DSpat-package: Spatial modelling package for distance sampling data

Description Details Author(s) References See Also Examples


DSpat uses the tools in spatstat to provide an analysis of distance sampling data in a spatial context in which the density surface and the detection function are estimated simultaneously. The package provides a fitted density surface and total abundance and measures of precision. It also provides simulation capabilities.


Package: DSpat
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2008-04-08
License: GPL version 2 or later

Conventional distance sampling (Buckland et al. 2001;2004) uses likelihood theory for estimation of the detection function based on an assumed uniform distribution of perpendicular distances within the transects. An adequate sampling design provides the basis for the uniform distribution assumption and inference for abundance. No assumption is made about the spatial distribtion of the object being sampled.

DSpat provides a full-likelihood framework for simultaneous estimation of the detection function and abundance based on an inhomogeneous Poisson process. A full-likelihood approach has a number of advantages because there is no strict requirement on the sampling design so it can be used with unequal coverage sampling and it can provide estimates of the density surface and abundance for any defined sub-area. Also, by modelling the observed data as a spatial process 'adjustments' to the strip-width of the transect occur naturally when the transect extends beyond the area containing objects. Consider sampling a marine environment with a contorted coastline such as fjords. In sampling the open ocean, the full transect width can contain objects but within a fjord the strip is narrowed or clipped in areas where it extends onto land. This causes difficulties with conventional distance sampling which assumes a uniform distribution of objects across the entire strip. Thus, either a very narrow strip must be used for both areas or the detection function must be estimated separately for each region and even that can not completely cope with the problem. This variation in the spatial distribution of objects is handled easily with a spatial model that simultaneously estimates the detection function and the intensity (density) of the point process (e.g., animal/plant locations). The detection function is estimated as a covariate to explain the intensity of the observed point process as a function of perpendicular distance from the centerline. Thus, obviously the potential for confounding occurs if the pattern of transects is such that pattern of perpendicular distances is confounded with the spatial pattern of a covariate that determines the true intensity of the process. For example, if there was a density gradient with respect to the coastline and a single-sided transect parallel to the coastline was sampled then perpendicular distance and distance from the coastline are completely confounded. However, with a typical dual-sided transect, the pattern of perpendicular distance is no longer entirely confounded with the distance from the coastline because perpendicular increases away from the centerline in both directions. Thus, confounding would not occur except in the unlikely situation that intensity (density) varied relative to the coastline in such a fashion that was symmetric with respect to the centerline of the transect. With a modicum of care in the design, confounding between perpendicular distance and spatial covariates can be avoided but the analyst should always be cognizant of the potential for confounding.

Current Limitations: 1) assumes no overlap among strips 2) no handling of cluster size 3) assumes detection probability on the transect centerline is 1 4) can only use a detection function of the form log(g(x))=h(x) where h(x) is linear in the parameters. For example, h(x)=-tau*(distance^2)/2. Note that any parameter such as tau is not constrained so this does allow for the possibility of an increasing detection function.

The first limitation will require some thought and work as we are unaware of any solutions at present. If there is overlap, when owin in spatstat is called with the poly=transects, the code will fail. It is easy to get around this problem to fit the model by using study.area as the boundary but the calls to Kinhom and lgcp.correction will not work properly. Also, there are some philosophical and inference issues that need to be considered if sample overlap. For example, is the point process fixed during sampling or should the replicate (and overlapping) samples be considered as independent realizations of the point process. Even though most designs do not have overlapping transects in theory, in practice if the line is composed of contiguous line segments that vary slightly in angle, the transects will overlap when created from the line segments. Some solution is needed as this is will likely occur in most real applications.

The latter three limitations can be resolved with the extension of the likelihood and additional coding in the package. DSpat currently uses ppm in spatstat which uses either glm or gam in mgcv to solve for the MLEs. We have functions that compute the likelihood and they can be generalized to accomodate these limitations but they have not been incorporated into the package yet.

DSpat relies heavily on the tools in spatstat and to a lesser degree the functions in gpclib, mgcv and RandomFields. DSpat provides aditional functions to cope with analysis and simulation of distance sampling data (line transect only at this stage). The functions in DSpat are listed below in categories with a brief description.

There are a number of concepts that should be understood prior to using this package. There are 2 coordinate systems that we will use. The first is the standard x,y Cartesian coordinate system with x on the horizontal and y on the vertical. The second which is not used extensively (yet) is the coordinate system within each line-transect. A line-transect is composed of a line (centerline) which has a beginning (x0,y0) and end (x1,y1) and a rectangular strip with a defined width which extends width/2 to the left and right of the centerline. We use the term line to represent the line and transect for the rectangular strip (line-transect). The transect has a left-half and right-half defined by the direction of travel from beginning to the end of the line. Imagine the line-transect rotated such that it is vertical with the rotated versions of y0,y1 such that y0<y1 (travelling from south to north). We define a coordinate system u,v within the line-transect. The origin for u,v (u=0,v=0) is the rotated location of the beginning of the line (x0,y0) and u is equivalent to the standard horizontal x-coordinate with a range of (-width/2,width/2) and v is equivalent to the vertical y-coordinate with a range of (0,L) where L is the length of the line L=sqrt((x0-x1)^2+(y0-y1)^2). We use the variable distance for the perpendicular distance which is the absolute value of u.

So why have 2 coordinate systems? spatstat always works with the x,y coordinate system and it creates grids and the like with a horizontal-vertical orientation to the grid. In fitting distance sampling data we want to control the grid resolution relative to the u,v coordinates. In particular, we need to use a relatively fine grid in the u direction for estimation of the detection function which can change quickly over a small scale relative to most covariates that would be used for the intensity function. To use the spatstat code for grids and the like, we rotate the line-transects and observations to vertical from south to north and create the grid and counting weights in what is now the u,v coordinate system. Thus, for clarity we use a function argument epsvu in place of epsyx to show that the grid resolution is over u,v and not over x,y, unless the line-transects are all originally oriented vertically. Currently all line-transects must be rectangular we envision generalizing this and the u,v coordinate system will be used.

Even though all transects must be rectangular, the surveyed portion of the transect need not be rectangular. This is relevant when portions of the transect extend outside the boundary of the study area (defined region being sampled with the transects). The study area can be defined by any polygon as defined for class owin in spatstat. Note the restriction that the polygon coordinates must be given in a counter-clockwise direction. A simple example would be a square region such as


or a square with a missing portion

study.area=owin(poly=data.frame(x=c(0,40,40,100,100,0), y=c(0,0,50,50,100,100))).

You can examine these by simply typing plot(study.area. Regardless, of the study area shape but depending on the orientation of the transects, portions of the transects can extend outside of the study area. For example, consider the corners of transects at a 45 degree angle extending across a rectangular study area. In many practical applications the width of the transect is so narrow relative to the dimensions of the study area, that these corners are of no consequence. However, in some applications with small scales this can be important. For example, surveys of narrow inlets (fjords) or rivers or contorted coastlines or surveys of small areas (see weeds).

This is handled in DSpat by clipping the portion of the rectangular transect that extends outside of the study area. The transects are clipped after they are rotated and gridded. This is important because that ensures the grids spatstat are positioned the same across all transects.


Primary Functions:

dspat - main function for fitting spatial model to distance sampling data

integrate.intensity - computes predicted intensity surface, total abundance and precision with optional correction for over-dispersion

transect.intensity - computes predicted and observed counts within each transect in specified perpendicular distance intervals

Secondary Functions:

create.covariate.images - create a list of covariate images from a dataframe of covariates. The list of covariate images is used by LTDataFrame.

lines_to_strips - from a dataframe of lines this function creates a psp object and a list of transect polygons that assumes that lines are the centerlines of strips that have width as defined in the lines dataframe.

lgcp.correction - computes Monte Carlo correction for over-dispersion

LTDataFrame - assign covariates to the data (observations) and dummy points

quadscheme.lt - constructs a quadrature scheme for ppm that is more efficent for line transect samples which are small slices of the study area. The default quadrature scheme in spatstat creates dummy points across the entire study area which is terribly inefficient. This function rotates each line to vertical, creates a quadrature scheme within the line and then "rotates" back to original position to get the proper covariates. These line-by-line quadratures are then merged into a single quadrature.

Data preparation and utility

offset.points - this utility function is useful for most applied data sets in which the position of the observation is specified by the coordinates on the line that are perpendicular to the object. For a line and its observations, this function converts the object positions on the line and the perpendicular distance (negative is left) to the coordinates for the location of the object. It could be generalized to work with a radial distance and angle which would often be collected in shipboard work. It is also used from lines_to_strips to compute the vertices of the transect from the lines with a given width.

create.points.by.offset - this is a wrapper function that calls offset.points for each line in a lines dataframe and the corresponding observations in an observations dataframe, and returns a new observations dataframe with x,y being the true object coordinates.

dist2line - this function is the inverse of offset.points. It takes the true coordinates of points and a line and computes the perpendicular distance on the line and the coordinates on the line.

project2line - likewise this is a wrapper function for dist2line that is essentially the inverse of create.points.by.offset.


AIC.dspat - computes AIC for the model; only correct if a HPP or IPP process

coef.dspat -extracts the coefficients into a list with a vector for intensity coefficients and another for detection coefficients.

print.dspat - provides a listing of elements in the dspat object.

summary.dspat - extracts the ppm object and calls the spatstat summary function for this object.

vcov.dspat - extracts the variance-covariance matrix from the ppm object.

Ops.psp - allows syntax x==y or x!=y where x and y are psp objects.

rev_val - reorders vector for use in im.

im.clipped - fills in clipped image with vector of values defined over the clipped region.

owin.gpc.poly - converts first polygon in owin class to a gpc polygon.


create.lines - create a systematic grid of parallel lines (with a random start) across a study area at a specified angle.

sample.points - extract observed points from a point process that fall within the defined set of strips and are randomly detected with a defined detection function.

simCovariates - a non-general function for simulating covariates in a 100x100 rectangle with discrete habitats and a linear vertical habitat feature. See DSpat.covariates.

simDSpat - a wrapper function to simulate distance sampling from a rectangular study area with a specified set of covariates on a grid. It calls create.lines, lines_to_strips, simPts and sample.points and returns a dataframe of lines and observations that can be used with the covariates datframe in dspat for an analysis.

simPts - creates a simulated point process in a study area by calling RFsimulate from the package RandomFields and rpoispp from spatstat. The intensity process is defined by a covariates dataframe and a formula and parameters for the intensity as a function of the covariates.

Example datasets

An example dataset from the fairy tale simulated world of simCovariates can be found in DSpat.obs, DSpat.lines, DSpat.covariates. To run an example analysis with these data, type example(dspat) or example(DSpat) to run the same code below.

An example real-world dataset of a devil's claw weed in a farm paddock can be found in weeds, weeds.all, weeds.obs, weeds.lines, weeds.covariates. To run a set of analyses, type example(weeds).


Devin S. Johnson, Jeffrey L. Laake, and Jay M. Ver Hoef

Maintainer: <Jeff.Laake@Noaa.Gov>


Johnson,D.S., Laake, J.L., and Ver Hoef, J.M. (in prep). A model based approach for making ecological inference from distance sampling data.

Buckland, S.T., D.R.Anderson, K.P. Burnham, J.L. Laake, D.L. Borchers, and L. Thomas. 2001. Introduction to Distance Sampling: Estimating Abundance of Biological Populations. Oxford University Press.

Buckland, S.T., D.R.Anderson, K.P. Burnham, J.L. Laake, D.L. Borchers, and L. Thomas. 2004. Advanced Distance Sampling. Oxford University Press.

See Also



# get example data
# Fit model with covariates used to create the data
sim.dspat=dspat(~ river + factor(habitat),
                study.area=owin(xrange=c(0,100), yrange=c(0,100)),
# Print
# Summarize results
# Extract coefficients
coef.intensity <- coef(sim.dspat)$intensity
coef.detection <- coef(sim.dspat)$detection
# Extract variance-covariance matrix (inverse information matrix)
J.inv <- vcov(sim.dspat)
# Compute AIC
# Visualize intensity (no. animals per area) and estimate abundance
mu.B <- integrate.intensity(sim.dspat,dimyx=100)
cat('Abundance =       ', round(mu.B$abundance,0), "\n")
plot(mu.B$lambda, col=gray(1-c(1:100)/120), main='Estimated Intensity')
# Compute se and confidence interval for abundance without over-dispersion
mu.B <- integrate.intensity(sim.dspat,se=TRUE,dimyx=100)
cat("Standard Error =  ", round(mu.B$precision$se,0), "\n",
    "95 Percent Conf. Int. =   (", round(mu.B$precision$lcl.95,0), ',',
           round(mu.B$precision$ucl.95,0), ")", "\n")

DSpat documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:10 a.m.