
Defines functions esgcortest esgmartingaletest esgmccv esgmcprices esgdiscountfactor

Documented in esgcortest esgdiscountfactor esgmartingaletest esgmccv esgmcprices

# Martingale Tests and Monte Carlo convergence --------------------------------------------------

#'@title Stochastic discount factors or discounted values
#'This function provides calculation of stochastic discount factors 
#'or discounted values
#'The function result is : 
#'\deqn{X_t exp(-\int_0^t r_s ds)}
#'where \eqn{X_t} is an asset value at a given maturity \eqn{t}, and 
#'\eqn{(r_s)_s} is the risk-free rate.
#'@param r the short rate, a \code{numeric} (constant rate) or a time series object
#'@param X the asset's price, a \code{numeric} (constant payoff or asset price) or a time series 
#'@seealso \code{\link{esgmcprices}}, \code{\link{esgmccv}}
#'Thierry Moudiki
#'kappa <- 1.5
#'V0 <- theta <- 0.04
#'sigma_v <- 0.2
#'theta1 <- kappa*theta
#'theta2 <- kappa
#'theta3 <- sigma_v
#'# OU
#'r <- simdiff(n = 10, horizon = 5, 
#'                frequency = "quart",  
#'                model = "OU", 
#'                x0 = V0, theta1 = theta1, theta2 = theta2, theta3 = theta3)
#'# Stochastic discount factors
#' esgdiscountfactor(r, 1)
esgdiscountfactor <- function(r, X)
  if(missing(r) || missing(X))
    stop("'r' and 'X' must be provided")
  length.r <- length(r)
  length.X <- length(X)
  start.r <- start(r)
  deltat.r <- deltat(r)
  start.X <- start(X)
  deltat.X <- deltat(X)
  if(length.r == 1 && length.X == 1) 
  if(length.r == 1 && length.X != 1) 
    r <- ts(matrix(r, nrow(X), ncol(X)), 
            start = start.X, deltat = deltat.X)
    if(tsp(X)[1] > 0)
      return(ts(X*exp(-apply(r, 2, cumsum)*deltat.X), 
                start = 0, 
                deltat = deltat.X))      
      Int_r <- exp(-apply(r, 2, cumsum)*deltat.X)
      return(ts(X*rbind(rep(1, ncol(X)), 
                        Int_r[1:(nrow(X)-1), ]),                                           , 
                start = 0, 
                deltat = deltat.X))
  if(length.r != 1 && length.X == 1)
    X <- ts(matrix(X, nrow(r), ncol(r)), 
            start = start.r, deltat = deltat.r)
    return(ts(X*exp(-apply(r, 2, cumsum)*deltat.r),                                          
              start = 0, 
              deltat = deltat.r))
  if(length.r != 1 && length.X != 1)
    if(tsp(X)[1] > 0)
      return(suppressWarnings(ts(X*window(exp(-apply(r, 2, cumsum)*deltat.r), 
                                          start = start.X, 
                                          deltat = deltat.X), 
                                 start = 0, 
                                 deltat = deltat.X)))
      Int_r <- ts(exp(-apply(r, 2, cumsum)*deltat.r), deltat = deltat.r)
      return(suppressWarnings(ts(X*rbind(rep(1, ncol(X)), 
                                         Int_r[1:(nrow(X)-1), ]),                                           , 
                                 start = 0, 
                                 deltat = deltat.X)))
esgdiscountfactor <- cmpfun(esgdiscountfactor)

#'Estimation of discounted asset prices
#'This function computes estimators (sample mean) of 
#'\deqn{E[X_T exp(-\int_0^T r_s ds)]}
#'where \eqn{X_T} is an asset value at given maturities \eqn{T}, and 
#'\eqn{(r_s)_s} is the risk-free rate.
#'@param r a \code{numeric} or a time series object, the risk-free rate(s).
#'@param X asset prices obtained with \code{\link{simdiff}}
#'@param maturity the corresponding maturity (optional). If missing, all the maturities 
#'available in \code{X} are used.
#'@seealso \code{\link{esgdiscountfactor}}, \code{\link{esgmccv}}
#'Thierry Moudiki
#'# GBM
#'r <- 0.03
#'eps0 <- simshocks(n = 100, horizon = 5, frequency = "quart")
#'sim.GBM <- simdiff(n = 100, horizon = 5, frequency = "quart",   
#'                model = "GBM", 
#'                x0 = 100, theta1 = 0.03, theta2 = 0.1, 
#'                eps = eps0)
#'# monte carlo prices
#'esgmcprices(r, sim.GBM)
#'# monte carlo price for a given maturity
#'esgmcprices(r, sim.GBM, 2)
esgmcprices <- function(r, X, maturity = NULL)
  if(missing(r) || missing(X))
    stop("'r' and 'X' must be provided")
  maturity.out <- maturity
  if(is.ts(X) && tsp(X)[1] > 0 && !is.null(maturity))
    maturity.out <- maturity - deltat(X)
  Y <- esgdiscountfactor(r, X)
  if(length(r) == 1 && length(X) == 1) 
  Z <- ts(rowMeans(Y), start = start(Y), deltat = deltat(Y))
    return(window(Z, start = maturity.out, end = maturity.out))
esgmcprices <- cmpfun(esgmcprices)

#'Convergence of Monte Carlo prices
#'This function computes and plots confidence intervals around the estimated 
#'average price, as functions of the number of simulations. 
#'Studying the convergence of the sample mean of :
#'\deqn{E[X_T exp(-\int_0^T r_s ds)]}
#'towards its true value.
#'@param r a \code{numeric} or a time series object, the risk-free rate(s).
#'@param X asset prices obtained with \code{\link{simdiff}}
#'@param maturity the corresponding maturity (optional). If missing, all the maturities 
#'available in \code{X} are used.
#'@param plot if \code{TRUE} (default), a plot of the convergence is displayed.
#'@param ... additional parameters provided to \code{\link{matplot}}
#'@return a list with estimated average prices and the confidence intervals around them.
#'Thierry Moudiki
#'r <- 0.03
#'eps0 <- simshocks(n = 100, horizon = 5, frequency = "quart")
#'sim.GBM <- simdiff(n = 100, horizon = 5, frequency = "quart",   
#'                model = "GBM", 
#'                x0 = 100, theta1 = 0.03, theta2 = 0.1, 
#'                eps = eps0)
#'# monte carlo prices
#'esgmcprices(r, sim.GBM)
#'# convergence to a specific price
#'(esgmccv(r, sim.GBM, 2))
esgmccv <- function(r, X, maturity, plot = TRUE, ...)
  if(missing(r) || missing(X) || missing(maturity))
    stop("'r', 'X', and 'maturity' must be provided")
  bool.X <- (is.ts(X) && tsp(X)[1] > 0)
    maturity <- maturity - deltat(X)
  Y <- esgdiscountfactor(r, X)
  Z <- window(Y, start = maturity, end = maturity)
  N <- length(Z)  
  avg.price <- sapply(2:N, function(x) mean(Z[1:x]))
  conf.int <- t(sapply(2:N, function(x) t.test(Z[1:x])$conf.int[1:2]))
  colnames(conf.int) <- c("lower bound", "upper bound")
  if (plot == TRUE)
    x <- 2:N
    matplot(x, conf.int, type = 'l', xlab = "number of simulations", 
            ylab = "monte carlo estim. price", lty = c(1, 1), lwd = 2, ...)
    polygon(c(x, rev(x)), 
            c(as.vector(conf.int[, 2]), rev(as.vector(conf.int[, 1]))), 
            col = "lightyellow", border = FALSE)
    lines(x, avg.price, col = "blue")    
  invisible(list(avg.price = avg.price,
                 conf.int = conf.int))                  
esgmccv <- cmpfun(esgmccv)

#'@title Martingale and market consistency tests
#'This function performs martingale and market consistency (t-)tests.
#'@param r a \code{numeric} or a time series object, the risk-free rate(s).
#'@param X a time series object, containing payoffs or projected asset values.
#'@param p0 a \code{numeric} or a vector or a univariate time series containing  
#'initial price(s) of an asset. 
#'@param alpha 1 - confidence level for the test. Default value is 0.05.
#'@return The function result can be just displayed. Otherwise, you can get a list 
#'by an assignation, containing (for each maturity) : 
#'\item the Student t values 
#'\item the p-values 
#'\item the estimated mean
#'of the martingale difference
#'\item  Monte Carlo prices
#'@seealso \code{\link{esgplotbands}}
#'@author Thierry Moudiki
#'r0 <- 0.03
#'S0 <- 100
#'eps0 <- simshocks(n = 100, horizon = 3, frequency = "quart")
#'sim.GBM <- simdiff(n = 100, horizon = 3, frequency = "quart",   
#'                model = "GBM", 
#'                x0 = S0, theta1 = r0, theta2 = 0.1, 
#'                eps = eps0)
#'mc.test <- esgmartingaletest(r = r0, X = sim.GBM, p0 = S0, 
#'alpha = 0.05)                               
esgmartingaletest <- function(r, X, p0, alpha = 0.05)
  delta_X <- deltat(X)
  if (length(r) == 1) 
    r <- ts(data = matrix(data = r, nrow = nrow(X), ncol = ncol(X)), 
            start = 0, deltat = delta_X)
  nrow.r <- nrow(r)
  ncol.r <- ncol(r)  
  delta_r <- deltat(r)  
  nb.p0 <- length(p0)
  if (nb.p0 == 1)
    Y <- ts(matrix(data = rep(p0, nrow.r*ncol.r), 
                   nrow = nrow.r, ncol = ncol.r), 
            start = 0, deltat = delta_X)
    Y <- ts(data = replicate(ncol.r, p0), 
            start = 0, deltat = delta_X)    
  delta_Y <- delta_X  
  Dt <- esgdiscountfactor(r, X)
  MartingaleDiff <- Dt - Y
  n <- ncol(MartingaleDiff) 
  meanMartingaleDiff <- rowMeans(MartingaleDiff[-1, ])  
  sdMartingaleDiff <- apply(MartingaleDiff[-1, ], 1, sd)  
  qtStudent <- qt(p = 1 - alpha/2, df = (n - 1))  
  stat_t <- meanMartingaleDiff/(sdMartingaleDiff/sqrt(n))  
  p_value <- pt(q = abs(stat_t), df = (n - 1), lower.tail = F) + 
    pt(q = -abs(stat_t), df = (n - 1))  
  horizon <- end(r)[1]
  mc.ci <- list(t = stat_t, 
                p.value = p_value, 
                samplemean = meanMartingaleDiff, 
                conf.int = ts(cbind(c(0, meanMartingaleDiff - qtStudent * sdMartingaleDiff/sqrt(n)), 
                                    c(0, meanMartingaleDiff + qtStudent * sdMartingaleDiff/sqrt(n))),
                              start = 0, deltat = delta_Y),
                truemean = rep.int(0, dim(MartingaleDiff)[1]), 
                true_prices = Y[1:nrow(MartingaleDiff), 1], mc.prices = rowMeans(Dt))  
  start_Y <- start(Y)  
  mat.ci <- ts(mc.ci$conf.int, start = 0, deltat = delta_Y)  
  colnames(mat.ci) <- c("c.i lower bound", "c.i upper bound")  
  t_val_p_val <- ts(cbind(mc.ci$t, mc.ci$p.value), start = delta_Y, deltat = delta_Y)  
  colnames(t_val_p_val) <- c("t", "p-value")
  cat(" martingale '1=1' one Sample t-test", "\n")
  cat(" alternative hypothesis: true mean of the martingale difference is not equal to 0", 
  cat("df = ", n - 1)
  cat((1 - alpha) * 100, "percent confidence intervals for the mean :", "\n")

# Correlation test for shocks --------------------------------------------------------

#'@title Correlation tests for the shocks
#'This function performs correlation tests for the shocks generated by \code{\link{simshocks}}.
#'@param x gaussian (bivariate) shocks, with correlation, generated by \code{\link{simshocks}}.
#'@param alternative indicates the alternative hypothesis and must be one of "two.sided", 
#'"greater" or "less". 
#'@param method which correlation coefficient is to be used for the test : 
#'"pearson", "kendall", or "spearman".
#'@param conf.level confidence level.
#'@return a list with 2 components : estimated correlation coefficients, 
#'and confidence intervals for the estimated correlations. 
#'@seealso \code{\link{esgplotbands}}
#'D. J. Best & D. E. Roberts (1975), Algorithm AS 89: The Upper Tail 
#'Probabilities of Spearman's rho. Applied Statistics, 24, 377-379.
#'Myles Hollander & Douglas A. Wolfe (1973), Nonparametric Statistical Methods.
#' New York: John Wiley & Sons. Pages 185-194 (Kendall and Spearman tests).
#'@author Thierry Moudiki + stats package 
#'nb <- 500
#'s0.par1 <- simshocks(n = nb, horizon = 3, frequency = "semi",
#'family = 1, par = 0.2)
#'s0.par2 <- simshocks(n = nb, horizon = 3, frequency = "semi", 
#'family = 1, par = 0.8)
#'(test1 <- esgcortest(s0.par1))
#'(test2 <- esgcortest(s0.par2))
#'par(mfrow=c(2, 1))
esgcortest <- function(x, alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
                       method = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman"),
                       conf.level = 0.95)
  y <- x[[2]]
  x <- x[[1]]
  delta_x <- deltat(x)
  delta_y <- deltat(y)
  if (prod(dim(x) == dim(y)) == 0) stop("We must have dim(x) == dim(y)")  
  if (delta_x != delta_y) stop("We must have deltat(x) == deltat(y)")  
  alternative <- match.arg(alternative)  
  method <- match.arg(method)  
  nbdates <- dim(x)[1]  
  return(list(cor.estimate = ts(sapply(1:nbdates, function(i) cor(x[i,], y[i,], 
                                                                  method = method)), 
                                start = delta_x, deltat = delta_x), 
              conf.int = ts(t(sapply(1:nbdates, function(i) cor.test(x[i,], y[i,],
                                                                     alternative = alternative, method = method, 
                                                                     conf.level = conf.level)$conf.int)), start = delta_x, 
                            deltat = delta_x)))
esgcortest <- cmpfun(esgcortest)

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