

context("Detection distance checks")

test_that("Tests calc.poss.detect.dists.lines functions", {
  coords <- gaps <- list()
  coords[[1]] <- list(data.frame(x = c(0,0,1000,1000,0), 
                                 y = c(0,500,500,0,0)))
  coords[[2]] <- list(data.frame(x = c(1000,1000,2000,2000,1000), 
                                 y = c(0,500,500,0,0)))
  gaps[[1]] <- list(data.frame(x = c(400,800,500,200,400), 
                               y = c(100,250,400,120,100)))
  gaps[[2]] <- list()
  region <- make.region(region.name = "study.area", units = "m", 
                        coords = coords, gaps = gaps)
  popn = make.population.description(region.obj = region, 
                              density.obj = make.density(region.obj = region, x.space = 10), 
                              N = c(2000,2000))
  popn@density <- add.hotspot(popn@density, c(500,500), 700, 1)
  #plot(popn@density, style = "blocks")
  #plot(region, add = TRUE)
  sim <- make.simulation(region.obj = region,
                         design.obj = make.design(region.obj = region),
                         population.description.obj = popn)
  popn <- generate.population(sim)
  survey <- generate.transects(sim)
  # Test that the new code does the same as the old code
  test1 <- calc.poss.detect.dists.lines.largeN(population = popn, survey = survey, perp.truncation = 20)
  test2 <- calc.poss.detect.dists.lines(population = popn, survey = survey, perp.truncation = 20)
  expect_equal(test1, test2)
  # Test which points should be retained
  popn@population <- popn@population[1:9,] 
  popn@population$x <- c(1100,1100,290,290,400,392,100,1500,250)
  popn@population$y <- c(95,105,50,205,305,302,200,100,300)
  # Expected r, k, k, r, k, r, r, r
  survey@sampler.info <- survey@sampler.info[2:6,]
  survey@sampler.info[1,2:6] <- c(1100,100,1400,400,424.2641)
  survey@sampler.info$region[1] <- "B"
  test.new <- calc.poss.detect.dists.lines.largeN(population = popn, survey = survey, perp.truncation = 20)
  test.orig <- calc.poss.detect.dists.lines(population = popn, survey = survey, perp.truncation = 20)
  expect_equal(test.new, test.orig)
  expect_equal(test.new$object, c(2,9))
  # Test what happens when there are no possible detections
  popn@population <- popn@population[1:4,] 
  popn@population$x <- c(100,600,1500,1001)
  popn@population$y <- c(200,100,100,400)
  test.new <- calc.poss.detect.dists.lines.largeN(population = popn, survey = survey, perp.truncation = 20)
  test.orig <- calc.poss.detect.dists.lines(population = popn, survey = survey, perp.truncation = 20)
  expect_equal(nrow(test.new), nrow(test.orig))
  # Test what happens for covariates and hr detection function
  poly1 <- data.frame(x = c(0,0,20000,20000,0), y = c(0,5000,5000,0,0))
  # Create an empty list
  coords <- list()
  # Store the polygon inside a list in the first element of the coords list referring to strata 1.
  coords[[1]] <- list(poly1)
  # Create the survey region
  region <- make.region(region.name = "study area", 
                        units = "m",
                        coords = coords)
  # Create the density surface
  density <- make.density(region.obj = region, 
                          x.space = 50, 
                          y.space = 200, 
                          constant = 1)
  # Create the covariate list
  covariate.list <- list()
  # The population will be 50% males and 50% females
  covariate.list$sex <- list(data.frame(level = c("female", "male"), prob = c(0.5,0.5)))
  # Create the population description, with a population size N = 200
  pop.desc.cov <- make.population.description(region.obj = region, 
                                              density.obj = density, 
                                              covariates = covariate.list, 
                                              N = 2500)
  # Create the covariate parameter list
  cov.params <- list()
  # Note the covariate parameters are supplied on the log scale
  cov.params$sex = data.frame(level = c("female", "male"), 
                              param = c(0, 1.5))
  detect.cov <- make.detectability(key.function = "hr" ,
                                   scale.param = 120,
                                   shape.param = 3,
                                   cov.param = cov.params, 
                                   truncation = 1000)
  design <- make.design(transect.type = "line",
                        design.details = c("parallel", "systematic"),
                        region.obj = region,
                        spacing = 1000)
  ddf.analyses <- make.ddf.analysis.list(dsmodel = list(~cds(key = "hn", formula = ~1),
                                                        ~cds(key = "hr", formula = ~1)), 
                                         method = "ds",
                                         criteria = "AIC",
                                         truncation = 600)
  sim.cov <- make.simulation(reps = 999, 
                             region.obj = region,
                             design.obj = design,
                             population.description.obj = pop.desc.cov,
                             detectability.obj = detect.cov,
                             ddf.analyses.list = ddf.analyses)
  population <- generate.population(sim.cov)
  line.transect  <- generate.transects(sim.cov)
  perp.truncation <- sim.cov@detectability@truncation
  poss.distances <- calc.poss.detect.dists.lines.largeN(population, line.transect, perp.truncation)
  poss.distances2 <- calc.poss.detect.dists.lines(population, line.transect, perp.truncation)  
  expect_equal(poss.distances, poss.distances2)

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DSsim documentation built on March 26, 2020, 7:39 p.m.