
Defines functions datapackager_object_read

Documented in datapackager_object_read

#' Read an object created in a previously run processing script.
#' @param name \code{character} the name of the object. Must be a
#' name available in the configuration objects. Other objects are not saved.
#' @details This function is only accessible within an R or Rmd file processed by DataPackageR.
#' It searches for an environment named \code{ENVS} within the current environment,
#' that holds the object with the given \code{name}. Such an environment is constructed and populated
#' with objects specified in the yaml \code{objects} property and passed along
#' to subsequent R and Rmd files as DataPackageR processes them in order.
#' @return An R object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if(rmarkdown::pandoc_available()){
#' ENVS <- new.env() # ENVS would be in the environment
#'                   # where the data processing is run. It is
#'                   # handled automatically by the package.
#' assign("find_me", 100, ENVS) #This is done automatically by DataPackageR
#' find_me <- datapackager_object_read("find_me") # This would appear in an Rmd processed by
#'                                     # DataPackageR to access the object named "find_me" created
#'                                     # by a previous script. "find_me" would also need to
#'                                     # appear in the objects property of datapackager.yml
#' }
#' }
datapackager_object_read <- function(name) {

  # get(name, get("ENVS", parent.frame()))

  #when the datapackage is being build, it will only read the object from the environment. when
  # in interactive mode, it should be try to load the objects reviously generated.
  # It will preferentially read the object from the the temporary folder, but if that does not exist, it will read the
  # object from the the data folder

  object<-try(get(name, get("ENVS", parent.frame(),inherits=FALSE),inherits=FALSE),silent=TRUE)

  if( !buildingPackage && inherits(object,"try-error")){
    #if the package is not being build and the object is not found in the "ENVS" environment

      if (getOption('DataPackageR_verbose', TRUE)){
        message('loading ',name,' from temporary folder from previous build attempt.')

    }else if(file.exists(objectPath<-file.path(project_data_path(),paste0(name,".rda")))){
      if (getOption('DataPackageR_verbose', TRUE)){
        message('loading ',name,' from data directory.')
      load(objectPath,envir = load_env)

      stop(paste(name,'not found!'))

  }else if(inherits(object,"try-error")){
    #if the package is being build and the object is not found in the "ENVS" environment,
    # pass on the original error warning



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DataPackageR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:57 a.m.