,3:ncol(des)]))))
#     #calculate probabilities
#     des <- merge(des, stats::aggregate(expv ~ task, FUN = "sum", data = des), by = "task")
#     des <- cbind(des[1:(length(des)-2)],  "prob" = des$expv.x/des$expv.y)
#     #information matrix
#     m <- matrix(data = 0, ncol = length(priors), nrow = length(priors)) #accumulation matrix
#     for (i in 1:max(des$task)){
#       n <- t(des[des$task == i,][3:(ncol(des)-1)]) %*%
#         (diag(des[des$task == i,ncol(des)]) - des[des$task == i,ncol(des)] %*%
#            t(des[des$task == i,ncol(des)])) %*%
#         as.matrix(des[des$task == i,][3:(ncol(des)-1)])
#       m <- m + n
#     }
#     #D-error
#     Derr <- det(m)^(-1/length(priors))
#     return(Derr)
#   }
#   # Add an alternative if there is a null option
#   if (nochoice == TRUE){
#     alt <- alts + 1
#   } else {
#     alt <- alts
#   }
#   # Dummify the temp_mat
#   temp_mat <- dummify(randomdce, alts = alt)
#   # Add the opt-out option
#   if (nochoice == TRUE){
#     optout <- rep(0, alts)
#     optout <- append(optout, 1)
#     optout <- rep(optout, max(temp_mat$task))
#     temp_mat <- cbind(temp_mat[,1:2], optout, temp_mat[,3:ncol(temp_mat)])
#   }
#   # Modified Fedorov algorithm
#   fedorov <- function(allsets, alt, profiles, csets, priors, nochoice, temp_mat){
#     allsets_d <- dummify(allsets, alt)
#     acumderr <- c()
#     min <- c()
#     allalts <- cbind(allsets[1:nrow(profiles),1], profiles)
#     colnames(allalts)[1] <- "row"
#     allalts <- dummify(allalts, alts = alts)
#     it_d <- D.error(des = temp_mat, priors = priors)
#     if (nochoice == TRUE){
#       msp <- 4
#     } else {
#       msp <- 3
#     }
#     aa <- allalts[,3:ncol(allalts)]
#     for (it in 1:10){ ### Iterations
#       for (a in 1:nrow(temp_mat)){ ### Alternatives in the design
#         if (temp_mat$alt[a] == (alts+1)){
#           next
#         } else{
#           for (p in 1:(nrow(aa))){ ### Try all possible alternatives
#             temp_mat[a,msp:ncol(temp_mat)] <- aa[p,]
#             min <- append(min, D.error(des = temp_mat, priors = priors))
#           }
#           temp_mat[a,msp:ncol(temp_mat)] <- aa[which(min == min(min, na.rm = TRUE))[1],]
#           min <- c()
#         }
#       }
#       it_d <- append(it_d, D.error(des = temp_mat, priors = priors))
#       change <- (it_d[(length(it_d))] - it_d[(length(it_d)-1)])/it_d[(length(it_d)-1)]
#       change <- change*100
#       if (it == 1){cat("D-error of the random starting design: ", it_d[1])} else {cat("\n")}
#       if (change >= -0.1 && it >= 2){
#         break
#       } else {
#         cat("\nIteration ", it, ": D-error ", D.error(des = temp_mat, priors = priors))
#         cat("\nChange: ", change, "% \n")
#       }
#     }
#     cat(D.error(des = temp_mat, priors = priors))
#     Derror <- D.error(des = temp_mat, priors = priors)
#     results <- list("design" = temp_mat, "D-error" = Derror, "details" = "Fedorov modified algorithm used to generate an optimal design")
#     return(results)
#     return(cat("D-error of the current design: ", D.error(des = temp_mat, priors = priors)))
#   }
#   cea <- function(randomdce, attributes, alts, csets, priors, nochoice){
#     min <- c()
#     it_d <- c()
#     for (it in 1:10){
#       for (row in 1:nrow(randomdce)){ #Loop for rows
#         if (nochoice == FALSE | (nochoice == TRUE && row %% alt)){
#           for (at in 1:(ncol(randomdce)-1)){ #attribute
#             for (lev in 1:attributes[at]){
#               randomdce[row, at+1] <- lev
#               temp_mat <- dummify(randomdce, alts)
#               if (nochoice == TRUE){
#                 temp_mat <- tibble::add_column(temp_mat, "optout" = rep(append(rep(0, alts), 1), csets), .after = 2)
#               }
#               min <- append(min, idefix::DBerr(priors, as.matrix(temp_mat[,-c(1,2)]), alts))
#             }
#             randomdce[row, at+1] <- which(min == min(min, na.rm = TRUE))[1]
#             min <- c()
#           }
#         }
#       }
#       temp_mat <- dummify(randomdce, alts)
#       if (nochoice == TRUE){
#         temp_mat <- tibble::add_column(temp_mat, "optout" = rep(append(rep(0, alts), 1), csets), .after = 2)
#       }
#       it_d <- append(it_d, idefix::DBerr(priors, as.matrix(temp_mat[,-c(1,2)]), alts))
#       change <- (it_d[(length(it_d))] - it_d[(length(it_d)-1)])/it_d[(length(it_d)-1)]
#       change <- change*100
#       if (it == 1){cat("DB-error of the random starting design: ", it_d[1])} else {cat("\n")}
#       if (change >= -0.1 && it >= 2){
#         break
#       } else {
#         cat("\nIteration ", it, ": DB-error ", idefix::DBerr(priors, as.matrix(temp_mat[,-c(1,2)]), alts))
#         cat("\nChange: ", change, "% \n")
#       }
#     }
#     Derror <- idefix::DBerr(priors, as.matrix(temp_mat[,-c(1,2)]), alts)
#     if (nochoice == TRUE){
#       temp_mat$task <- rep(1:csets, each = alts+1)
#       temp_mat$alt <- rep(1:(alts+1), times = csets)
#     }
#     results <- list("design" = temp_mat, "DB-error" = Derror, "details" = "Coordinate exchange algorithm used to generate an efficient Bayesian design")
#     return(results)
#   }
#   if (alg == "cea" && nochoice == TRUE){
#     nrandomdce <- data.frame()
#     for (i in seq(from = 1, to = nrow(randomdce), by = (alt))){
#       temporal <- randomdce[i:(alt),]
#       nrandomdce <- rbind(nrandomdce, temporal, rep(1, each = length(attributes)))
#     }
#   }
#   if (alg != "fedorov" && alg != "cea"){
#     stop("The 'alg' argument must be either 'fedorov' or 'cea'.")
#   } else if (alg == "fedorov"){
#     return(fedorov(allsets, alt, profiles, csets, priors, nochoice, temp_mat))
#   } else if (alg == "cea"){
#     return(cea(randomdce, attributes, alts, csets, priors, nochoice))
#   }
# }

##### New design based on idefix
#' @export
dce_toolbox <- function(attributes, csets, alts, nochoice, priors, alg){
  if (alg == "fedorov"){
    if (nochoice == TRUE){
      coding <- rep("D", length(attributes))
    } else if (nochoice == FALSE){
      coding <- rep("D", length(attributes))
    cand.set <- idefix::Profiles(attributes, coding)
    if (nochoice == TRUE){
      alts <- alts+1
      alt.cte <- c(rep(0, alts-1), 1)
      v <- diag(length(priors))
      mu <- priors
      priors1 <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = 100, mu = mu, Sigma = v)
      priors <- list(matrix(priors1[,1], ncol = 1), priors1[,2:ncol(priors1)])
      no.choice = TRUE
    } else {
      alts <- alts
      alt.cte <- NULL
      no.choice = FALSE

    gendes <- idefix::Modfed(cand.set, csets, alts, priors, alt.cte, no.choice = no.choice)
    design <- gendes$design
    # Extraer los nombres de las filas
    row_names <- rownames(design)
    # Crear las nuevas columnas basadas en los nombres de las filas
    task <- as.integer(sub("set(\\d+).*", "\\1", row_names))
    alts <- as.integer(sub(".*alt(\\d+)|no.choice", "\\1", row_names))
    # Establecer el valor de la columna 'alts' cuando es "no.choice"
    for (i in 1:length(alts)) {
      if (is.na(alts[i])) {
        alts[i] <- alts[i - 1] + 1
    # Crear un dataframe temporal con las nuevas columnas
    temp_df <- data.frame(task, alts)
    # Establecer el valor de la columna 'task' cuando es NA
    temp_df$task[is.na(temp_df$task)] <- temp_df$task[which(is.na(temp_df$task)) - 1]
    # Agregar las nuevas columnas al dataframe
    design <- cbind(temp_df, design)
    result <- c()
    result$design <- design
    result$`D-error` <- gendes$error
    result$details <- "Fedorov modified algorithm used to generate an optimal design"
  } else if (alg == "cea"){
    if (nochoice == TRUE){
      coding <- rep("D", length(attributes))
    } else if (nochoice == FALSE){
      coding <- rep("D", length(attributes))
    if (nochoice == TRUE){
      alts <- alts+1
      alt.cte <- c(rep(0, alts-1), 1)
      priors <- list(matrix(priors[,1], ncol = 1), priors[,2:ncol(priors)])
      no.choice = TRUE
    } else if (nochoice == FALSE){
      alt.cte <- NULL
      no.choice = FALSE
    gendes <- idefix::CEA(attributes, coding, NULL, csets, alts, priors, alt.cte, no.choice = no.choice)
    design <- gendes$design
    # Extraer los nombres de las filas
    row_names <- rownames(design)
    # Crear las nuevas columnas basadas en los nombres de las filas
    task <- as.integer(sub("set(\\d+).*", "\\1", row_names))
    alts <- as.integer(sub(".*alt(\\d+)|no.choice", "\\1", row_names))
    # Establecer el valor de la columna 'alts' cuando es "no.choice"
    for (i in 1:length(alts)) {
      if (is.na(alts[i])) {
        alts[i] <- alts[i - 1] + 1
    # Crear un dataframe temporal con las nuevas columnas
    temp_df <- data.frame(task, alts)
    # Establecer el valor de la columna 'tasts' cuando es NA
    temp_df$task[is.na(temp_df$task)] <- temp_df$task[which(is.na(temp_df$task)) - 1]
    # Agregar las nuevas columnas al dataframe
    design <- cbind(temp_df, design)
    result <- c()
    result$design <- design
    result$`D-error` <- gendes$error
    result$details <- "Coordinate exchange algorithm used to generate an efficient Bayesian design"


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DCEtool documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:54 p.m.