
## Direct Estimation with NAEP 
# Load data 
sdfNAEP <- readNAEP(path=system.file("extdata/data", "M36NT2PM.dat", package = "NAEPprimer"))

# Inspect scoring guidelines

# example output: 
#          resCat pointMult pointConst
# 1     Multiple         8          0
# 2  Not Reached        NA         NA
# 3      Missing        NA         NA
# 4      Omitted         8          0
# 5    Illegible         0          0
# 6 Non-Rateable         0          0
# 7     Off Task         0          0

# Run NAEP model, warnings are about item codings
mmlNAEP <- mml.sdf(formula=algebra ~ dsex + b013801, data=sdfNAEP, weightVar='origwt')

# Call with Taylor
summary(mmlNAEP, varType="Taylor", strataVar="repgrp1", PSUVar="jkunit")

## Direct Estimation with TIMSS 
# Load data 
downloadTIMSS("~/", year=2015)
sdfTIMSS <- readTIMSS(path="~/TIMSS/2015", countries="usa", grade = "4")

# Run TIMSS model, warnings are about item codings 
mmlTIMSS <- mml.sdf(formula=mmat ~ itsex + asbg04, data=sdfTIMSS, weightVar='totwgt')

# Call with Taylor
summary(mmlTIMSS, varType="Taylor", strataVar="jkzone", PSUVar="jkrep")

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EdSurvey documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:10 p.m.