# Basic functions defining models
# for plot, fit, BMD calculation
flin <- function(x, b, d) {
# x the dose
# d the y value for a null dose
# b the slope
d + b * x
## inverse lin (X for an y value)
invlin <- function(y, b, d) {
(y - d) / b
### Expo model and starting values
formExp3p <- stats::as.formula(signal ~ d + b * (exp(dose / e) - 1))
startvalExp3pnls.1 <- function(xm, ym, increase, Ushape) {
# inputs
# - xm unique values of the dose (sorted by dose)
# - ym means of the signal at each value of xm (sorted by dose)
# - Ushape TRUE if U shape FALSE if umbrella shape
# initial value of d
d <- ym[1]
# initial value of absolute valeur of e
eabs <- 0.1 * max(xm)
if ((increase && !Ushape) || (!increase && Ushape)) {
# initial value of c even if it does not appear as a parameter
c <- ym[which.max(xm)] # mean of the response at the highest dose
b <- d - c
# initial value of e that corresponds to its value in the 2 parameter model
e <- -eabs
} else {
# initial value of e that corresponds to its value in the 2 parameter model
e <- eabs
# initial value of b
reg <- stats::lm(ym ~ exp(xm / e))
b <- stats::coef(reg)[2]
startval <- list(b = b, d = d, e = e)
startvalExp3pnls.2 <- function(xm, ym, increase, Ushape) {
# inputs
# - xm unique values of the dose (sorted by dose)
# - ym means of the signal at each value of xm (sorted by dose)
# - Ushape TRUE if U shape FALSE if umbrella shape
# initial value of d
d <- ym[1]
# initial value of absolute valeur of e
eabs <- max(xm) # WHAT CHANGES IN THE SECOND TRIAL !!!!!!!!!!!
if ((increase && !Ushape) || (!increase && Ushape)) {
# initial value of c even if it does not appear as a parameter
c <- ym[which.max(xm)] # mean of the response at the highest dose
b <- d - c
# initial value of e that corresponds to its value in the 2 parameter model
e <- -eabs
} else {
# initial value of e that corresponds to its value in the 2 parameter model
e <- eabs
# initial value of b
reg <- stats::lm(ym ~ exp(xm / e))
b <- stats::coef(reg)[2]
startval <- list(b = b, d = d, e = e)
# for plot
fExpo <- function(x, b, d, e) {
d + b * (exp(x / e) - 1)
# x the dose
# d the y value for a null dose
# b a shape parameter
# e another shape parameter
# if e < 0 the model tends to a non infinite limit (d - b) when x tends toward infinity
# the model is increasing if e*b > 0
## inverse Expo (X for an y value)
invExpo <- function(y, b, d, e) {
if (((e < 0) && (b < 0) && (y > d - b)) || ((e < 0) && (b > 0) && (y < d - b))) {
} else {
return(e * log(1 + (y - d) / b))
### Hill model and starting values
formHill <- stats::as.formula(signal ~ c + (d - c) / (1 + (dose / e)^b))
startvalHillnls2 <- function(x, y, xm, ym, increase) { # requires the definition of increase from min and max values
# inputs
# - x values of the dose
# - y values the corresponding signal
# - xm unique values of the dose (sorted by dose)
# - ym means of the signal at each value of xm (sorted by dose)
maxi <- max(y, na.rm = TRUE)
mini <- min(y, na.rm = TRUE)
ampl <- maxi - mini
# inflate maxi and mini so as all values are strictly inside the interval [mini; maxi]
maxi <- maxi + 0.001 * ampl
mini <- mini - 0.001 * ampl
# initial value of c
c <- ifelse(increase, maxi, mini)
# initial value of d
d <- ifelse(increase, mini, maxi)
# initial value of e and b from regression
yreg <- log((d - c) / (y[x != 0] - c) - 1)
xreg <- log(x[x != 0])
reg <- stats::lm(yreg ~ xreg)
b <- reg$coefficients[2]
e <- reg$coefficients[1] / (-b)
startval <- list(b = b, c = c, d = d, e = e)
# for plot
fHill <- function(x, b, c, d, e) {
c + (d - c) / (1 + (x / e)^b)
# x the dose
# c the y value for a high dose
# d the y value for a null dose
# b a shape parameter > 0
# e the dose at the inflexion point
## inverse Hill (X for an y value)
invHill <- function(y, b, c, d, e) {
if (((d < c) && (y > c)) || ((d > c) && (y < c))) {
} else {
return(e * ((d - y) / (y - c))^(1 / b))
### Gaussian model 5 p and starting values
formGauss5p <- stats::as.formula(signal ~ f * exp(-0.5 * ((dose - e) / b)^2) + d + (c - d) * pnorm((dose - e) / b))
startvalGauss5pnls <- function(xm, ym, Ushape) {
# inputs
# - xm unique values of the dose (sorted by dose)
# - ym means of the signal at each value of xm (sorted by dose)
# - Ushape TRUE if U shape FALSE if umbrella shape
# initial value of d
d <- ym[1]# mean of the response at the first dose
# initial value of c
c <- ym[which.max(xm)]# mean of the response at the highest dose
# initial value of f
yextremum <- ifelse(Ushape, min(ym), max(ym))
f <- yextremum - (c + d) / 2 # amplitude of the gaussian part
# initial value of b (standard error) assuming (after having looked many curves) the
# bell shape extends to the whole dose range so dose max = 4 sd = 4 * b
b <- max(xm) / 4
# initial value of e (dose corresponding to the maximal (or minimal) signal)
xextremum <- stats::median(xm[which(ym == yextremum)]) # just in case there is more than one dose at which ym == yextremum
e <- min(xextremum - (c - d) * b / (f * sqrt(2 * pi)), 1e-6)
startval <- list(b = b, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f)
## simplified version for cases where Gauss 5p does not converge (c = d)
formGauss4p <- stats::as.formula(signal ~ f * exp(-0.5 * ((dose - e) / b)^2) + d) # without c and without probit part
startvalGauss4pnls <- function(xm, ym, Ushape) {
# inputs
# - xm unique values of the dose (sorted by dose)
# - ym means of the signal at each value of xm (sorted by dose)
# - Ushape TRUE if U shape FALSE if umbrella shape
# initial value of d
d <- ym[which.max(xm)]# mean of the response at the highest dose (supposed identical to the other asymptote)
# initial value of f
yextremum <- ifelse(Ushape, min(ym), max(ym))
f <- yextremum - d # amplitude of the gaussian part
# initial value of b (standard error) assuming (after having looked many curves) the
# bell shape extends to the whole dose range so dose max = 4 sd = 4 * b
# with 2sd between 0 and e -> b = e /2
b <- max(xm) / 4
# initial value of e (dose corresponding to the maximal (or minimal) signal)
xextremum <- stats::median(xm[which(ym == yextremum)])# just in case there is more than one dose with ym = yextremum
e <- min(xextremum, 1e-6)
startval <- list(b = b, d = d, e = e, f = f)
### probit model
formprobit <- stats::as.formula(signal ~ d + (c - d) * pnorm((dose - e) / b))
# for plot
fGauss5p <- function(x, b, c, d, e, f) {
f * exp(-0.5 * ((x - e) / b)^2) + # gaussian part
d + (c - d) * stats::pnorm((x - e) / b) # probit part
fGauss5pBMR <- function(x, b, c, d, e, g, threshold) {
g * exp(-0.5 * ((x - e) / b)^2) + # gaussian part
d + (c - d) * stats::pnorm((x - e) / b) - threshold # probit part
fGauss5pBMR_xinlog <- function(xinlog, b, c, d, e, g, threshold) {
x <- exp(xinlog)
g * exp(-0.5 * ((x - e) / b)^2) + # gaussian part
d + (c - d) * stats::pnorm((x - e) / b) - threshold # probit part
fprobit <- function(x, b, c, d, e) {
d + (c - d) * stats::pnorm((x - e) / b)
## inverse probit (X for an y value)
invprobit <- function(y, b, c, d, e) {
if (((d < c) && (y > c)) || ((d > c) && (y < c))) {
} else {
return(e + b * stats::qnorm((y - d) / (c - d)))
fGauss5poutofrange <- function(fit, signalmin, signalmax) {
# TRUE if the fit gives an extremum value out of the signal range
# function that takes the result of nls as first argument
# to be used before the choice of the best model
par <- stats::coef(fit)
b.i <- par["b"]
c.i <- par["c"]
d.i <- par["d"]
e.i <- par["e"]
f.i <- par["f"]
xextr.i <- e.i + (c.i - d.i) * b.i / (f.i * sqrt(2 * pi))
yextr.i <- fGauss5p(xextr.i, b = b.i, c = c.i, d = d.i, e = e.i, f = f.i)
outofrange <- (yextr.i > signalmax) | (yextr.i < signalmin)
fGauss4poutofrange <- function(fit, signalmin, signalmax) {
# TRUE if the fit gives an extremum value out of the signal range
# function that takes the result of nls as first argument
# to be used before the choice of the best model
par <- stats::coef(fit)
b.i <- par["b"]
c.i <- par["d"]
d.i <- par["d"]
e.i <- par["e"]
f.i <- par["f"]
xextr.i <- e.i + (c.i - d.i) * b.i / (f.i * sqrt(2 * pi))
yextr.i <- fGauss5p(xextr.i, b = b.i, c = c.i, d = d.i, e = e.i, f = f.i)
outofrange <- (yextr.i > signalmax) | (yextr.i < signalmin)
### Gaussian model 5 p and starting values in log scale
formLGauss5p <- stats::as.formula(signal ~ f * exp(-0.5 * (log(dose / e) / b)^2) + d + (c - d) * pnorm(log(dose / e) / b))
startvalLGauss5pnls <- function(xm, ym, Ushape) {
# inputs
# - xm unique values of the dose (sorted by dose)
# - ym means of the signal at each value of xm (sorted by dose)
# - Ushape TRUE if U shape FALSE if umbrella shape
# initial value of d
d <- ym[1]# mean of the response at the first dose
# initial value of c
c <- ym[which.max(xm)]# mean of the response at the highest dose
# initial value of f
yextremum <- ifelse(Ushape, min(ym), max(ym))
f <- yextremum - (c + d) / 2 # amplitude of the gaussian part
# initial value of b (standard error) assuming (after having looked many curves) the
# bell shape extends to the whole dose range so dose max = 4 sd = 4 * b IN LOG SCALE !!!
b <- (log(max(xm)) - log(min(xm[xm != 0]))) / 4
# initial value of e (dose corresponding to the maximal (or minimal) signal)
xextremum <- stats::median(xm[which(ym == yextremum)]) # median just in case there is more than one dose with ym = yextremum
e <- xextremum * exp(-(c - d) * b / (f * sqrt(2 * pi)))
startval <- list(b = b, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f)
## simplified version for cases where Gauss 5p dose not converge (c = d)
formLGauss4p <- stats::as.formula(signal ~ f * exp(-0.5 * (log(dose / e) / b)^2) + d) # without c and without probit part
startvalLGauss4pnls <- function(xm, ym, Ushape) {
# inputs
# - xm unique values of the dose (sorted by dose)
# - ym means of the signal at each value of xm (sorted by dose)
# - Ushape TRUE if U shape FALSE if umbrella shape
# initial value of d
d <- ym[1]# mean of the response at the smallest dose
# initial value of f
yextremum <- ifelse(Ushape, min(ym), max(ym))
f <- yextremum - d # amplitude of the gaussian part
# initial value of b (standard error) assuming (after having looked many curves) the
# bell shape extends to the whole dose range so dose max = 4 sd = 4 * b IN LOG SCALE !!!
b <- (log(max(xm)) - log(min(xm[xm != 0]))) / 4
# initial value of e (dose corresponding to the maximal (or minimal) signal)
xextremum <- stats::median(xm[which(ym == yextremum)]) # just in case there is more than one dose with ym = yextremum
e <- xextremum
startval <- list(b = b, d = d, e = e, f = f)
### log-probit model - used to simplify the LGP model
formLprobit <- stats::as.formula(signal ~ d + (c - d) * pnorm(log(dose / e) / b))
### log-probit starting values - no more used
# startvalLprobitnls1 <- function(xm, ym) # to suppress
# # inputs
# # - xm unique values of the dose (sorted by dose)
# # - ym means of the signal at each value of xm (sorted by dose)
# # - Ushape TRUE if U shape FALSE if umbrella shape
# {
# # initial value of d
# d <- ym[1]# mean of the response at the first dose
# # initial value of c
# c <- ym[which.max(xm)]# mean of the response at the highest dose
# # initial value of b (standard error) assuming (after having looked many curves) the
# # bell shape extends to the whole dose range so dose max = 4 sd = 4 * b IN LOG SCALE !!!
# ldosemin <- log(min(xm[xm!=0]))
# ldosemax <- log(max(xm))
# b <- (ldosemax - ldosemin) / 4
# # initial value of e (in the middle of the dose range in log)
# e <- exp( ldosemin + (ldosemax - ldosemin) /2 )
# startval <- list(b = b, c = c, d = d, e = e)
# }
# startvalLprobitnls2 <- function(x, y, xm, ym, increase) # requires the definition of increase from min and max values
# # inputs
# # - x values of the dose
# # - y values the corresponding signal
# # - xm unique values of the dose (sorted by dose)
# # - ym means of the signal at each value of xm (sorted by dose)
# #
# {
# maxi <- max(y, na.rm = TRUE)
# mini <- min(y, na.rm = TRUE)
# ampl <- maxi - mini
# # inflate maxi and mini so as all values are strictly inside the interval [mini; maxi]
# maxi <- maxi + 0.001 * ampl
# mini <- mini - 0.001 * ampl
# # initial value of c
# c <- ifelse(increase, maxi, mini)
# # initial value of d
# d <-ifelse(increase, mini, maxi)
# # initial value of e and b from regression
# Y <- (y[x!=0] - d) / (c - d)
# yreg <- qnorm( Y )
# xreg <- log(x[x!=0])
# reg <- lm(yreg ~ xreg)
# b <- 1/ reg$coefficients[2]
# e <- reg$coefficients[1] * (-b)
# startval <- list(b = b, c = c, d = d, e = e)
# }
# for plot
fLGauss5p <- function(x, b, c, d, e, f) {
f * exp(-0.5 * (log(x / e) / b)^2) + # gaussian part
d + (c - d) * stats::pnorm(log(x / e) / b) # probit part
fLGauss5pBMR <- function(x, b, c, d, e, g, threshold) {
g * exp(-0.5 * (log(x / e) / b)^2) + # gaussian part
d + (c - d) * stats::pnorm(log(x / e) / b) - threshold # probit part
fLGauss5pBMR_xinlog <- function(xinlog, b, c, d, e, g, threshold) {
g * exp(-0.5 * ((xinlog - log(e)) / b)^2) + # gaussian part
d + (c - d) * stats::pnorm((xinlog - log(e)) / b) - threshold # probit part
fLprobit <- function(x, b, c, d, e) {
d + (c - d) * stats::pnorm(log(x / e) / b)
## inverse Lprobit (X for an y value)
invLprobit <- function(y, b, c, d, e) {
if (((d < c) && (y > c)) || ((d > c) && (y < c))) {
} else {
return(e * exp(stats::qnorm((y - d) / (c - d)) * b))
fLGauss5poutofrange <- function(fit, signalmin, signalmax) {
# TRUE if the fit gives an extremum value out of the signal range
# function that takes the result of nls as first argument
# to be used before the choice of the best model
par <- stats::coef(fit)
b.i <- par["b"]
c.i <- par["c"]
d.i <- par["d"]
e.i <- par["e"]
f.i <- par["f"]
xextr.i <- exp(log(e.i) + (c.i - d.i) * b.i / (f.i * sqrt(2 * pi)))
yextr.i <- fLGauss5p(xextr.i, b = b.i, c = c.i, d = d.i, e = e.i, f = f.i)
outofrange <- (yextr.i > signalmax) | (yextr.i < signalmin)
fLGauss4poutofrange <- function(fit, signalmin, signalmax) {
# TRUE if the fit gives an extremum value out of the signal range
# function that takes the result of nls as first argument
# to be used before the choice of the best model
par <- stats::coef(fit)
b.i <- par["b"]
c.i <- par["d"]
d.i <- par["d"]
e.i <- par["e"]
f.i <- par["f"]
xextr.i <- exp(log(e.i) + (c.i - d.i) * b.i / (f.i * sqrt(2 * pi)))
yextr.i <- fLGauss5p(xextr.i, b = b.i, c = c.i, d = d.i, e = e.i, f = f.i)
outofrange <- (yextr.i > signalmax) | (yextr.i < signalmin)
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