Man pages for DVHmetrics
Analyze Dose-Volume Histograms and Check Constraints

checkConstraintCheck constraints on dose-volume histograms (DVH)
convertDVHConvert between differential and cumulative DVH
convertDVHsmoothConvert between differential and cumulative DVH
dataConstrConstraint data frame
dataMZDVH data from 3 patients
DVHmetrics-packageAnalyze Dose-Volume Histograms and Check Constraints
getBEDCalculate biologically effective dose (BED)
getDMEANDMEAN and other dose metrics
getEQD22Gy fractions biologically equivalent dose (EQD2)
getEUDGeneralized equivalent uniform dose (gEUD)
getIsoEffDIsoeffective dose calculation
getMeanDVHPoint-wise mean DVH with point-wise SDs
getMetricCalculate dose-volume-histogram metrics
getNTCPNormal tissue complication probability (NTCP)
getTCPTumor control probability (TCP)
mergeDVHMerge existing DVH objects
printPrint basic information about one or more DVHs
readConstraintRead constraint definitions from text file
readDVHRead DVH text files
runGUIOpen web-based GUI in browser
saveConstraintSave constraint result to file
saveDVHSave DVH diagram to file
saveMetricSave DVH metrics to file
showConstraintDisplay constraints for cumulative dose-volume histograms
showDVHDisplay dose volume histograms
showMeanDVHShow average dose volume histograms
DVHmetrics documentation built on March 23, 2022, 5:08 p.m.