
Defines functions ds.box

Documented in ds.box

#' @title 
#' Boxplot Parameters of a numeric vector
#' @description
#' This function calculates the statistical measures needed to visualize the boxplot of a numeric vector.
#' @usage ds.box(x, c = 1.5, c.width = 0.15 , out = TRUE, tojson = FALSE)
#' @param x The input numeric vector
#' @param c Determines the length of the "whiskers" plot.
#' If it is equal to zero or out=F, no outliers will be returned.
#' @param c.width The width level is determined 0.15 times the square root of the size of the input vector
#' @param out If TRUE the outliers will be computed at the selected "c" level (default is 1.5 times the Interquartile Range). 
#' @param tojson If TRUE the results are returned in json format
#' @details 
#' This function returns a list with the parameters needed to visualize a boxplot.
#' @author Kleanthis Koupidis, Charalampos Bratsas
#' @return 
#' Returns a list or a json file with the following components:
#' \itemize{ 
#' \item lo.whisker The extreme of the lower whisker
#' \item lo.hinge The lower "hinge"
#' \item median The median
#' \item up.hinge The upper "hinge"
#' \item up.whisker The extreme of the upper whisker
#' \item box.width The width of the box (default is 0.15 times the 
#' square root of the size of the vector)
#' \item lo.out The values of any data points which lie below the extreme of the lower whisker
#' \item up.out The values of any data points which lie above the extreme of the upper whisker
#' \item n The non-NA observations of the vector
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{ds.analysis}}, \code{\link{open_spending.ds}}
#' @examples 
#' # with vector as an input and the default parameters
#' vec <- as.vector(iris$Sepal.Width)
#' ds.box(vec)
#' # with vector as an input and the different parameters
#' vec <- as.vector(iris$Sepal.Width)
#' ds.box(vec, c = 3, c.width = 0.20 , out = FALSE, tojson = FALSE)
#' # OpenBudgets.eu Dataset Example:
#' amounts <- as.vector(Wuppertal_df$Amount)
#' ds.box(amounts, c = 1.5, c.width = 0.20, out = TRUE)
#' @rdname ds.box
#' @export

ds.box <- function(x, c = 1.5, c.width = 0.15 , out = TRUE, tojson = FALSE) {
  b <- grDevices::boxplot.stats(x, coef = c,  do.out = out)
  lo.whisker <- unname(unlist(b)[1])
  lo.hinge <- unname(unlist(b)[2])
  median <- unname(unlist(b)[3])
  up.hinge <- unname(unlist(b)[4])
  up.whisker <- unname(unlist(b)[5])
  n <- unname(unlist(b)[6])
  box.width <- round(c.width * sqrt(n), 2)
  if (out == TRUE & c != 0) {
    lo.out <- x[x < lo.hinge - c * diff(c(lo.hinge,up.hinge))]
    up.out <- x[x > up.hinge + c * diff(c(lo.hinge,up.hinge))]
  } else {
    lo.out <- NULL
    up.out <- NULL
  box <- list(
    lo.whisker = lo.whisker,
    lo.hinge = lo.hinge,
    median = median,
    up.hinge = up.hinge,
    up.whisker = up.whisker,
    box.width = box.width,
    lo.out = lo.out,
    up.out = up.out,
    n = n)
  if (tojson == TRUE) {
    box <- jsonlite::toJSON(box)

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DescriptiveStats.OBeu documentation built on May 4, 2020, 9:06 a.m.