#'Plot the net benefit curves from a decision_curve object or many decision_curve objects
#' @param x 'decision_curve' object to plot or a list of 'decision_curve' objects. Assumes output from function 'decision_curve'
#' @param curve.names vector of names to use when plotting legends.
#' @param cost.benefit.axis logical (default TRUE) indicating whether to print an additional x-axis showing relative cost:benefit ratios in addition to risk thresholds.
#' @param n.cost.benefits number of cost:benefit ratios to print if cost.benefit.axis = TRUE (default n.cost.benefit = 6).
#' @param cost.benefits Character vector of the form c("c1:b1", "c2:b2", ..., "cn:bn") with integers ci, bi corresponding to specific cost:benefit ratios to print. Default allows the function to calculate these automatically.
#' @param standardize logical (default TRUE) indicating whether to use the standardized net benefit (NB/disease prevalence) or not.
#' @param confidence.intervals logical indicating whether to plot confidence intervals.
#' @param col vector of color names to be used in plotting corresponding to the 'predictors' given. Default colors will be chosen from rainbow(..., v = .8). See details for more information on plot parameters.
#' @param lty vector of linetypes.
#' @param lwd vector of linewidths.
#' @param xlim vector giving c(min, max) of x-axis. Defaults to c(min(thresholds), max(thresholds)).
#' @param ylim vector giving c(min, max) of y-axis.
#' @param xlab label of main x-axis.
#' @param ylab label of y-axis.
#' @param cost.benefit.xlab label of cost:benefit ratio axis.
#' @param legend.position character vector giving position of legend. Options are "topright" (default), "right", "bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", or "none".
#' @param ... other options directly send to plot()
#' @details When k decision_curve objects are input, the first k elements of col, lty, lwd ... correspond to the curves provided. The next two elements (..., k+1, k+2) correspond to the attributes of the 'all' and 'none' curves. See below for an example.
#' @examples
#'baseline.model <- decision_curve(Cancer~Age + Female + Smokes,
#' data = dcaData,
#' thresholds = seq(0, .4, by = .005),
#' bootstraps = 10)
#'#plot using the defaults
#'plot_decision_curve(baseline.model, curve.names = "baseline model")
#'full.model <- decision_curve(Cancer~Age + Female + Smokes + Marker1 + Marker2,
#' data = dcaData,
#' thresholds = seq(0, .4, by = .005),
#' bootstraps = 10)
#'# for lwd, the first two positions correspond to the decision curves, then 'all' and 'none'
#'plot_decision_curve( list(baseline.model, full.model),
#' curve.names = c("Baseline model", "Full model"),
#' col = c("blue", "red"),
#' lty = c(1,2),
#' lwd = c(3,2, 2, 1),
#' legend.position = "bottomright")
#No confidence intervals, cost:benefit ratio axis, or legend
#'plot_decision_curve( list(baseline.model, full.model),
#' curve.names = c("Baseline model", "Full model"),
#' col = c("blue", "red"),
#' confidence.intervals = FALSE, #remove confidence intervals
#' cost.benefit.axis = FALSE, #remove cost benefit axis
#' legend.position = "none") #remove the legend
#'#Set specific cost:benefit ratios.
#'plot_decision_curve( list(baseline.model, full.model),
#' curve.names = c("Baseline model", "Full model"),
#' col = c("blue", "red"),
#' cost.benefits = c("1:1000", "1:4", "1:9", "2:3", "1:3"),
#' legend.position = "bottomright")
#'#Plot net benefit instead of standardize net benefit.
#'plot_decision_curve( list(baseline.model, full.model),
#' curve.names = c("Baseline model", "Full model"),
#' col = c("blue", "red"),
#' ylim = c(-0.05, 0.15), #set ylim
#' lty = c(2,1),
#' standardize = FALSE, #plot Net benefit instead of standardized net benefit
#' legend.position = "topright")
#' @export
plot_decision_curve <- function(x, curve.names,
cost.benefit.axis = TRUE,
n.cost.benefits = 6,
standardize = TRUE,
lty, lwd = 2,
xlim, ylim,
xlab, ylab,
legend.position = c("topright", "right", "bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", "none"),
legend.position <- match.arg(legend.position)
if(missing(curve.names)) curve.names <- NA
if(missing(confidence.intervals)) confidence.intervals <- NA
prepData <- preparePlotData(x = x,
curve.names = curve.names,
confidence.intervals = confidence.intervals)
predictors <- prepData$predictors <- prepData$
confidence.intervals <- prepData$confidence.intervals
#set some defaults if needed
if(missing(xlim)) xlim = range($thresholds)
if(missing(lty)) lty = rep(1, length(predictors) + 2)
if(length(lty) ==1) lty = rep(lty, length(predictors) + 2)
if(length(lty) == length(predictors)) lty = c(lty, 1, 1)
if(missing(col)) col = c(rainbow(length(predictors), v = .8), "grey66", "black")
if(length(col) == length(predictors)) col <- c(col, "grey66", "black")
if(missing(lwd)) lwd = 2
if(length(lwd) ==1) lwd <- rep(lwd, length(predictors))
if(length(lwd) == length(predictors)) lwd = c(lwd, 1, 1)
if(missing(ylab)) ylab <- ifelse(standardize, "Standardized Net Benefit", "Net Benefit")
policy = ifelse(class(x)=="decision_curve", x$policy, x[[1]]$policy)
if(missing(xlab)) xlab <- ifelse(policy == 'opt-in', "High Risk Threshold", "Low Risk Threshold")
if(missing(cost.benefit.xlab)) cost.benefit.xlab <- ifelse(policy == "opt-in", "Opt-in Cost:Benefit Ratio", "Opt-out Cost:Benefit Ratio")
if(standardize) ylim = c(-1, 1)
else ylim = c(-0.05, 1.1*max([["NB"]][is.finite([["NB"]])]))
plot_generic(xx =,
predictors = predictors,
value = ifelse(standardize, "sNB", "NB"),
plotNew = TRUE,
standardize = standardize,
cost.benefit.axis = cost.benefit.axis,
cost.benefits = cost.benefits,
n.cost.benefits = n.cost.benefits,
cost.benefit.xlab = cost.benefit.xlab,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
col = col,
lty = lty, lwd = lwd,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
legend.position = legend.position,
policy = policy,
#'Plot the components of a ROC curve by the high risk thresholds.
#' @description Plot the components of the ROC curve --the true positive rates and false positive rates-- by high risk thresholds.
#' @param x decision_curve object to plot. Assumes output from function 'decision_curve'
#' @param cost.benefit.axis logical (default TRUE) indicating whether to print an additional x-axis showing relative cost:benefit ratios in addition to risk thresholds.
#' @param n.cost.benefits number of cost:benefit ratios to print if cost.benefit.axis = TRUE (default n.cost.benefit = 6).
#' @param cost.benefits Character vector of the form c("c1:b1", "c2:b2", ..., "cn:bn") with integers ci, bi corresponding to specific cost:benefit ratios to print. Default allows the function to calculate these automatically.
#' @param confidence.intervals logical indicating whether to plot confidence intervals.
#' @param col vector of length two indicating the color for the true positive rates and false positive rates, respectively.
#' @param lty.fpr linetype for the false positive rate curve.
#' @param lty.tpr linetype for the true positive rate curve.
#' @param lwd vector of linewidths. The first element corresponds to the tpr and the second to the fpr.
#' @param xlim vector giving c(min, max) of x-axis. Defaults to c(min(thresholds), max(thresholds)).
#' @param ylim vector giving c(min, max) of y-axis.
#' @param xlab label of main x-axis.
#' @param ylab label of y-axis.
#' @param cost.benefit.xlab label of cost:benefit ratio axis.
#' @param legend.position character vector giving position of legend. Options are "topright" (default), "right", "bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", or "none".
#' @param ... other options directly send to plot()
#' @examples
#'baseline.model <- decision_curve(Cancer~Age + Female + Smokes,
#' data = dcaData,
#' thresholds = seq(0, .4, by = .001),
#' bootstraps = 25) #should use more bootstrap replicates in practice!
#'#plot using the defaults
#'plot_roc_components(baseline.model, xlim = c(0, 0.4), col = c("black", "red"))
#' @export
plot_roc_components <- function(x,
cost.benefit.axis = TRUE,
n.cost.benefits = 6,
col = "black",
lty.fpr = 2,
lty.tpr = 1,
lwd = 2,
xlim, ylim,
xlab = "Risk Threshold", ylab,
cost.benefit.xlab = "Cost:Benefit Ratio",
legend.position = c("topright", "right", "bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", "none"),
if(class(x) != "decision_curve") stop("x must be an object of class 'decision_curve'-- plot_roc_components is only functional for one decision curve at a time.")
legend.position <- match.arg(legend.position)
# if(missing(curve.names)) curve.names <- NA
if(missing(confidence.intervals)) confidence.intervals <- NA
prepData <- preparePlotData(x = x,
curve.names = NA,
confidence.intervals = confidence.intervals)
predictors <- prepData$predictors <- prepData$
confidence.intervals <- prepData$confidence.intervals
#set some defaults if needed
if(missing(xlim)) xlim = range($thresholds)
if(length(col) ==1 ) col <- rep(col, 2)
if(missing(lwd)) lwd = 2
if(length(lwd) ==1) lwd <- rep(lwd, length(predictors))
if(length(lwd) == length(predictors)) lwd = c(lwd, 1, 1)
if(missing(ylab)) ylab <- "Probability"
if(missing(ylim)) ylim = c(0, 1)
plot_generic(xx =,
predictors = predictors,
value = "TPR",
plotNew = TRUE,
standardize = FALSE,
cost.benefit.axis = cost.benefit.axis,
cost.benefits = cost.benefits,
n.cost.benefits = n.cost.benefits,
cost.benefit.xlab = cost.benefit.xlab,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
col = col,
lty = lty.tpr, lwd = lwd,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
legend.position = "none",
policy = x$policy,
plot_generic(xx =,
predictors = predictors,
value = "FPR",
plotNew = FALSE,
standardize = FALSE,
cost.benefit.axis = cost.benefit.axis,
cost.benefits = cost.benefits,
n.cost.benefits = n.cost.benefits,
cost.benefit.xlab = cost.benefit.xlab,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
col = col,
lty = lty.fpr, lwd = lwd,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
legend.position = legend.position,
lty.fpr = lty.fpr,
lty.tpr = lty.tpr,
tpr.fpr.legend = TRUE,
policy = x$policy,
#'Plot the clinical impact curve from a DecisionCurve object.
#' @description For a given population size, plot the number of subjects classified as high risk, and the number of subjects classified high risk with the outcome of interest at each high risk threshold.
#' @param x decision_curve object to plot. Assumes output from function 'decision_curve'
#' @param population.size Hypothetical population size (default 1000).
#' @param cost.benefit.axis logical (default TRUE) indicating whether to print an additional x-axis showing relative cost:benefit ratios in addition to risk thresholds.
#' @param n.cost.benefits number of cost:benefit ratios to print if cost.benefit.axis = TRUE (default n.cost.benefit = 6).
#' @param cost.benefits Character vector of the form c("c1:b1", "c2:b2", ..., "cn:bn") with integers ci, bi corresponding to specific cost:benefit ratios to print. Default allows the function to calculate these automatically.
#' @param confidence.intervals logical indicating whether to plot confidence intervals.
#' @param col vector of length two indicating the color for the number high risk and the second to the number high risk with outcome, respectively.
#' @param lty vector of linetypes. The first element corresponds to the number high risk and the second to the number high risk with outcome.
#' @param lwd vector of linewidths. The first element corresponds to the number high risk and the second to the number high risk with outcome.
#' @param xlim vector giving c(min, max) of x-axis. Defaults to c(min(thresholds), max(thresholds)).
#' @param ylim vector giving c(min, max) of y-axis.
#' @param xlab label of main x-axis.
#' @param ylab label of y-axis.
#' @param cost.benefit.xlab label of cost:benefit ratio axis.
#' @param legend.position character vector giving position of legend. Options are "topright" (default), "right", "bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", or "none".
#' @param ... other options directly send to plot()
#' @examples
#'baseline.model <- decision_curve(Cancer~Age + Female + Smokes,
#' data = dcaData,
#' thresholds = seq(0, .4, by = .001),
#' bootstraps = 25) #should use more bootstrap replicates in practice!
#'#plot the clinical impact
#'plot_clinical_impact(baseline.model, xlim = c(0, .4),
#' col = c("black", "blue"))
#' @export
plot_clinical_impact <- function(x,
population.size = 1000,
cost.benefit.axis = TRUE,
n.cost.benefits = 6,
col = "black",
lty = 1,
lwd = 2,
xlim, ylim,
xlab, ylab,
cost.benefit.xlab = "Cost:Benefit Ratio",
legend.position = c("topright", "right", "bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", "none"),
if(class(x) != "decision_curve") stop("x must be an object of class 'decision_curve'-- plot_roc_components is only functional for one decision curve at a time.")
legend.position <- match.arg(legend.position)
#if(missing(curve.names)) curve.names <- NA
if(missing(confidence.intervals)) confidence.intervals <- NA
prepData <- preparePlotData(x = x,
curve.names = NA,
confidence.intervals = confidence.intervals)
predictors <- prepData$predictors <- prepData$
confidence.intervals <- prepData$confidence.intervals
#set some defaults if needed
if(missing(xlim)) xlim = range($thresholds)
if(length(col) ==1 ) col <- rep(col, 2)
if(missing(lwd)) lwd = 2
if(length(lwd) ==1) lwd <- rep(lwd, length(predictors))
if(length(lwd) == length(predictors)) lwd = c(lwd, 1, 1)
if(missing(ylab)) {
if(x$policy == "opt-in") {
ylab <- paste("Number high risk (out of ", population.size, ")", sep = "")
}else if(x$policy == "opt-out"){
ylab <- paste("Number low risk (out of ", population.size, ")", sep = "")
if(missing(xlab)) xlab <- ifelse(x$policy == 'opt-in', "High Risk Threshold", "Low Risk Threshold")
if(missing(ylim)) ylim = c(0, population.size*1.05)
plot_generic(xx =,
predictors = predictors,
value = ifelse(x$policy == "opt-in", "prob.high.risk", "prob.low.risk"),
plotNew = TRUE,
standardize = FALSE,
cost.benefit.axis = cost.benefit.axis,
cost.benefits = cost.benefits,
n.cost.benefits = n.cost.benefits,
cost.benefit.xlab = cost.benefit.xlab,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
col = col,
lty = lty, lwd = lwd,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
legend.position = "none",
population.size = population.size,
policy = x$policy,
...) #add my own legend
plot_generic(xx =,
predictors = predictors,
value = ifelse(x$policy == "opt-in", "DP", "nonDP"),
plotNew = FALSE,
standardize = FALSE,
cost.benefit.axis = cost.benefit.axis,
cost.benefits = cost.benefits,
n.cost.benefits = n.cost.benefits,
cost.benefit.xlab = cost.benefit.xlab,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
col = col,
lty = 2, lwd = lwd,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
legend.position = legend.position,
lty.fpr = 0,
lty.tpr = 0,
tpr.fpr.legend = FALSE,
impact.legend = (x$policy == "opt-in"),
impact.legend.2 = (x$policy == "opt-out"),
population.size = population.size,
policy = x$policy,
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