Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s) References Examples
Univariate and multivariable local spatial analysis. This program computes Getis-Ord G and G*, and LISA's (local Moran and local Geary) statistics for the data Z, with P-values or bootstrap confidence intervals.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |
var |
Vector, matrix or data frame for the analysis. Multiple variables in columns. |
con |
An object of class eco.weight obtained with the function |
method |
Method of analysis: "G" for Getis-Ord G, "G*" for Getis-Ord G*, "I" for local Moran's I or "C" for local Geary's C. |
zerocon |
If zerocon = 0 the program assigns the value 0 to those individuals with no connections; if zerocon = NA the program assigns NA. Default is NA. |
nsim |
Number of Monte-Carlo simulations. |
conditional |
Logical. Should be used a conditional randomization? (Anselin 1998, Sokal and Thomson 2006). The option "auto" sets conditional = TRUE for LISA methods and G, as suggested by Sokal (2008). |
test |
If test = "bootstrap", for each individual test, the program generates a bootstrap resampling and the associated confidence intervals of the null hypotesis. If test = "permutation" (default) a permutation test is made and the P-value is computed. |
alternative |
The alternative hypothesis for "permutation" test. If "auto" is selected (default) the program determines the alternative hypothesis in each individual test. Other options are: "two.sided", "greater" and "less". |
adjust |
Correction method of P-values for multiple tests,
passed to |
multi |
multiple output format results. "list" for object with a list of individual test for each variable, or "matrix" for results as matrices of multiples variables. |
pop |
numeric factor with the population of each individual. Optional for multiple tests with multi = "matrix". |
For single test, the program returns an object of class "eco.lsa" with the following slots:
> OUT results - table with output results.
–> If test = "permutation": observed value of the statistic , null confidence interval and #rescaled observed value to [-1, 1] range, as in Sokal (2006)
–> If test = "bootstrap": observed and expected value of the statistic, alternative hypotesis, null confidence interval and rescaled observed value to [-1, 1] range, as in Sokal (2006)
> METHOD method (coefficent) used in the analysis
> TEST test method used (bootstrap, permutation)
> NSIM number of simulations
> PADJUST P-values adjust method for permutation tests
> COND conditional randomization (logical)
> XY input coordinates
For multiple test, if the parameter multi = "list", the program returns a list of eco.lsa objects (one element for each variable).
For multiple test, if the parameter multi = "matrix", the program returns an object of class "eco.multilsa" with the following slots:
> METHOD method used in the analysis
> TEST test method used (bootstrap, permutation)
> NSIM number of simulations
> PADJUST P-values adjust method for permutation tests
> COND conditional randomization (logical)
> XY input coordinates
> OBS observed value
> EXP expected value
> ALTER test alternative
> PVAL pvalue for permutation test
> LWR lower confidence interval bound of the null hypotesis
> UPPR upper confidence interval bound of the null hypotesis
> OBS.RES rescaled observed value to [-1, 1] range, as in Sokal (2006)
ACCESS TO THE SLOTS The content of the slots can be accessed with the corresponding accessors, using the generic notation of EcoGenetics (<ecoslot.> + <name of the slot> + <name of the object>). See help("EcoGenetics accessors") and the Examples section below
Leandro Roser
Anselin L. 1995. Local indicators of spatial association-LISA. Geographical analysis. 27: 93-115.
Getis A., and J. Ord. 1992. The analysis of spatial association by use of distance statistics. Geographical analysis, 24: 189-206.
Ord J., and A. Getis. 1995. Local spatial autocorrelation statistics: distributional issues and an application. Geographical analysis, 27: 286-306.
Sokal R., N. Oden and B. Thomson. 1998. Local spatial autocorrelation in a biological model. Geographical Analysis, 30: 331-354.
Sokal R. and B. Thomson. 2006. Population structure inferred by local spatial autocorrelation: an example from an Amerindian tribal population. American journal of physical anthropology, 129: 121-131.
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# test for a single variable---------------------------------
#computing weights
con <- eco.weight(eco[["XY"]], method = "knearest", k = 4, = TRUE)
# row standardized weights = TRUE
# test for the first trait of the data frame P
localmoran <- eco.lsa(eco[["P"]][, 1], con, method = "I", nsim = 99)
# "rankplot" graph
# test for several variables---------------------------------
# ordering the factor "pop" in increasing order and the object "eco"
# in relation to this ordered factor prior to the multivariate analysis.
# This step is important for "localplot" graphs.
eco <- eco[order(eco[["S"]][,1])]
#computing weights with the ordered object
con <- eco.weight(eco[["XY"]], method = "knearest", k = 4, = TRUE)
# row standardized weights = TRUE
all.traits <- eco.lsa(eco[["P"]], con, method = "I", nsim = 99)
# Plot of the phenotypic spatial patterns
# "rasterplot" graph
# in grey: non significant results (P > 0.05)
# set significant = FALSE for showing significant and no significant results
eco.plotLocal(all.traits, significant = FALSE)
# single plots using "rankplot" graphs
all.single.traits <- eco.lsa(eco[["P"]],con, method = "I", nsim = 99, multi="list")
# removing legends for a better visualization
eco.plotLocal(all.single.traits, legend = FALSE)
# - individual plots support ggplot2 sintax (plot equivalent to the previous):
eco.plotLocal(all.single.traits) + ggplot2::theme(legend.position="none")
# eco[["A"]] is a matrix with the genetic data of "eco"
# as frequencies for each allele in each individual.
head(eco[["A"]]) # head of the matrix - 40 alleles
# ordering the factor "pop" in increasing order and the object "eco"
# in relation to this ordered factor prior to the multivariate analysis.
# This step is important for "localplot" graphs
data(eco.test) # for security this resets the data (unordered)
eco <- eco[order(eco[["S"]][,1])] # ordering
# computing weights with the ordered object
con <- eco.weight(eco[["XY"]], method = "knearest", k = 4, = TRUE)
# row standardized weights = TRUE
# test for a single allele
localmoran.geno <- eco.lsa(eco[["A"]][, 32], con, method = "I", nsim = 99)
# test for several alleles - 40 alleles (it runs in less than 1 min
# for 99 simulations per allele; 999 simulations takes ~ 11 s per allele,
# less than 8 min in total.)
all.alleles <- eco.lsa(eco[["A"]], con, method = "I", nsim = 99)
# plot all alleles to get an overview of the spatial patterns
# in grey: non significant results (P > 0.05)
# set significant = FALSE for showing significant and no significant results
eco.plotLocal(all.alleles, significant = FALSE)
# counting individuals with P < 0.05 for each allele (5 * 225 /100 ~ 12 significant tests
# by random)
signif <- apply(ecoslot.PVAL(all.alleles), 2, function(x) sum (x < 0.05))
# filtering alleles, loci with > 12 significant individual tests
A.local <- eco[["A"]][, signif > 12] #filtered matrix
all.alleles.f <- eco.lsa(eco[["A"]][, signif > 12] , con, method = "I", nsim = 99)
# Plot of the genotypic spatial patterns using "localplot" graphs
## using "rankplot" graphs
all.sf <- eco.lsa(A.local, 2, eco.lsa, con, method = "I", nsim = 99, multi = "list")
eco.plotLocal(all.sf, legend = FALSE)
con<- eco.weight(eco[["XY"]], method = "knearest", k = 4, self = TRUE) # self = TRUE for G*
getis.ak <- eco.lsa(eco[["P"]][, 1], con, method = "G*", nsim = 99, adjust = "none")
### to plot the results, the function "eco.lsa" calls "eco.rankplot"
### (see ?eco.rankplot) when test = "permutation" and "eco.forestplot" (see ?eco.forestplot)
### when test = "bootstrap"
p <- eco.plotLocal(getis.ak) # rankplot graph
p # points with colors of the color-scale:
# points with P < 0.05. Yellow points : points with P > 0.05
p <- eco.plotLocal(getis.ak, significant = FALSE)
p # all points have a color of the color-scale
# the slots are accessed with the generic format
# (ecoslot. + name of the slot + name of the object).
# See help("EcoGenetics accessors")
## bootstrap example
getis.akb <- eco.lsa(eco[["P"]][, 1], con, method = "G*", nsim = 99, test = "bootstrap")
p <- eco.plotLocal(getis.akb) # forestplot graph
p2 <- eco.plotLocal(getis.akb, interactivePlot = FALSE)
p2 + ggplot2::theme_bw() # the plot can be modified with ggplot2
# In this case, the background is modified (white color)
con <- eco.weight(eco[["XY"]], method = "knearest", k = 4)
# self = FALSE for G
getis <- eco.lsa(eco[["P"]][, 1], con, method = "G", nsim = 99)
con<- eco.weight(eco[["XY"]], method = "knearest", k = 4, = TRUE)
# row standardized weights = TRUE
localgeary <- eco.lsa(eco[["P"]][, 1], con, method = "C", nsim = 99, adjust = "none")
## End(Not run)
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