## Copyright 2013-2021 Stefan Widgren and Maria Noremark,
## National Veterinary Institute, Sweden
## Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they
## will be approved by the European Commission - subsequent
## versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
## You may not use this work except in compliance with the
## Licence.
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##' \code{IngoingContactChain}
##' The ingoing contact chain is the number of holdings in the network
##' of direct and indirect contacts to the root holding, with regard
##' to temporal and order of the contacts during the defined time
##' window used for contact tracing.
##' The time period used for \code{IngoingContactChain} can either be
##' specified using \code{tEnd} and \code{days} or \code{inBegin} and
##' \code{inEnd}.
##' If using \code{tEnd} and \code{days}, the time period for ingoing
##' contacts ends at \code{tEnd} and starts at \code{days} prior to
##' \code{tEnd}. The indegree will be calculated for each combination
##' of \code{root}, \code{tEnd} and \code{days}.
##' An alternative way is to use \code{inBegin} and \code{inEnd}. The
##' time period for ingoing contacts starts at inBegin and ends at
##' inEndDate. The vectors \code{root} \code{inBegin}, \code{inEnd}
##' must have the same lengths and the indegree will be calculated for
##' each index of them.
##' The movements in \code{IngoingContactChain} is a \code{data.frame}
##' with the following columns: \describe{
##' \item{source}{
##' an integer or character identifier of the source holding.
##' }
##' \item{destination}{
##' an integer or character identifier of the destination holding.
##' }
##' \item{t}{
##' the Date of the transfer
##' }
##' \item{id}{
##' an optional character vector with the identity of the animal.
##' }
##' \item{n}{
##' an optional numeric vector with the number of animals moved.
##' }
##' \item{category}{
##' an optional character or factor with category of the animal e.g. Cattle.
##' }
##' }
##' @rdname IngoingContactChain-methods
##' @docType methods
##' @keywords methods
##' @include Contacts.R
##' @include ContactTrace.R
##' @seealso \code{\link{NetworkSummary}}
##' @param x a ContactTrace object, or a list of ContactTrace objects
##' or a \code{data.frame} with movements of animals between
##' holdings, see \code{\link{Trace}} for details.
##' @param ... Additional arguments to the method
##' @param root vector of roots to calculate ingoing contact chain
##' for.
##' @param tEnd the last date to include ingoing movements. Defaults
##' to \code{NULL}
##' @param days the number of previous days before tEnd to include
##' ingoing movements. Defaults to \code{NULL}
##' @param inBegin the first date to include ingoing
##' movements. Defaults to \code{NULL}
##' @param inEnd the last date to include ingoing movements. Defaults
##' to \code{NULL}
##' @return A \code{data.frame} with the following columns:
##' \describe{
##' \item{root}{
##' The root of the contact tracing
##' }
##' \item{inBegin}{
##' The first date to include ingoing movements
##' }
##' \item{inEnd}{
##' The last date to include ingoing movements
##' }
##' \item{inDays}{
##' The number of days in the interval inBegin to inEnd
##' }
##' \item{ingoingContactChain}{
##' The \code{\link{IngoingContactChain}} of the root within the
##' time-interval
##' }
##' }
##' @section Methods:
##' \describe{
##' \item{\code{signature(x = "ContactTrace")}}{
##' Get the IngoingContactChain of a \code{ContactTrace} object.
##' }
##' \item{\code{signature(x = "data.frame")}}{
##' Get the IngoingContactChain for a data.frame with movements,
##' see details and examples.
##' }
##' }
##' @references \itemize{
##' \item Dube, C., et al., A review of network analysis terminology
##' and its application to foot-and-mouth disease modelling and policy
##' development. Transbound Emerg Dis 56 (2009) 73-85, doi:
##' 10.1111/j.1865-1682.2008.01064.x
##' \item Noremark, M., et al., Network analysis
##' of cattle and pig movements in Sweden: Measures relevant for
##' disease control and riskbased surveillance. Preventive Veterinary
##' Medicine 99 (2011) 78-90, doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2010.12.009
##' }
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## Load data
##' data(transfers)
##' ## Perform contact tracing using tEnd and days
##' contactTrace <- Trace(movements = transfers,
##' root = 2645,
##' tEnd = "2005-10-31",
##' days = 91)
##' ## Calculate ingoing contact chain from a ContactTrace object
##' ic.1 <- IngoingContactChain(contactTrace)
##' ## Calculate ingoing contact chain using tEnd and days
##' ic.2 <- IngoingContactChain(transfers,
##' root = 2645,
##' tEnd = "2005-10-31",
##' days = 91)
##' ## Check that the result is identical
##' identical(ic.1, ic.2)
##' ## Calculate ingoing contact chain for all included herds
##' ## First extract all source and destination from the dataset
##' root <- sort(unique(c(transfers$source,
##' transfers$destination)))
##' ## Calculate ingoing contact chain
##' result <- IngoingContactChain(transfers,
##' root = root,
##' tEnd = "2005-10-31",
##' days = 91)
##' }
signature = "x",
function(x, ...) {
##' @rdname IngoingContactChain-methods
##' @export
signature(x = "Contacts"),
function(x) {
if (!identical(x@direction, "in")) {
stop(paste0("Unable to determine IngoingContactChain",
" for outgoing contacts"))
length(setdiff(x@source, x@root))
##' @rdname IngoingContactChain-methods
##' @export
signature(x = "ContactTrace"),
function(x) {
ns <- NetworkSummary(x)
ns[, c("root", "inBegin", "inEnd", "inDays", "ingoingContactChain")]
##' @rdname IngoingContactChain-methods
##' @export
signature(x = "data.frame"),
tEnd = NULL,
days = NULL,
inBegin = NULL,
inEnd = NULL) {
if (missing(root))
stop("Missing parameters in call to IngoingContactChain")
if (all(is.null(tEnd), is.null(days))) {
outBegin <- inBegin
outEnd <- inBegin
} else {
outBegin <- NULL
outEnd <- NULL
ns <- NetworkSummary(
x, root, tEnd, days, inBegin, inEnd, outBegin, outEnd)
ns[, c("root", "inBegin", "inEnd", "inDays", "ingoingContactChain")]
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