
## ----setup, include=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE)

## ----cran, message=FALSE, eval=FALSE, warning=FALSE---------------------------
#  install.packages("EHRtemporalVariability")
#  library(EHRtemporalVariability)

## ----crantrue, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE------------

## ----devtls, message=FALSE, eval=FALSE, warning=FALSE-------------------------
#  install.packages("devtools")
#  library(devtools)

## ----bioC, message=FALSE, eval=FALSE, warning=FALSE---------------------------
#  install_github("hms-dbmi/EHRtemporalVariability")
#  library( EHRtemporalVariability )

## ----EHRtemporalVariabilityObj1, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE, warning=FALSE-----
githubURL <- ""
if (httr::http_error(githubURL)) {
      message("URL not accessible or no internet connection.")
} else {

## ----variabilityObj2, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE--------------------------------
class( probMaps$`diagcode1-phewascode` )

## ----igtProjObj, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE-------------------------------------
class( igtProjs$`diagcode1-phewascode` )

## ----readCSV, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE----------------------------------------
dataset <- read.csv2( "", 
                      sep  = ",",
                      header = TRUE, 
                      na.strings = "", 
                      colClasses = c( "character", "numeric", "factor",
                                      "numeric" , rep( "factor", 22 ) ) )
head( dataset)

## ----formatDate2, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE------------------------------------
class( dataset$date )
datasetFormatted <- EHRtemporalVariability::formatDate(
              input         = dataset,
              dateColumn    = "date",
              dateFormat = "%y/%m"
head( datasetFormatted )[1:5, 1:5]
class( datasetFormatted$date )

## ----icd9toPheWAS, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE--------------------
datasetPheWAS <- icd9toPheWAS(data           = datasetFormatted,
                              icd9ColumnName = "diagcode1",
                              phecodeDescription = TRUE,
                              missingValues  = "N/A", 
                              statistics     = TRUE, 
                              replaceColumn  = FALSE)

head( datasetPheWAS[, c( "diagcode1", "diagcode1-phewascode")] )

## ----estimateDataTemporalMap, eval=FALSE, warning=FALSE-----------------------
#  probMaps <- estimateDataTemporalMap(data           = datasetPheWAS,
#                                      dateColumnName = "date",
#                                      period         = "month")

## ----estimateDataTemporalMapOutput, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE------------------
class( probMaps )
class( probMaps[[ 1 ]] )

## ----estimateDataTemporalMapSupport, eval=FALSE, warning=FALSE----------------
#  supports <- vector("list",2)
#  names(supports) <- c("age","diagcode1")
#  supports[[1]] <- 1:18
#  supports[[2]] <- c("V3000","042--","07999","1550-","2252-")
#  probMapsWithSupports <- estimateDataTemporalMap(data           = datasetPheWAS,
#                                      dateColumnName = "date",
#                                      period         = "month",
#                                      supports       = supports)

## ----trimDataTemporalMap, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE----------------------------
class( probMaps[[1]] )
probMapTrimmed <- trimDataTemporalMap( 
                        dataTemporalMap = probMaps[[1]],
                        startDate       = "2005-01-01",
                        endDate         = "2008-12-01"
class( probMapTrimmed )

## ----estimateIGTProjection, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE--------------------------
igtProj <- estimateIGTProjection( dataTemporalMap = probMaps[[1]], 
                                  dimensions      = 2, 
                                  startDate       = "2000-01-01", 
                                  endDate         = "2010-12-31")

## ----estimateIGTProjectionOutput, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE--------------------
class( igtProj )

## ----sapplyestimateIGTProjection, eval=FALSE, warning=FALSE-------------------
#  igtProjs <- sapply ( probMaps, estimateIGTProjection )
#  names( igtProjs ) <- names( probMaps )

## ----loadExampleFile, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE--------------------------------
githubURL <- ""

## ----plotHeatmap, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE------------------------------------
    dataTemporalMap =  probMaps[["diagcode1-phewascode"]],
    startValue = 2,
    endValue = 20,
    colorPalette    = "Spectral")

## ----plotSeries, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE-------------------------------------
    dataTemporalMap =  probMaps[["diagcode1-phewascode"]],
    startValue = 2,
    endValue = 10,
    mode = "series")

## ----plotIGTprojection, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE------------------------------
    igtProjection   =  igtProjs[["diagcode1-phewascode"]],
    colorPalette    = "Spectral", 
    dimensions      = 2)

## ----plotIGTprojectionTrajectory, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE--------------------
    igtProjection   =  igtProjs[["diagcode1-phewascode"]],
    colorPalette    = "Spectral", 
    dimensions      = 2,
    trajectory      = TRUE)

## ----saveRData, eval=FALSE, warning=FALSE-------------------------------------
#  names( probMaps )
#  names( igtProjs )
#  save(probMaps, igtProjs, file = "myExport.RData")

## ----dbscan, message=FALSE, eval=FALSE, warning=FALSE-------------------------
#  install.packages("dbscan")
#  library(dbscan)

## ----dbscantrue, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE----------

## ----temporalSubgroupsClustering, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE--------------------
# We set the minimum number of batches in a subgroup as 2 
# We set eps based on the knee of the following KNNdistplot, at around 0.023
# kNNdistplot(igtProj@projection, k = 2, all = FALSE)
igtProj = igtProjs[["diagcode1-phewascode"]]
# We select the 2 first dimensions for consistency with the IGT plot examples above
dbscanResults <- dbscan(igtProj@projection[,c(1,2)], eps = 0.023, minPts = 2)
clusterNames  <- vector(mode = "character", length = 10)
clusterNames[dbscanResults$cluster == 0] <- "Outlier batches"
clusterNames[! dbscanResults$cluster == 0] <- paste("Temporal subgroup",dbscanResults$cluster[! dbscanResults$cluster == 0])
plotly::plot_ly(x = igtProj@projection[,1], y = igtProj@projection[,2],
              color = as.factor(clusterNames),
              type = "scatter", mode = "markers",
              text = paste0("Date: ",igtProj@dataTemporalMap@dates)) %>%
              plotly::config(displaylogo = FALSE)

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EHRtemporalVariability documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:23 a.m.