
lls <-
# A function that expands the functionality of ls()
function( pos = 1, pat = "", all=FALSE, print=TRUE )
# First a function that returns length/dim when you ask for it
dimx <- function(dd) if (is.null(dim(dd))) length(dd) else dim(dd)
# A vector of object names
lll <- ls( pos=pos, pattern=pat, all.names=all )
# Are there any objects at all?
if( length(lll) > 0 )
obj.mode <-
obj.clas <-
obj.dimx <-
obj.size <- character(0)
# Then find mode, class, name and dimension of them and return it
for(i in 1:length(lll))
obj.mode[i] <-        eval( parse(text = paste(       "mode(`", lll[i], "`)",sep="")))
obj.clas[i] <- paste( eval( parse(text = paste(      "class(`", lll[i], "`)",sep=""))), collapse=" " )
obj.dimx[i] <- paste( eval( parse(text = paste(       "dimx(`", lll[i], "`)",sep=""))), collapse=" " )
obj.size[i] <- formatC( eval( parse(text = paste("unclass(object.size(`", lll[i], "`))",sep="")))/2^10,
                        format="f", digits=1, big.mark=",", width=14, flag=" " )
dfr <-
data.frame( name = lll,
            mode = obj.mode,
           class = obj.clas,
             dim = obj.dimx,
      sizeKbytes = obj.size,
stringsAsFactors=FALSE )
names( dfr )[5] <- "      size(Kb)"
print( invisible( dfr ), right=FALSE )

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Epi documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:50 p.m.