readConstraint: Read constraint definitions from text file

View source: R/readConstraint.R

readConstraintR Documentation

Read constraint definitions from text file


Reads the definition of quality assurance constraints from a text file.


readConstraint(x, ...)



character string giving the path to a single text file with the constraint definition. May contain globbing symbols understood by Sys.glob. If missing and in interactive mode, readDVH opens a file selector widget. See Details.


Further arguments passed to read.table, e.g., sep="\t" to define the column sepator as tab.


This is a wrapper for read.table.

The text file should contain three columns with the column names patID, structure, constraint in the first line. Each further line then defines one constraint and the scope it applies to in terms of patients and structures. See checkConstraint for the definition of a constraint and for the definition of a scope. Example content:

"patID" "structure" "constraint"
"*" "HEART" "D1CC < 20Gy"
"234" "*" "V10% > 8CC"


A data.frame with columns patID, structure, constraint that can be used in functions checkConstraint and showConstraint.

See Also

read.table, checkConstraint, saveConstraint, showConstraint


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DVHmetrics documentation built on March 23, 2022, 5:08 p.m.