
Defines functions dehogt_func

Documented in dehogt_func

#' Differentially Expressed Heterogeneous Overdispersion Genes Testing for Count Data
#' This script implements the main function of the proposed method in the above paper

#' @param data A matrix of gene expression data where rows represent genes and columns represent samples.
#' @param treatment A vector specifying the treatment conditions for each sample.
#' @param covariates An optional matrix of gene-wise covariates. Default is NULL.
#' @param norm_factors An optional vector of normalization factors for each sample. Default is NULL, which assumes equal normalization factors.
#' @param dist The distribution family for the GLM. Can be "qpois" for quasi-Poisson or "negbin" for negative binomial. Default is "qpois".
#' @param padj Logical value indicating whether to adjust p-values using the Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) procedure. Default is TRUE.
#' @param pval_thre The threshold for identifying differentially expressed genes based on adjusted p-values. Default is 0.05.
#' @param l2fc Logical value indicating whether to consider log2 fold change for identifying differentially expressed genes. Default is FALSE.
#' @param l2fc_thre The threshold for log2 fold change in identifying differentially expressed genes. Default is 1.
#' @param num_cores The number of CPU cores to use for parallel computing. Default is 1.
#' @return A list containing:
#'   \item{DE_idx}{A logical vector indicating differentially expressed genes.}
#'   \item{pvals}{A numeric vector of p-values for each gene.}
#'   \item{log2fc}{A numeric vector of log2 fold changes for each gene.}
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel stopImplicitCluster
#' @importFrom MASS glm.nb
#' @importFrom stats as.formula coef glm median p.adjust quasipoisson
#' @examples
#' # simulate gene expression data
#' data <- matrix(rpois(1000, 10), nrow = 100, ncol = 10)
#' # simulate random treatment assignments
#' treatment <- sample(0:1, 10, replace = TRUE)
#' # Run main function with parallel computing using 2 cores
#' result <- dehogt_func(data, treatment, num_cores = 2)
#' @export
dehogt_func <- function(data, treatment, norm_factors = NULL, covariates = NULL, dist = "qpois", padj = TRUE, pval_thre = 0.05, l2fc = FALSE, l2fc_thre = 1, num_cores = 1) {
    median_ratio_norm_factor <- function(data) {
        # create a pseudo-reference sample (geometric mean across all samples for each gene)
        geom_means <- apply(data, 1, function(x) exp(mean(log(x[x > 0]))))

        # calculate the ratio of each sample to the pseudo-reference sample
        ratios <- t(t(data) / geom_means)

        # Step 3: Calculate the normalization factor (median of ratios for each sample)
        size_factors <- apply(ratios, 2, median, na.rm = TRUE)


    # Initialize parallel computing
    registerDoParallel(cores = num_cores)

    # number of samples
    num_samples <- ncol(data)

    # covariates adjustment if covariates are provided

    if (!is.null(covariates)) {
        if (nrow(covariates) != nrow(data)) {
            stop("Number of rows in covariates matrix should match the number of genes in the data matrix.")
        } else {
            vec_data <- as.vector(data)

            rep_row_index <- rep(seq_len(nrow(data)), each = num_samples)

            rep_covariates <- covariates[rep_row_index, ]

            if (dist == "qpois") {
                adjust_model <- glm(vec_data ~ rep_covariates - 1, family = quasipoisson())
            } else if (dist == "negbin") {
                adjust_model <- glm.nb(vec_data ~ rep_covariates - 1)

            beta <- coef(adjust_model)

    # calculate size factors for each sample
    size_factors <- median_ratio_norm_factor(data)
    # perform gene-wise GLM, with parallel computing
    result_GLM <- foreach(i = seq_len(nrow(data)), .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
        genewise_data <- data[i, ]

        if (!is.null(covariates)) {
            adjust <- covariates[i, ] %*% beta
        } else {
            adjust <- 0

        genewise_dataframe <- data.frame(count = genewise_data, treatment = treatment, size_factors = size_factors, adjust = rep(adjust, num_samples))

        # define formula for GLM
        model_formula <- as.formula("count ~ treatment + offset(log(size_factors)) + offset(adjust)")

        if (dist == "qpois") {
            model <- glm(formula = model_formula, family = quasipoisson(), data = genewise_dataframe)

            coefficients <- coef(summary(model))[2, "Estimate"]
            p_values <- coef(summary(model))[2, "Pr(>|t|)"]
            padj_values <- p.adjust(p_values, method = "BH")
            log2fold <- log(exp(abs(coefficients)), base = 2)
        } else if (dist == "negbin") {
            model <- glm.nb(formula = model_formula, data = genewise_dataframe)

            coefficients <- coef(summary(model))[2, "Estimate"]
            p_values <- coef(summary(model))[2, "Pr(>|z|)"]
            padj_values <- p.adjust(p_values, method = "BH")
            log2fold <- log(exp(abs(coefficients)), base = 2)

        c(coefficients, p_values, padj_values, log2fold)


    colnames(result_GLM) <- c("Coefficient", "P_value", "P_adj_value", "Log2fold")

    if (padj) {
        pvals <- result_GLM[, "P_adj_value"]
    } else {
        pvals <- result_GLM[, "P_value"]

    idx <- which(pvals < pval_thre)

    log2fold <- result_GLM[, "Log2fold"]

    if (l2fc) {
        idx <- which(abs(log2fold) > l2fc_thre)

    output <- list(DE_idx = as.numeric(idx), pvals = as.numeric(pvals), log2fc = as.numeric(log2fold))


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DEHOGT documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 1:08 a.m.