#' @include DSRequests.R
#' @include DSConnect.R
#' @include DSResponse.R
# DataClient is a RC class which creates a object, used to access the Datastream
# content through the Datastream Web Services API.
# The Data requests can be done using 3 functions:
# getData
# getDataframe
# getDataBundle
#' @name DataClient
#' @title DataClient
#' @description An RC class for accessing Datastream content through Datastream Web services API
#' @field useNaNforNotANumber : TRUE by default. NULLs are replaced to NaN (Not a Number)
#' @return DataClient object
#' @export DataClient
DataClient<- R6::R6Class("DataClient",
inherit = DSConnect,
public = list(useNaNforNotANumber = logical(1),
#--------------------- Initialization ----------------------------------------------
#' @description Initialize method to create Datastream Object
#' @details Creates Datastream RC object for accessing Datastream content
#' through Datastream Web Services API
#' @param config : Config path
#' @param username : Your Id
#' @param password : Your Password
#' @param proxys : Proxy details (if any)
#' @param sslCer : ssl Certificates path
#' @return DataClient object
#' @examples
#' # ds = DataClient$new(NULL, "YourID", "YourPswd")
#' # OR
#' # Login using config file
#' # Config file details provided in DSConnect.R
#' ds = DataClient("Config.ini")
#' # Timeseries requests
#' df = tryCatch (
#' {ds$getData(tickers="VOD", fields=list("PH","PL"),
#' start='2022-01-12', end='2022-07-13', kind=1)},
#' error = function(e) { stop (message(e))})
#' print(df)
#' # Snapshot requests
#' df = tryCatch (
#' { ds$getData(tickers="VOD", fields=list("PH", "PL"),
#' start='2022-01-12', kind=0)},
#' error = function(e) { stop (message(e))})
#' print(df)
initialize = function(config = NULL, username = "", password = "", proxys = NULL,
sslCer = NULL)
"This initializes the DataClient object, with 2 steps:
1. Authenticates the user and
2. connects the valid user with Datastream Web Services API"
super$initialize(config = config, username = username, password = password, proxies = proxys, sslCert = sslCer,
service = DataService$DATA)
self$useNaNforNotANumber = TRUE
# ---------------------- getData ----------------------------------------------------
#' @description getData posts the JSON formatted request and the JSON response is
#' then converted to Dataframe, if dataToDF is TRUE.
#' @param tickers : Intruments Eg: "VOD,BARC"
#' @param fields : Datatypes Eg: list('PH, 'PL', 'PI')
#' @param start : start date in "YYYY-mm-dd" format Eg: "2019-01-20"
#' @param end : end date in
#' @param freq : Refer DSDateFrequencyNames in DSRequests.R
#' @param kind : 1 - TimeSeries Request (default), 0 - Snapshot Request
#' @param properties : properties
#' @return Response Class
getData = function(tickers, fields=NULL, start = "", end = "", freq = "D",
kind = 1, properties = NULL)
logger::log_info('Datastream.R ', 'DataClient$getData ', 'Getting Data ' )
getDataURL = paste(self$RequestUrl, "getData", sep = "")
# Data Requests formatting
requests = DSRequests$new()
getDataRequest = requests$getGetDataRequest(tickers, fields, start, end, freq, kind, self$Token, properties)
# Post data to get the JSON Response
jsonResp = tryCatch (
self$getJsonResponse(getDataURL, getDataRequest)
error = function(e)
logger::log_error(paste('Datastream.R', 'DataClient$getData',
'Exception :', message(e) ))
return (message(e))
if (is.list(jsonResp) & ("DataResponse" %in% names(jsonResp)))
# Converting JSON Response to DSGetDataResponse class object
getDataResponse = DSGetDataResponse$new(jsonResp$DataResponse, jsonResp$Properties, self$useNaNforNotANumber)
return (getDataResponse)
return (jsonResp)
# ---------------------- getDataframe ----------------------------------------------------
#' @description getDataframe posts the JSON formatted request and the JSON response is
#' then converted to Dataframe
#' @param tickers : Intruments Eg: "VOD,BARC"
#' @param fields : Datatypes Eg: list('PH, 'PL', 'PI')
#' @param start : start date in "YYYY-mm-dd" format Eg: "2019-01-20"
#' @param end : end date in
#' @param freq : Refer DSDateFrequencyNames in DSRequests.R
#' @param kind : 1 - TimeSeries Request (default), 0 - Snapshot Request
#' @param properties : properties
#' @return Dataframe
getDataframe = function(tickers, fields=NULL, start = "", end = "", freq = "D", kind = 1,
properties = NULL)
logger::log_info('Datastream.R ', 'DataClient$getDataframe ', 'Getting Data ' )
getDataResponse = tryCatch (
self$getData(tickers, fields, start, end, freq,
kind, properties)
error = function(e)
logger::log_info('Datastream.R ', 'DataClient$getDataframe ',
'Exception :', message(e) )
return (message(e))
# Check for the data response received.
dataResp = tryCatch(
{ getDataResponse$DataResponse },
error = function(e) { return (NULL)})
if (!is.null(dataResp))
df = self$toDataframe(getDataResponse$DataResponse)
return (df)
return (getDataResponse)
# -------------------------------- formatDataRequest --------------------------------
#' @description This method formats the request provided by client (in form of tickers and fields)
#' to the JSON formatted request.
#' @param tickers : Instruments
#' @param fields : Datatypes
#' @param start : start date
#' @param end : end date
#' @param freq : frequency
#' @param kind : kind = 0 for Snapshot request and Kind = 1 for Timeseries request
#' @return JSON formatted data request
formatDataRequest = function(tickers, fields=NULL, start = "", end = "", freq = "D",
kind = 1)
"Used to format the data request in the JSON format"
requests = DSRequests$new()
dataRequest = requests$setDataRequest(tickers, fields, start, end, freq, kind)
return (dataRequest)
# ---------------------- getDataBundle ----------------------------------------------------
#' @description getData posts the JSON formatted request and the JSON response is
#' then converted to Dataframe, if dataToDF is TRUE.
#' @param dataRequests : dataRequests should be formed using formatDataRequest method
#' @param properties : properties
#' @return Response Class
getDataBundle = function(dataRequests, properties= NULL)
logger::log_info('Datastream.R ', 'DataClient$getDataBundle ', 'Getting Data Bundle' )
getDataBundleURL = paste(self$RequestUrl, "GetDataBundle", sep = "")
# Data Requests formatting
requests = DSRequests$new()
getDataBundleRequest = requests$getGetDataBundleRequest(dataRequests, self$Token, properties)
# Post data to get the JSON Response
jsonResp = tryCatch (
self$getJsonResponse(getDataBundleURL, getDataBundleRequest)
error = function(e)
logger::log_error(paste('Datastream.R', 'DataClient$getDataBundle',
'Exception :', message(e) ))
return (message(e))
if (is.list(jsonResp) & ("DataResponses" %in% names(jsonResp)))
# Converting JSON Response to DSGetDataBundleResponse class object
getDataBundleResponse = DSGetDataBundleResponse$new(jsonResp$DataResponse, jsonResp$Properties,
return (getDataBundleResponse)
return (jsonResp)
# ---------------------- toDataframe ----------------------------------------------------
#' @description Converts the Class response into a Dataframe which can be further used to plot
#' @param dataResponse : The raw data response that is ingested into Dataframe
#' @return Dataframe
toDataframe = function(dataResponse)
# Internal method:
# Converts the Class response into a Dataframe which can be further used to plot
df = NULL
instrument = NULL
currency = "NA"
values = list()
columns = list()
columnValues = list()
transpose = FALSE # in case of columns are > rows, for eg: Lists data
dates = dataResponse$Dates
#dates = sapply(dataResponse$Dates, FUN = function(x) { return (as.character(x))})
if (!is.null(dates) & length(dates) > 0)
columns = append (columns, "Dates")
columnValues[["Dates"]] = dates
datatypeValues = dataResponse$DataTypeValues
for (datatypeValue in datatypeValues)
datatype = datatypeValue$DataType
for (symbolValue in datatypeValue$SymbolValues)
instrument = trimws(symbolValue$Symbol)
if (!is.null(symbolValue$Currency))
currency = symbolValue$Currency
if (symbolValue$Type %in% DSSymbolResponseValueType)
#if (symbolValue$Type == DSSymbolResponseValueType$DateTime)
#values = as.character(symbolValue$Value)
values = symbolValue$Value
# Array Values returned should be equal to that of dates
if (length(values) > 1)
transpose = FALSE
else if (length(values == 1))
transpose = TRUE
colName = paste (instrument, datatype, currency, sep = "|")
columns = append (columns, colName)
columnValues[[colName]] = c(values)
if (transpose)
df = t (data.frame(t (lapply (columnValues, function(x) Reduce(c, x)))))
rownames(df) = columns
df = data.frame(lapply (columnValues, function(x) Reduce(c, x)))
colnames(df) = columns
return (df)
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