#' Get Delta problem type function
#' This function apply Test to identify where are the solution located. We have mainly 3 situations for k > 2 and 2 for k = 2. For k > 2 we have:
#' DN2 = No estimators in the boundary.
#' DN1 = Some estimator in the boundary and global agreement imaginary.
#' DN0 = Any other case
#' For k = 2 we have:
#' DA0 = Some estimator in the boundary.
#' DA1 = Any other case
#' @param Mx Matrix. Matrix reduced.
#' @keywords Mx
#' @export
#' @examples
#' GetDeltaProblemType(matrix(c(1,2,0,3,4,0,0,0,1),3,3))
#' GetDeltaProblemType(matrix(c(1,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,3),3,3))
GetDeltaProblemType <- function(Mx){
#Mx matrix without insignificant rows and columns
k = dim(Mx)[1]
Xr = margin.table(Mx,1)
Xc = margin.table(Mx,2)
Xt = sum(Xr)
diag.Mx = diag(Mx)
sum.diag = sum(diag.Mx)
#r (c) indicate when diagonal is equal to marginal by rows (columns)
r = sum(Xr == diag.Mx)
c = sum(Xc == diag.Mx)
#B = 0 condition
#if there is no disagreement
B_0 = (sum.diag == Xt)
#B = inf condition
# B inf condition is trickier. It need some B parameter calculations
#Aux calculations
B0 = 0
B0_i = 0
#Calculate max position and value
calc = (sqrt(Xc - diag.Mx) + sqrt(Xr - diag.Mx))^2
B0_i = which.max(round(calc,10))
B0 = calc[B0_i]
radical = function(B){
radicals = sqrt(pmax((B + (Xc - Xr))^2 - 4 * B * (Xc - diag.Mx),0))
y = function(B){
yB = (k - 2) * B + sum(-1 * radical(B))
#if all disagreement is only in one category
B_inf = ((max((Xt - sum.diag) == (Xr + Xc - 2 * diag.Mx))==1) && (yB0 < 0))
if (k > 2){
if (B_0 == 0 && B_inf == 0 && r == 0 && c == 0) {
dtp = "DN2"
else if (B_inf == 1) {
dtp = "DN1"
else {
dtp = "DN0"
else if (k == 2){
if ((sum.diag == Xt) || (any(Xr == 0) | any(Xc == 0))) {
dtp = "DA0"
else {
dtp = "DA1"
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