
Defines functions make.region make.design make.density make.pop.description make.detectability make.ddf.analysis.list make.simulation

Documented in make.ddf.analysis.list make.density make.design make.detectability make.region make.simulation

#' @include Simulation.R
#' @include Region.R
#' @include Population.Description.R
#' @include Density.R
#' @include Survey.Design.R
#' @include PT.Design.R
#' @include LT.Design.R
#' @include LT.Systematic.Design.R
#' @include LT.Random.Design.R
#' @include LT.EqAngle.ZZ.Design.R
#' @include LT.EqSpace.ZZ.Design.R
#' @include LT.User.Specified.Design.R
#' @include PT.Random.Design.R
#' @include PT.Systematic.Design.R
#' @include PT.Nested.Design.R
#' @include DS.Analysis.R

#' @title Creates a Region object
#' @description This creates an instance of the Region class. If the
#' \code{shapefile} argument is supplied, all information will be extracted from
#' there. Otherwise, the a list of polygons describing the areas of interest needs 
#' to be supplied (\code{coords}) and optionally a list of polygons describing the 
#' areas to be excluded (\code{gaps}). If \code{area} is not specified it will be 
#' calculated.
#' @param region.name the region name
#' @param strata.name the stratum names (character vector, same length as the 
#'   number of areas in the \code{shapefile} or \code{coords} arguments). If not supplied "A", "B", "C", ... will be assigned.
#' @param units measurement units; either \code{"m"} for metres or \code{"km"} for 
#'   kilometres.
#' @param area the area of the region (optional - if not supplied it will be 
#'   calculated for you)
#' @param shapefile a shapefile object of the region loaded into R using \code{read.shapefile(shape.name)} from the shapefiles library.
#' @param coords A list with one element per stratum. Each element in the list is a list of dataframes describing the polygon coordinates. This allows multiple regions in each strata. The coordinates should start and finish with the same point. By default DSsim will create a rectangular study region 2000 m by 500 m.
#' @param gaps A list with one element per stratum giving the areas to be excluded from the study area (the "holes"). Each element in the list is a list of \code{data.frame}s describing the polygon coordinates. This allows multiple gaps in each stratum. The corrdinates should start and finish with the same point.
#' @param check.LinkID boolean to check the order of the LinkID value in the attribute table. This is important if this shapefile was used in Distance to create the survey shapefiles as Distance would have re-ordered the strata in this way. Failing to re-order the strata will mean that the strata in DSsim will not match the transect strata ID values created by Distance. If you have created your surveys outside Distance you can turn this option off.
#' @return object of class Region 
#' @export
#' @author Laura Marshall
#' @examples
#' # A basic study region of 2000m by 500m is created using the defaults
#' region <- make.region()
#' plot(region)
#' # Here is an example of a 1000 x 1000 study region with a gap
#' coords <- gaps <- list()
#' coords[[1]] <- list(data.frame(x = c(0,1000,1000,0,0), y = c(0,0,
#'  1000,1000,0)))
#' gaps[[1]] <- list(data.frame(x = c(400,600,500,350,400), y = c(100,
#'  250,600,120,100)))
#' region <- make.region(region.name = "study.area", units = "m", 
#'  coords = coords, gaps = gaps)
#' plot(region)
make.region <- function(region.name = "region", 
                        strata.name = character(0), 
                        units = "m", 
                        area = numeric(0), 
                        shapefile = NULL, 
                        coords = coords <- list(list(data.frame(x = c(0, 0 , 2000, 2000, 0), y = c(0, 500, 500, 0, 0)))), 
                        gaps = list(), 
                        check.LinkID = TRUE){
  # If the user hasn't specified gaps set up an empty list
  if(length(gaps) == 0){
    for(i in seq(along = coords)){
      gaps[[i]] <- list()
  # If there is more than one strata and the user has not specified strata.name
  if(length(coords) > 1 & length(strata.name) == 0){
    no.strata <- length(coords)
    if(no.strata < 27){
      strata.name <- LETTERS[1:no.strata]   
      stop("Too many strata (>26) for strata names to be assigned default names.", call. = FALSE)
  # Call to make the region object
  region <- new(Class="Region", region.name = region.name, strata.name = strata.name, units = units, area = area, shapefile = shapefile, coords = coords, gaps = gaps, check.LinkID = check.LinkID)
#' @title  Creates a Survey.Design object
#' @description Currently some surveys are only generated within the GIS in Distance. If you 
#' are running a simulation in R you may need to get Distance to 
#' generate all the surveys as shapefiles in advance and supply the path to
#' the directory which contains these shapefiles and only these shapefiles. DSsim can now 
#' generate systematic point transect designs (angle = 0), basic systematic parallel lines
#' (angle = 90) and equal spaced zigzag designs. 
#' @details The \code{design.details} argument should specify a character vector of either 1
#' or 2 elements. These options are described in the table below:
#' \tabular{lll}{ Transect Type \tab Design Details \tab               \cr 
#'                Line          \tab Parallel       \tab Systematic    \cr
#'                Line          \tab Parallel       \tab Random        \cr
#'                Line          \tab Zigzag         \tab Equal Angle   \cr
#'                Line          \tab Zigzag         \tab Equal Spaced  \cr
#'                Line          \tab User Specified \tab               \cr
#'                Point         \tab Systematic     \tab               \cr
#'                Point         \tab Random         \tab               \cr
#'                Point         \tab Nested         \tab               \cr}
#' @param transect.type character variable specifying either "Line" or "Point"
#' @param design.details a character vector describing the type of design. See details section.
#' @param region.obj the character name of the Region object where the survey is to be carried out.
#' @param design.axis user may provide the angle of the design axis, only used when DSsim creates
#' the transects. Otherwise useful to store parameters used in Distance to generate transects.
#' @param spacing user may provide the systematic design spacing, only used when DSsim creates
#' the transects. Otherwise useful to store parameters used in Distance to generate transects.
#' @param nested.space the number of spaces between nested points. If spacing = 1 then all points on the systematic design will be selected.
#' @param no.complex the number of complex detectors to distribute based on simple random sampling of the systematic grid of detectors.
#' @param angle user may provide the design angle (only relevant in equal angle zigzag designs) 
#' @param plus.sampling logical value indicating whether a plus sampling protocol is used but not currently used/implemented
#' @param path pathway giving the location of the folder of survey shapefiles 
#' @return object of a class which inherits from class Survey.Design 
#' @export
#' @author Laura Marshall
#' @examples
#' # DSsim can generate a systematic set of parallel line transects which by default have a 
#' # spacing of 100
#' design <- make.design("line")
#' # The easiest way to generate the transect is by creating a simulation (default simulations 
#' #create a line transect design)
#' sim <- make.simulation()
#' transects <- generate.transects(sim)
#' plot(make.region())
#' plot(transects, col = 4, lwd = 2)
#' # DSsim can generate a systematic grid of point transects which by default have a spacing of 100
#' design <- make.design("point")
#' sim <- make.simulation(design.obj = design)
#' transects <- generate.transects(sim)
#' plot(make.region())
#' plot(transects)
#' # More complex designs can be defined in Distance for Windows. This software can then generate
#' # multiple survey instances and store them as shapefiles for use by DSsim. The shapefile below 
#' # was generated in this way.
#' \dontrun{
#' coords <- gaps <- list()
#' coords[[1]] <- list(data.frame(x = c(0,1000,1000,0,0), y = c(0,0,
#'  1000,1000,0)))
#' gaps[[1]] <- list(data.frame(x = c(400,600,500,350,400), y = c(100,
#'  250,600,120,100)))
#' region <- make.region(region.name = "study.area", units = "m", 
#'  coords = coords, gaps = gaps)
#' data(transects.shp)
#' #Edit the pathway below to point to an empty folder where the
#' #transect shapefile will be saved
#' shapefile.pathway <- "C:/..."
#' library(shapefiles)
#' write.shapefile(transects.shp, paste(shapefile.pathway,"/transects_1",
#'  sep = ""))
#' # This design was created in Distance for Windows in a region with the same dimensions as the
#' # deault make.region().
#' parallel.design <- make.design(transect.type = "Line", 
#'  design.details = c("Parallel","Systematic"), region = region, 
#'  design.axis = 0, spacing = 100, plus.sampling =FALSE, 
#'  path = shapefile.pathway)
#' # As there is only one set of transects we have to set single.transect.set = TRUE
#' sim <- make.simulation(single.transect.set = TRUE, design.obj = parallel.design)
#' transects <- generate.transects(sim)
#' plot(region)
#' plot(transects, col = 4, lwd = 2)
#' }
make.design <- function(transect.type = "line", design.details = "default", region.obj = "region", design.axis = 0, spacing = 100, nested.space = numeric(0), no.complex = numeric(0), angle = numeric(0), plus.sampling = logical(0), path = character(0)){
  # Set the design details if spcified as "default"
  if(design.details[1] == "default"){
    if(transect.type %in% c("line", "Line", "Line Transect", "line transect")){
      design.details <- c("parallel", "systematic")
    }else if(transect.type %in% c("Point", "point", "Point Transect", "point transect")){
      design.details <- "systematic"
      stop("Incorrect transect.type specified.", call. = FALSE)
  # Get region object name only
  region <- region.obj
  if(class(region) != "character"){
    if(class(region) == "Region"){
      region <- global.name <- deparse(substitute(region.obj))
      stop("Please supply the name of the region object to the region.obj argument.", call. = FALSE)  
  design <- NULL
  if(transect.type %in% c("Line", "line", "Line Transect", "line transect")){
    if(length(design.details) == 1){
      if(length(design.details) == 1 & design.details %in% c("user specified", "User Specified")){
        design <- new(Class = "LT.User.Specified.Design", region = region, design.axis = design.axis, spacing = spacing, plus.sampling = plus.sampling, path = path)
    }else if(length(design.details) == 2){
      if(design.details[1] %in% c("ZZ", "ZigZag", "Zigzag", "zigzag")){
        if(design.details[2] %in% c("Equal Spaced", "ES", "equal spaced", "Equal spaced")){
          design <- new(Class = "LT.EqSpace.ZZ.Design", region = region, design.axis = design.axis, spacing = spacing, plus.sampling = plus.sampling, path = path)
        if(design.details[2] %in% c("Equal Angle", "equal angle", "Equal angle")){            
          design <- new(Class = "LT.EqAngle.ZZ.Design", region = region, design.axis = design.axis, spacing = numeric(0), plus.sampling = plus.sampling, path = path)
      if(design.details[1] %in% c("P", "Parallel", "parallel")){
        if(design.details[2] %in% c("Random", "random")){
          design <- new(Class = "LT.Random.Design", region = region, design.axis = design.axis, spacing = spacing, plus.sampling = plus.sampling, path = path)
        if(design.details[2] %in% c("Systematic", "systematic")){
          design <- new(Class = "LT.Systematic.Design", region = region, design.axis = design.axis, spacing = spacing, plus.sampling = plus.sampling, path = path)
      if(design.details[1] %in% c("Segmented", "segmented")){
        if(design.details[2] %in% c("Grid", "grid")){
          design <- new(Class = "LT.SegmentedGrid.Design", region = region, design.axis = design.axis, spacing = spacing, plus.sampling = plus.sampling, path = path)
        if(design.details[2] %in% c("Track", "track")){
          design <- new(Class = "LT.SegmentedTrack.Design", region = region, design.axis = design.axis, spacing = spacing, plus.sampling = plus.sampling, path = path)
  }else if(transect.type %in% c("Point", "point", "Point Transect", "point transect")){
    if(length(design.details) > 1){
      warning("Only one design details option required for point transects, subsequent options will be ignored.")
    if(design.details[1] %in% c("Systematic", "systematic")){
      design <- new(Class = "PT.Systematic.Design", region = region, design.axis = design.axis, spacing = spacing, plus.sampling = plus.sampling, path = path)  
    if(design.details[1] %in% c("Random", "random")){
      design <- new(Class = "PT.Random.Design", region = region, design.axis = design.axis, spacing = spacing, plus.sampling = plus.sampling, path = path)
    if(design.details[1] %in% c("Nested", "nested")){
      design <- new(Class = "PT.Nested.Design", region = region, design.axis = design.axis, spacing = spacing, nested.space = nested.space, no.complex = no.complex, plus.sampling = plus.sampling, path = path)
    stop("Apologies, this design type is not supported at present. You should use the line transect user specified design options.", call. = FALSE)

#' @title Creates a Density object
#' @description 
#' The user has the option to create a grid describing the density of the 
#' objects and pass this in giving the x and y spacings used in the creation
#' of this grid. Alternatively the user can specify a constant density and x, 
#' y spacings and this grid will be generated automatically. The user may 
#' also supply a \code{mgcv gam} object and x, y spacings and the density grid will 
#' be created from these.
#' @param region.obj the Region object in which the density grid will be created
#' @param density.surface Object of class \code{list}; list of 
#'  data.frames with the columns x, y and density. There must be one 
#'  data.frame for each strata.
#' @param x.space the intervals in the grid in the x direction
#' @param y.space the intervals in the grid in the y direction
#' @param buffer the width of the buffer region for generating the density grid. If not supplied DSsim will use the maximum value provided for the x.space or y.space.
#' @param constant a value describing a constant density across the surface. If not supplied a default value of 1 is used for all strata.
#' @param density.gam \code{gam} object created using \code{mgcv} with only x and y as explanatory covariates.
#' @param dsm not currently implemented
#' @param formula not currently implemented
#' @return object of class Density 
#' @export
#' @author Laura Marshall     
#' @seealso \code{\link{make.region}}  
#' @examples  
#' # A simple density surface with a constant value of 1 can be created within a rectangular 
#' # region using 
#' # the default values:
#' density <- make.density()
#' plot(density)
#' plot(make.region(), add = TRUE)
#' # The example below shows hot to add high and low point to the density surface                   
#' \dontrun{
#' pop.density <- make.density(region.obj = region, x.space = 10, 
#'  y.space = 10, constant = 0.5) 
#' pop.density <- add.hotspot(pop.density, centre = c(50, 200), 
#'  sigma = 100, amplitude = 0.1)
#' pop.density <- add.hotspot(pop.density, centre = c(500, 700), 
#'  sigma = 900, amplitude = 0.05)
#' pop.density <- add.hotspot(pop.density, centre = c(300, 100), 
#'  sigma = 100, amplitude = -0.15)
#' #New plot features
#' plot(pop.density)
#' plot(region, add = TRUE)
#' #Block style plotting
#' plot(pop.density, contours = FALSE, style = "blocks")
#' plot(region, add = TRUE)
#' }
make.density <- function(region.obj = make.region(), density.surface = list(), x.space = 5, y.space = NULL, buffer = numeric(0), constant = numeric(0), density.gam = NULL, dsm = NULL, formula = NULL){
  # Find the number of strata
  no.strata <- length(region.obj@strata.name)
  # Check the user has supplied the correct number of consants
  if(length(constant) > 0){
    if(no.strata > 0 & length(constant) != length(region.obj@strata.name)){
      stop("The length of the constant vector does not correspond to the number of strata", call. = FALSE)
    if(no.strata == 0){
      constant <- 1
      constant <- rep(1, no.strata)
  # Check if the user has supplied a y.space value
    # If not set it equal to x.space
    y.space <- x.space
  # Make density object
  density <- new(Class = "Density", region = region.obj, strata.name = region.obj@strata.name, density.surface = density.surface, x.space = x.space, y.space = y.space, constant = constant, density.gam = density.gam, buffer = buffer)

#' @title Creates a Population.Description object
#' @description 
#' Creates an object which describes a population. The values in this object 
#' will be used to create instances of the population
#' @details #' The \code{covariates} argument should specify a list with one named 
#' element per covariate. If specifying the covariate values via a distribution
#' this should be done in the form of a list. The first element should be one of 
#' the following: 'normal', 'poisson', 'ztruncpois' or 'lognormal'. The 'ztruncpois'
#' distribution refers to a zero truncated Poisson distribution. The corresponding 
#' parameters that you must supply are detailed below. These should be added to a named 
#' list (each element named with the parameter name) containing the parameter values.
#' See examples for implementation.
#' \tabular{lll}{ Distribution  \tab Parameters  \tab         \cr 
#'                normal        \tab mean        \tab sd      \cr
#'                poisson       \tab lambda      \tab         \cr
#'                ztruncpois    \tab mean        \tab         \cr
#'                lognormal     \tab meanlog     \tab sdlog   \cr
#'               }
#' @param region.obj the Region object in which this population exists (see \link{make.region}).
#' @param density.obj the Density object describing the distribution of the individuals / clusters (see \link{make.density}).
#' @param covariates Named list with one named entry per individual level covariate. Cluster sizes can be defined here. Each list entry should be another list with either one element or one element per strata allowing different population structures per strata. Each element of these lists should either be a data.frame containing 2 columns, the first the level (level) and the second the probability (prob). The cluster size entry in the list must be named 'size'. Alternatively the list element may be another list specifying the distribution in the first element and a named list in the second element with the distribution parameter.
#' @param N the number of individuals / clusters in a population (1000 by default)
#' @param fixed.N a logical value. If TRUE the population is generated from the value of N 
#' otherwise it is generated from the density description.
#' @return object of class Population.Description 
#' @export
#' @author Laura Marshall
#' @seealso \code{\link{make.region}}, \code{\link{make.density}}, \code{\link{make.detectability}}
#' @examples
#' # An example population can be created from the default values:
#' # - the default region
#' # - a constant density surface
#' # - and a population size of 1000
#' pop.desc <- make.population.description()
#' # To view an instance of this population
#' pop <- generate.population(pop.desc, make.detectability(), make.region())
#' plot(make.region())
#' plot(pop)
#' # An example population with covariates which vary by strata
#' # Make a multi strata region
#' poly1 <- data.frame(x = c(0,0,100,100,0), y = c(0,100,100,0,0))
#' poly2 <- data.frame(x = c(200,200,300,300,200), y = c(10,110,110,10,10))
#' coords <- list(list(poly1), list(poly2))
#' region <- make.region(coords = coords)
#' density <- make.density(region)
#' # Cluzter size is a zero truncated poisson with mean = 5 in strata 1 and a poisson with 
#' # lambda = 30 in strata 2.
#' covariate.list <- list()
#' covariate.list$size <- list(list("ztruncpois", list(mean = 5)),
#'                             list("poisson", list(lambda = 30)))
#' # Animal height is generated from a lognormal distribution for both strata
#' covariate.list$height <- list(list("lognormal", list(meanlog = log(2), sdlog = log(1.25))))
#' # Animal sex is discrete/categorical, there are more females than males in strata 1 and equal
#' # numbers in strata 2
#' covariate.list$sex <- list(data.frame(level = c("male", "female"), prob = c(0.45,0.55)), 
#'                            data.frame(level = c("male", "female"), prob = c(0.5,0.5)))
#' # Create covariate description
#' pop.desc <- make.population.description(region.obj = region, 
#'                                         density.obj = density, 
#'                                         covariates = covariate.list, 
#'                                         N = c(10,10))
#' # To view the covariate values
#' pop <- generate.population(pop.desc, detect = make.detectability(), region)
#' pop@population 
#' # Note that the covariate values have not affected the detectability (the scale parameter) to 
#' # do this we need to set the cov.param argument in make.detectability. See ?make.detectability
make.population.description <- make.pop.description <- function(region.obj = make.region(), density.obj = make.density(), covariates = list(), N = numeric(0), fixed.N = TRUE){
  pop.description <- new(Class = "Population.Description", N = N, density = density.obj, region.obj = region.obj, covariates = covariates, gen.by.N = fixed.N)

#' @title Creates a Detectablility object
#' @description 
#' The detectability of the population is described by the values in this 
#' class.
#' @param key.function specifies shape of the detection function (either 
#'   half-normal "hn", hazard rate "hr" or uniform "uf")
#' @param scale.param numeric vector with either a single value to be applied globally or a value for each strata. These should be supplied on the natural scale.
#' @param shape.param numeric vector with either a single value to be applied globally or a value for each strata. These should be supplied on the natural scale.
#' @param cov.param Named list with one named entry per individual level covariate. Covariate parameter values should be defined on the log scale (rather than the natural scale), this is the same scale as provided in the ddf output in mrds and also in the MCDS output in Distance. Cluster sizes parameter values can be defined here. Each list entry will either be a data.frame containing 2 or 3 columns: level, param and where desired strata. If the region has multiple strata but this column is omitted then the values will be assumed to apply globally. The cluster size entry in the list must be named 'size'. Alternatively the list element may a numeric vector with either a single value to be applied globally or a value for each strata.
#' @param truncation the maximum perpendicular (or radial) distance at which 
#'   objects may be detected from a line (or point) transect.
#' @return object of class Detectablility 
#' @export
#' @author Laura Marshall
#' @examples
#' # The default values create a detectability object with a half normal
#' # detection function with scale parameter 25 and truncation distance 50.
#' detect <- make.detectability() 
#' detect
#' # To include covariate parameters which affect detecability,
#' # first you need to make sure the population has covariates defined 
#' # see examples in ?make.population.description
#' # Multi-strata covariate example
#' # Make a multi strata region
#' poly1 <- data.frame(x = c(0,0,100,100,0), y = c(0,100,100,0,0))
#' poly2 <- data.frame(x = c(200,200,300,300,200), y = c(10,110,110,10,10))
#' coords <- list(list(poly1), list(poly2))
#' region <- make.region(coords = coords)
#' density <- make.density(region)
#' # Create the population description
#' covariate.list <- list()
#' covariate.list$size <- list(list("ztruncpois", list(mean = 3)),
#'                             list("ztruncpois", list(mean = 5)))
#' covariate.list$height <- list(list("lognormal", list(meanlog = log(2), sdlog = log(1.25))))
#' covariate.list$sex <- list(data.frame(level = c("male", "female"), prob = c(0.45,0.55)), 
#'                            data.frame(level = c("male", "female"), prob = c(0.5,0.5)))
#' pop.desc <- make.population.description(region.obj = region, 
#'                                         density.obj = density, 
#'                                         covariates = covariate.list, 
#'                                         N = c(10,10))
#' # In this example height and sex have a global effect where as the effects of size on 
#' # detectability vary by strata.
#' cov.params <- list(size = c(log(1.05), log(1.1)), 
#'                    height = log(1.2), 
#'                    sex = data.frame(level = c("male", "female"), 
#'                                     param = c(log(1), log(0.6))))
#' detect <- make.detectability(key.function = "hn", scale.param = 20, 
#'                              truncation = 50, cov.param = cov.params)
#' plot(detect, pop.desc)
#' # If we want the effects of sex to be strata specific we can define detectability as follows:
#' cov.params <- list(size = c(0.05, 0.1), 
#'                    height = 0.2, 
#'                    sex = data.frame(level = c("male", "female","male", "female"), 
#'                                     strata = c("A", "A", "B", "B"),
#'                                     param = c(0,-0.5, 0.1, -0.25)))  
#' detect <- make.detectability(key.function = "hn", scale.param = c(20, 25), 
#'                              truncation = 60, cov.param = cov.params)
#' plot(detect, pop.desc)
make.detectability <- function(key.function = "hn", scale.param = 25, shape.param = numeric(0), cov.param = list(), truncation = 50){
  detectability <- new(Class = "Detectability", key.function = key.function, scale.param = scale.param, shape.param = shape.param, cov.param = cov.param, truncation = truncation)

#' @title Creates a list of DDF.Analysis objects
#' @description 
#' This method creates a list of DDF.Analysis objects each of which describes 
#' a model to fit to the distance data. The simulation will fit each of these 
#' models to the data generated in the simulation and select the model with 
#' the minimum criteria value.
#' @details By default this function creates a half-normal detection
#'  function model \code{dsmodel = list(~cds(key = "hn",
#'  formula = ~1))} with a truncation distance of 75. 
#' @param dsmodel list of distance sampling model formula specifying the detection function (see \code{?ddf} for further details)
#' @param mrmodel not yet implemented
#' @param method character only "ds" normal distance sampling currently implemented
#' @param criteria character model selection criteria (AIC, AICc, BIC) - only AIC implemented at present.
#' @param analysis.strata Dataframe with two columns ("design.id" and 
#' "analysis.id"). The former gives the strata names as defined in the
#' design (i.e. the region object) the second specifies how they should 
#' be grouped (into less strata) for the analyses
#' @param truncation numeric truncation distance for analyses
#' @param binned.data logical whether the data should be analsed in bins
#' @param cutpoints gives the cutpoints of the binned data
#' @return list of objects of class DDF.Analysis 
#' @export
#' @author Laura Marshall
#' @seealso \code{ddf} in \code{library(mrds)}
#' @examples
#' # A simple half-normal "ds" model can be created using the default values
#' ddf.analyses <- make.ddf.analysis.list()
#' # To incorporate model selection between a 'hn' and 'hr' model:
#' ddf.analyses <- make.ddf.analysis.list(dsmodel = list(~cds(key = "hn",
#'  formula = ~1),~cds(key = "hr", formula = ~1)), method = "ds", 
#'  criteria = "AIC")
make.ddf.analysis.list <- function(dsmodel = list(~cds(key = "hn", formula = ~1)), mrmodel = NULL, method = "ds", criteria = "AIC", analysis.strata = data.frame(), truncation = 50, binned.data = FALSE, cutpoints = numeric(0)){
  ddf.analyses <- list()
  if(method == "ds"){
    for(a in seq(along = dsmodel)){
      ddf.analyses[[a]] <- new(Class = "DS.Analysis", dsmodel = dsmodel[[a]], criteria = criteria, analysis.strata, truncation = truncation, binned.data = binned.data, cutpoints = cutpoints)
    stop("Double observer methods are not yet implemented", call. = FALSE)

#' @title Creates a Simulation object
#' @description This creates a simulation with all the information necessary for DSsim
#' to generate a population, create or read in transects, simulate the survey process
#' and fit detection functions and estimate density / abundance. This function can be
#' used by itself based on default values to create a simple line transect example, see
#' Examples below. To create more complex simulations it is advisable to define the 
#' different parts of the simulation individually before grouping them together. See
#' the Arguments for links to the functions which make the definitions for the 
#' individual simulation components. Example simulations can also be found at
#' <https://github.com/DistanceDevelopment/DSsim/wiki>.
#' @details The \code{make.simulation} function is now set up so that by
#'  default (with the exception of specifying point transects rather than
#'   line) it can run a simple simulation example. See examples.
#' @param reps number of times the simulation should be repeated
#' @param single.transect.set logical specifying whether the transects should
#'   be kept the same throughout the simulation.
#' @param double.observer not currently implemented.
#' @param region.obj an object of class Region created by a call to
#'  \link{make.region}
#' @param design.obj an object of class Survey.Design created by a call to
#'  \link{make.design}
#' @param population.description.obj an object of class Population.Description
#'  created by a call to \link{make.population.description}
#' @param detectability.obj and object of class Detectabolity created by a call to
#'  \link{make.detectability}
#' @param ddf.analyses.list a list of objects of class DDF.Analysis created by 
#'  a call to\link{make.ddf.analysis.list}
#' @return object of class Simulation 
#' @export
#' @author Laura Marshall
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # A basic line transect simulation example
#' sim <- make.simulation()
#' check.sim.setup(sim)
#' sim <- run(sim) 
#' summary(sim)
#' # A basic point transect simulation example
#' sim <- make.simulation(design.obj = make.design("point"))
#' check.sim.setup(sim)
#' sim <- run(sim) 
#' summary(sim)
#' # Note % bias levels will vary due to low number of repetitions 
#' # set by default in these examples
#' # To increase the number of repetitions
#' sim <- make.simulation(reps = 100)
#' sim <- run(sim) 
#' summary(sim)
#' }
#' coords <- gaps <- list()
#' coords[[1]] <- list(data.frame(x = c(0,1000,1000,0,0), y = c(0,0,
#'  1000,1000,0)))
#' gaps[[1]] <- list(data.frame(x = c(400,600,500,350,400), y = c(100,
#'  250,600,120,100)))
#' region <- make.region(region.name = "study.area", units = "m", 
#'  coords = coords, gaps = gaps)
#' plot(region)
#' \dontrun{
#' data(transects.shp)
#' #Edit the pathway below to point to an empty folder where the
#' #transect shapefile will be saved
#' shapefile.pathway <- "C:/..."
#' write.shapefile(transects.shp, paste(shapefile.pathway,"/transects_1",
#'  sep = ""))
#' parallel.design <- make.design(transect.type = "Line", 
#'  design.details = c("Parallel","Systematic"), region = region, 
#'  design.axis = 0, spacing = 100, plus.sampling =FALSE, 
#'  path = shapefile.pathway)
#' pop.density <- make.density(region.obj = region, x.space = 10, 
#'  y.space = 10, constant = 0.5) 
#' pop.density <- add.hotspot(pop.density, centre = c(50, 200), 
#'  sigma = 100, amplitude = 0.1)
#' pop.density <- add.hotspot(pop.density, centre = c(500, 700), 
#'  sigma = 900, amplitude = 0.05)
#' pop.density <- add.hotspot(pop.density, centre = c(300, 100), 
#'  sigma = 100, amplitude = -0.15)
#' plot(pop.density)
#' plot(region, add = TRUE)
#' pop.description <- make.population.description(N = 1000, 
#'  density.obj = pop.density, region = region, fixed.N = TRUE)
#' detect <- make.detectability(key.function = "hn", scale.param = 15,
#'  truncation = 30) 
#' ddf.analyses <- make.ddf.analysis.list(dsmodel = list(~cds(key = "hn",
#'  formula = ~1),~cds(key = "hr", formula = ~1)), method = "ds", 
#'  criteria = "AIC")
#' my.simulation <- make.simulation(reps = 10, single.transect.set = TRUE,
#'  region.obj = region, design.obj = parallel.design, 
#'  population.description.obj = pop.description, 
#'  detectability.obj = detect, ddf.analyses.list = ddf.analyses)
#' survey.results <- create.survey.results(my.simulation, dht.table = TRUE)
#' plot(survey.results)
#' my.simulation <- run(my.simulation)
#' summary(my.simulation)
#' }
make.simulation <- function(reps = 10, single.transect.set = FALSE, double.observer = FALSE, region.obj = make.region(), design.obj = make.design(), population.description.obj = make.population.description(), detectability.obj = make.detectability(), ddf.analyses.list = make.ddf.analysis.list()){
  # Check to see if the analysis truncation distance is larger than the
  # detectability trunation distance
  if(ddf.analyses.list[[1]]@truncation > detectability.obj@truncation){
    warning("The truncation distance for analysis is larger than the truncation distance for data generation, this will likely cause biased results.", immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
  results <- create.results.arrays(reps, region.obj, ddf.analyses.list, population.description.obj)
  # # Make the results arrays and store in a list
  # no.strata <- ifelse(length(region.obj@strata.name) > 0, length(region.obj@strata.name)+1, 1) 
  # # Check to see if the strata are grouped in the analyses
  # new.strata.names <- NULL
  # if(nrow(ddf.analyses.list[[1]]@analysis.strata) > 0){
  #   new.strata.names <- unique(ddf.analyses.list[[1]]@analysis.strata$analysis.id)  
  # }else{
  #   new.strata.names <- NULL
  # }
  # if(length(region.obj@strata.name) > 0){
  #   if(!is.null(new.strata.names)){
  #     strata.name <- c(sort(new.strata.names), "Total")
  #     no.strata <- length(strata.name)
  #   }else{
  #     strata.name <- c(sort(region.obj@strata.name), "Total")  
  #   }
  # }else{
  #   strata.name <- region.obj@region.name
  # }
  # individuals <- list(summary = array(NA, dim = c(no.strata, 8, reps+2), dimnames = list(strata.name, c("Area", "CoveredArea", "Effort", "n", "n.miss.dist", "ER", "se.ER", "cv.ER"), c(1:reps,"mean","sd"))), 
  #                 N = array(NA, dim = c(no.strata, 6, reps+2), dimnames = list(strata.name, c("Estimate", "se", "cv", "lcl", "ucl", "df"), c(1:reps,"mean","sd"))), 
  #                 D = array(NA, dim = c(no.strata, 6, reps+2), dimnames = list(strata.name, c("Estimate", "se", "cv", "lcl", "ucl", "df"), c(1:reps,"mean", "sd"))))
  # detection = array(NA, dim = c(1, 7, reps+2), dimnames = list("Pooled", c("True.Pa", "Pa", "ESW", "f(0)", "SelectedModel", "DeltaCriteria", "SuccessfulModels"), c(1:reps,"mean","sd")))
  # #create additional arrays if animals are in clusters
  # if(population.description.obj@size){
  #   clusters <- list(summary = array(NA, dim = c(no.strata, 9, reps+2), dimnames = list(strata.name, c("Area", "CoveredArea", "Effort", "n", "n.miss.dist", "k", "ER", "se.ER", "cv.ER"), c(1:reps,"mean","sd"))), 
  #                   N = array(NA, dim = c(no.strata, 6, reps+2), dimnames = list(strata.name, c("Estimate", "se", "cv", "lcl", "ucl", "df"), c(1:reps,"mean","sd"))), 
  #                   D = array(NA, dim = c(no.strata, 6, reps+2), dimnames = list(strata.name, c("Estimate", "se", "cv", "lcl", "ucl", "df"), c(1:reps,"mean", "sd"))))
  #   expected.size <- array(NA, dim = c(no.strata, 3, reps+2), dimnames = list(strata.name, c("Expected.S", "se.Expected.S", "cv.Expected.S"), c(1:reps,"mean","sd")))
  #   results <- list(individuals = individuals, clusters = clusters, expected.size = expected.size, Detection = detection)
  # }else{
  #   results <- list(individuals = individuals, Detection = detection)
  # }
  #create a simulation object
  simulation <- new(Class = "Simulation", reps = reps, single.transect.set = single.transect.set, double.observer = double.observer, region = region.obj, design = design.obj, population.description = population.description.obj, detectability = detectability.obj, ddf.analyses = ddf.analyses.list, results = results)

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DSsim documentation built on March 26, 2020, 7:39 p.m.